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24 Cards in this Set

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Deals with the structure function diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines

Digestive process

Are five basic activities ingestion

movement of food digestion



Mechanical vs chemical digestion

Mechanical Break down

is the physical breakdown of food

chemical breakdown is the chemical reactions that break food molecules by enzymes which help speed up the chemical reaction


GI tract is Continuous tube extending from mouth to anus

Accessory structures



salivary gland




Histology of GI Tract

Four layers

Mucosa which has 3 layers epithelium has direct contact with content in stomach ,lamina propria is an areolar connective tissue , and muscularis mocosae smooth muscle tissue

Submucosa areolar connective tissue

highly vascular regulate secretion of blood vessels constriction contains lymphatic tissue

Muscularis inner circular fibers

Outer longitudinal fibers

Skeletal muscle in mouth pharynx superior esophagus external anal sphincter

Smooth muscle

Contains nerve supply of GI tract


Most Superficial

serous membrane

also called visceral peritoneum inferior to diaphragm

Parietal peritoneum,visceral peritoneum,peritoneal cavity

Parietal peritoneum

Lines the body wall of the abdominopelvic cavity

Visceral peritoneum

Covers organs within the cavity also termed the Serosa

Peritoneal cavity

The space between the parietal and visceral peritoneum contains serous fluid


Between small intestine and posterior


•Binds the large intestine to the abdominal wall

•Carries blood and lymphatic vessels to the intestines

Falciform ligament

Attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and diaphragm

•Liver is only organ attached to the anterior abdominal wall

Lesser omentum

From stomach to liver and duodenum

Along lesser curvature stomach

Greater omentum

From the stomach ,draping over the transverse colon and in front of the small intestine

Contains adipose tissue and many lymph nodes

Mouth oral cavity



Labia frenulum the split that connects your lip to your gum

Vestibule bind gum and teeth together

Faucet throat

Hard palate roof of u your mouth

Oral cavity

Soft palate bottom of the mouth

Uvulva muscular process hanging from the free border

Palatoglossal arch

Plato pharyngitis arch

Palatine tonsils between arches

Lingual tonsils at the base of the tongue


Extrinsic muscles

Originate outside the tongue and insert

•moves tongue

Intrinsic muscles

Originate and insert in the connective tissue

•Alter the shape and size of tongue for speech and swallowing

Median septum

Divides the tongue symmetrically

Lingual frenulum

Midline of the under tongue

Filiform anterior of tongue

Fungiform near tip

Circumvallete in V on posterior

Salivary gland

•secrete saliva to lubricate mouth

•secrete lingual lipase to digest fat

•Buccal gland and minor salivary glands

•three pairs of major salivary gland

Pharynx and swallowing


3 part









Muscular tube

lies posterior to trachea

10 inches

begins inferior end if the Laryngopharynx

•Pierces diaphragm through Esophageal hiatus

Upper Esophageal sphincter between Laryngopharynx and esophagus

Peristalsis muscle movement that pushes food

Lower esophageal sphincter

between esophagus and stomach


J shaped enlargement of the GI tract

•Inferior to the diaphragm

•Function mixing and holding

Four main areas

Cardia surrounds the superior opening of the stomach

Fundus social security in to the left of the cardia

Body central portion of the stomach

Pylorus region of the stomach connected to the duodenum

Pylotic antrum connects to the body of the stomach

Pyloric canal leads into the duodenum

Rugae larg fold in the mucosa when stomach is empty

Lesser curvature medial border

Greater curvature lateral border


5 to 6 inches

1 inch thick

Three parts




It is also posterior to the greater curvature

Two ducts connect to the duedenem

• also called duck of wiring

Enters the duodenum at the hepatopancreatic

•Pancreatic juice controlled by the sphincter of oddi

Accessory duct

Inters duodenal superior to the hepatopancreatic ampulla


Lobes functional unit of the liver made up of liver cells arranged around the central vein

Central vein van in the middle of the lobes responsible for a blood flow

Sinusoids large spaces which blood passes instead of capillaries

Process of bile excretion

Bile secreted by hepatocytes to emulsify lipids

Bile travels through

Right&left hepatic ducts

Common hepatic duct and cystic forms common bile duct


Bile secretion

•Carbohydrates lipids and proteins metabalism •removal of drugs and hormones

•excretion of bilirubin •synthesis of bile salts •storage of vitamins •phagocytosis of old blood cells

•activation of vitamin D



Stores bile

concentrate bile

Small intestine

The site of most digestion and absorption

three parts




Larg intestines


•Completion of absorption

• manufacture of certain vitamins

•formation of feces and defecation

•5 feet long

●4 principal regions


•Colon = ascending colon goes up

transverse colon goes accross

descending colon going down

sigmoid colon going back toward midline to connect to rectum

•rectum and Anal canal

Anal columns folds in the mucous membrane

anus opening to the outside with internal spincter (smooth muscle) external sphincter cantrol anus (Skeletal muscle) voluntary