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116 Cards in this Set

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Digestive system includes organs that do what?
- Ingest Food
- Transport ingested material
- Secrete Substances needed for digestion ex. enzymes
- Digest material into smaller usuable components
- Absorb necessary digested nutrients into bloodstream
- Expel waste products from body
Digestive system composed of what to categories of organs
Digestive organs and Accessory digestive organs
Digestive organs make up what?
Gastrointestinal Tract (GI) Tract

Alimentary Canal
What does Accessory Digestive organs do?
Secrete Substances into GI Tract
GI Tract Organs
- Oral Cavity
- Pharynx
- Esophagus
- Stomach
- Small Intestines
- Large Intestines
Accessory Digestive Organs
- Teeth
- Tongue
- Salivary Glands
- Liver
- Gall Bladder
- Pancreas
Oral Cavity is a site of what?
Mechanical & Chemical digestion
Oral Cavity contains the following structural features
- Cheek, lips, and palate
- Tongue
- Salivary Glands
- Teeth
Tongue does what?
Manipulates and mixes food

Compresses food into bolus
Salivary Glands produce what?
Produce and secrete saliva
Teeth does what?
Mechanically digest food

Break into smaller pieces
Salivary Glands Functions
- moisten ingested materials to become bolus
- moistens, cleanses, and lubricates structures of oral cavity
- chemical digestion of ingested materials
- antibacterial action
- dissolves materials to stimulate taste receptors
Three pairs of salivary glands
Parotid gland
Submandibular gland
Sublingual gland
What is the largest salivary glands?
Parotid salivary glands
Parotid Salivary Glands located where?
located anterior and inferior to ear
Parotid Salivary glands secrete what?
secretes 25-30% of total saliva
Parotid duct runs where and does what?
Runs parallel to zygomatic arch and pierces buccinator muscle
Parotid Salivary glands also secrete amylase that does what?
Digestive enzyme which chemically breaks down starch
Submandibular salivary glands located where?
Inferior to body of mandible
What does submandibular salivary gland do?
Produce the majority of saliva
Sublingual salivary glands located where?
Inferior to tongue
What does sublingual salivary glands do?
Contribute only 3-5% of total saliva
Pharynx is shared by what?
Shared by respiratory and digestive systems
Three regions of Pharynx
What innervates most pharyngeal muscles?
Abdominopelvic cavity covered with moist serous membranes called what?
-Parietal peritoneum - lines inside surface of body wall

-Visceral peritoneum- covers surface or organs
Organs may be intraperitoneal meaning what?
Completely surrounded
Organs may be retroperitoneal meaning what?
Covered only on anterolateral surfaces

Lies against posterior cavity wall
Mesenteries are what?
Folds of peritoneum
Mesenteries does what?
Support and stabilize intraperitoneal GI tract organs
What are sandwiched between folds of mesenteries?
Blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves sandwiched between folds
Mesenteries also includes what?
- Greater Omentum
- Lesser Omentum
- Mesentary proper
- Mesocolon
Greater omentum does what?
Hangs from inferior stomach and covers organs
Lesser omentum does what?
Connects stomach to liver
Mesentary proper does what?
Suspends SI from posterior wall
Mesencolon does what?
Attaches LI to posterior wall
The wall of the abdominal GI tract composed of what four concentric layers of tunics?
-Adventitia or Serosa
3 components of mucosa
-Superficial epithelium
-Underlying lamina propria (CT)
-Smooth muscle layer called muscularis mucosa
Superficial epithelium contains what?
Simple columnar except esophagus
Underlying lamina propria (CT) contains what?
- Contains lymph nodules and Malt
What is Malt?
Mucosa associated lymphatic tissue
Malt is what?
Immune function
Submucosa components include what?
-lymphatic ducts
-mucin (secreting glands)
-blood vessels
-nerves (submucosal nerve plexus)
Muscularis has two layers of smooth muscle called what?
- Inner circular layer

- Outer longitudinal layer
Inner circular layer constrict what?
Constrict lumen and forms sphincters
Inner circular layer is involved with what?
Involved with peristalsis
Outer longitudinal layer is involved with what?
It's a shorten tube with segmentation which is mixing of substance in tube
Adventitia or Serosa
-Outermost Layer

- Areolar CT and Visceral peritoneum
For blood supply to GI tract, what 3 unpaired arteries supply abdominal GI tract?
-Celiac Truck
- Superior mesenteric artery
-Inferior mesenteric artery
Celiac Trunk supplies blood to where?
Stomach, Spleen, Liver
Superior mesenteric artery supply blood to where?
Small intestine & pancreas
Inferior mesenteric artery supply blood to where?
Large Intestine
In Venous return from GI Tract, all veins merge into where?
Hepatic portal system
Veins shunts blood to liver via what?
Does what?
- Via Hepatic portal vein

