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42 Cards in this Set

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The Mucosa or membrane, usually folded in empty condition of gut is made up of?
Surface epithelium
lamina propria
muscularis mucosa
Surface epithelium generally is _____ type of tissue.
simple columnar non ciliated
Galnds generally tubular shape functions include
digestive enzymes, mucous and endocrine secretions
lamina propria or corium may present ____ ____ of nodular or diffuse type.
lymphoid infiltration
muscularis mucosa is made up of smooht muscle, functions are
move mucous membrane (M.M) and to evacuatre glandular secretions
The digestive tube is made up of four layers, what are they
1. mucosa or mucous membrane
2. submucosa
3. musculosa
4. adventitia
In submucosa the autonomic nerves and ganglia for the ____ plexus.
Musculosa. in between the circular and longitudnal layers of muscles there is a plexus of autonomic nerves and ganglia called the ______ or _____ plexus.
myentric, auerbachs
Adventitia or fibrous layer may be covered by peritoneum , in which case this layer will be called _____.
made up of mesothelial cells (simple squamos)
esophagus is muscular tube that connects _____ to _____
pharynx, stomach
in the esophagus the mucosa is folded when empty, its surface epithelium is_______
strat squamos non-kera
glands at the lower end of esophagus are called ____
cardiac glands
the mucous secretion of cardiac glands in esophagus do what?
neutralize the effect of regurgitating stomach acid
Stomach is the widest part of the ?
digestive tube
the mucosa of the stomach is folded in empty condition forming______.
the surface epithelium in the stomach shows invaginations called ___ ____?
gastric pits
the ___ glands, at eh body and fundus, are branched tubuar lined by what 4 types of cells?
1. mucous neck cells
2. peptic or chief cells
3. parietal or oxyntic cells
4. argentaffin or enterochromaffin cells
mucous neck cells secrete____ to protect the mucous membrane surface against gastric juice?
peptic or chief cells secrete ____ for protein digestion.
parietal or oxyntic cells secrete ____ and the ___ ____ _____
1. HCL
2. intrinsic anti- anemia factor
Argentaffin or enterochromaffin are endocrine cells secreting _____, a vasoconstrictoe and possibly ______.
1. serotonin
2. gastrin
The pyloric glands are made up mainly of _____ and ____
1.mucous secreting cells
2. argentaffin cells
In the muscuosa of the stomach, in the pyloric portion neat the opening of the pylorus, the inner circular layer is thickened to form the ___ _____.
pyloric sphincter
The small intestine is longest segment of G.I.T (about 7 meters) it consists of?
The small intestines main function are
digestion and absorption
the mucosa of small intestines show characteristics ____ folds that are permanent in nature.
in the small intestines the free border of columnar cells appear under E.M. to have numerous_____ which increase culluar surface area for absoprtion
in the small intestines the lamina propria support the glands and ______where it extends as a core of C.T. inside villi
in duodenum and beginning of jejnum, villi show dilated lymphatic vessels called______ for ______ of fat
1. central lacteals
2. absorption
in ileum, nodules of lyphoid tissue aggregate to form masss known as ________?
peyers patches
small intestine glands or (leiberkuhn glands are lined up by what four types of cells?
1. undifferentiated columnar cells- stem cells
2. paneth cells- produce digestive enzymes
3. goblet cells-increase in number from duodenum to ieum
4. enterochromaffin cells- secrete serotonin,secretin and cholecystokinin
the submucosa of small intestines show some glands in proximal part of duodenum called ____ or_______ glands
the large intestine consists of ??
anal canal
main functions of large intestine is?
absorption of fluid and secretion of mucous

for lubrication and easy passage of fecal material
the surface epithelium of large intestines is made up of?
simple columnar absorptive cells and numerous goblet cells
the glands of the large intestine are lined by what three type of cells?
1. undifferentiated columnar cells
2. many goblet cells (for lubrication)
3. enterochromaffin cells
in the musculosa, the muscle fibers of the longitudinal layer into three bands of muscle called _____? (in the cecum and colon)
tenia coli
the fibrous layer of large intestines may be covered by peritoneum, in these sites, tag-like protuberances made of_____ tissue are called _______ _______.
1. adipose
2. appendices epiploicae
In the Appendix the lamina propria is heavily infiltrated with______ tissue
The anal canal, at the proximal part, mucous membrane has two longitudinal folds called ____ or _____ columns?
1. rectal
2. anal
in the anal canal the musculosa of the distal portion shows thickening of its inner layer to constitute the ____ ____
internal sphincter (involuntary)
outside fibrous layer of anal canal there are the skeletal muscle fibers of the _______ external_______
1. voluntary
2. anal sphincter