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37 Cards in this Set

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chemical action of digestion

reduce food to absorbable molecules by using enzymes

mechanical action of digestion

break up & mix foods to help blend with chemicals by chewing & peristalsis

what enzyme do we have in our mouth that helps breaks down carbohydrate (macronutrients)?

salivary amylase

what 3 senses do we use that influences our food choices?

sight, smell, taste

oral cavity is the "_____ ___ _____" where taste buds are located

port of entry

how many cells do taste buds consist of?

30-100 cells

how often do the cells on the tongue get replaced?

3-10 days

what can affect cells on our tongue?



-nutritional status

-radiation (chemotherapy)


mechanical digestion begins with chewing food to make into small pieces. why is this important?

more surface area for digestive enzymes to fn

how does saliva help during mechanical digestion?

mucus make food stick together into a bolus & lubricates for swallowing

salivary amylase fn in chemical digestion

allow large molecules of carbohydrates to be hydrolyzed into shorter chains

-can be fermentable by plaque acids

is there any digestion that occurs in the esophagus?


is it voluntary or involuntary control moving the bolus in the esophagus?

start voluntary then becomes involuntary

what do chief cells in the stomach produce?


what do the parietal cells in the stomach release?

HCI to make gastric acid

what is the pH of the acids created in the stomach?


what can the stomach absorb?





pepsinogen and HCL work together to begin...

hydrolysis of protein

gastric lipase can digest...

short & medium chains of fatty acids

how long does it take for the stomach to empty

1-4 hr (depends on amount/types of food eaten)

why are microvilli in the small intestine important?

more surface area to absorb more nutrients

acidic chyme from stomach stimulus the release of...

pancreatic enzymes

what does the liver produce?


where is bile stored?


fn of bile

aids in breaking down fats

what enzymes are found in the small intestine?

-pancreatic amylase (carbs)

- Lactase, sucrase, maltase

-trypsin (protein)

-chymotrypsin (protein)

-carboxypeptidase (protein)

-Aminopeptidase (protein)

- dipeptidase (protein)

-lipase (fats)

how long does it take for transport/absorption of nutrients in small intestine?

3-10 hrs

pump from small intestine requires energy from...

absorption of glucose, Na, K, Mg, P,I, Ca,Fe, and amino acids

Pinocytosis allow absorption of

whole proteins

ex: immunoglobulins in break milk

what is the passive way of absorption in the small intestine?


what takes longer to digest to make us full longer?

proteins & fats (not crabs!)

what nutrients get absorbed in the duodenum?

electrolytes & minerals (Fe, Ca Mg, Zn)

what nutrients get absorbed in the jejunum?

water soluble vitamins

ex: C, thiamine, riboflavin, B6, folic acid

what nutrients get absorbed in the ileum?


-fat soluble vitamins

-fat & cholesterol

-vitamin B12

what is absorbed in the cecum of the large intestine?

water & electrolytes (Na & K)

the colon has Intestinalflora which is...

bacteria occurring naturally in intestine

-prevent constipation

-protect from colon cancer

-prevent yeast infections

scar tissue can develop in the __________ due to vomiting