- Processing and filtering of ingested material takes place
Hepatic portal vein receives blood from where?
- Superior mesenteric vein
- Inferior mesenteric vein
- Splenic vein
What does superior mesenteric vein do?
Drains small intestine and stomach
Inferior mesenteric vein does what?
Drains large intesting
Blood re-enters general circulation ( IVC ) via what?
Hepatic veins
Tubular and muscular passageway
Esophagus connects what?
Connects pharynx to stomach
Esophagus passes thru what?
Passes thru opening in diaphragm called esophageal hiatus
Upper left quadrant of abdomen
Stomach does what?
- Continue mechanical and chemical digestion of bolus
- Eventually processed into pastelike soup called chyme
Stomach's 3 layer of muscle does what?
Aid in mechanical processing of ingested materials
Stomach is composed of what 4 regions
- Cardiac region
- Fundus
- Body
- Pylorus
Greater Curvature
Inferior border of stomach
Lesser Curvature
Superior border of stomach
Internal surface folds
What is at the junction of esophagus and stomach?
Cardiac Sphincter
Cardiac sphincter does what?
Prevents regurgitation into esophagus
Wall of stomach lined by what?

And why?
Lined by simple columnar epithelium because little absorption occurs in stomach
Stomach lining indented by what?
Numerous gastric pits
Along gastric pits are what?
Opening of gastric glands
What does gastric glands do?
Secrete various substances into stomach
Small intestine finishes what?
Finishes chemical digestion process
Small intestine responsible for what?
Responsible for absorbing most nutrients
How long does it take to digest and absorb food?
About 12 hours
How long is small intestine?
About 20 feet long
Small intestine consists of what 3 specific segments?
From proximal to distal
- Duodenum 25cm (10 inches)
- Jejunum 2.5 m ( 7.5 ft)
- Ileum 3.6 m ( 10.8 ft)
Duodenum shape
C shaped
Duodenum connects to what?
Connects to pylorus of stomach
Pyloric sphincter of stomach does what?
Regulates movement of chyme into SI
Duodenum contains what?
Contains hepatopancreatic ampulla which is an opening of ducts from liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
Primary region of digestion and absorption
Ileum connects to what?
Large Intestine
Ileocecal valve does what?
Regulates passages into LI
Histology of the small intestine
-Mucosa & Submucosa have circular folds
-Microscopic fingerlike projections called Villi on surface of circular folds
-Microscopic fingerlike projections of cell membrane called microvilli on surface of villi
-All serve to increase surface area for absorption
Large intestine (colon) forms what?
Forms 3 sided perimeter around small intestine
Large intestine's size
Shorter in length but larger in diameter
Functions of large intestines
-Absorbs fluid & ions
-Compacts undigestible wastes and solidifies into feces
-Stores feces until defecation
Large Intestine comprised of what?
7 things
-Ascending Colon
-Transverse Colon
-Descending Colon
-Sigmoid Colon
-Anal Canal
Muscular tube expands to store fecal material
Rectal valves do what?
Ensure fecal material retained during passage of gas
Anal Canal
Terminal end few centimeters of the large intestine
Anal sinuses do what?
Secrete mucin for lubrication during defecation
What opens and closes anal canal during defecation?
Internal and external anal sphincter
Which anal sphincter is voluntary?
External is voluntary
Muscular wall of Large Intestine
Longitudinal muscle incomplete forms bundles called tenia coli
Tenia Coli does what?
Bunch LI into sacs called Haustra
Accessory Digestive Organs includes what organs?
They enter GI tract via what?
-Gall Bladder
-Biliary Apparatus

Via Hepatopancreatic Ampulla
Where is liver located?
Upper right quadrant of abdomen
Liver comprised of what 4 incompletely separated lobes?
-Right lobe
-Left lobe
-Caudate lobe
-Quadrate lobe
What does liver do?
Produces bile
Gall bladder's location and function
-Embedded on inferior surface of liver
-Collects & concentrates bile from liver
Biliary Apparatus
-Ducts that transport bile from liver and gall bladder to small intestine
-From liver, bile drains into L&R hepatic ducts
-Hepatic ducts merge to form Common hepatic duct
-From gall bladder, cystic duct merges with common hepatic duct & forms common bile
-Common bile ducts drains into duodenum
Pancreas located where?
Located inferior to stomach in curve of duodenum
Pancreas has both what functions?
Endocrine and Exocrine functions
Exocrine Functions
-Secrete pancreatic juices into duodenum via pancreatic ducts

-Digestive enzymes & bicarbonate (Buffer for acid)
Where is liver located?
Upper right quadrant of abdomen
Liver comprised of what 4 incompletely separated lobes?
-Right lobe
-Left lobe
-Caudate lobe
-Quadrate lobe
What does liver do?
Produces bile
Gall bladder's location and function
-Embedded on inferior surface of liver
-Collects & concentrates bile from liver
Biliary Apparatus
-Ducts that transport bile from liver and gall bladder to small intestine
-From liver, bile drains into L&R hepatic ducts
-Hepatic ducts merge to form Common hepatic duct
-From gall bladder, cystic duct merges with common hepatic duct & forms common bile
-Common bile ducts drains into duodenum
Pancreas located where?
Located inferior to stomach in curve of duodenum
Pancreas has both what functions?
Endocrine and Exocrine functions
Exocrine Functions
-Secrete pancreatic juices into duodenum via pancreatic ducts

-Digestive enzymes & bicarbonate (Buffer for acid)