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23 Cards in this Set

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Salivary glands

Produces amylase in moistens food for swallowing


Where peristalsis begins, transports food to stomach

Esophageal sphincter...stomach

Prevent acidic chyme from entering esophagus


Storage sites food, where protein digestion begins


Increase volume of stomach

Pyloric sphincter....stomach

Regulates entry of chyme into duodenum

Small intestines

Completes digestion and most absorption

Large intestine

Forms feces, absorbs water, vitamins and electrolytes


Produces digestive enzymes and bicarbonate, produces hormones to regulate carbohydrate metabolism


Interconverts nutrients, produces bile, detoxifies substances like drugs, alcohol, produces plasma proteins


Stores and concentrates bile

Circular Folds...small intestine

Mucosa and submucosa Falls that slow down time movement to maximum absorption

Villi....small intestine

Finger like mucosal projections,most numerous and duodenum ,contain lacteals and capillaries for absorption

Microvilli....small intestines

Contain carbohydrate and protein enzymes to complete digestion

Haustra... Large intestine

Sacs that form from smooth muscle bands

Ileocecal valve

Separates the small and large intestines... Limit the reflux of cologne and contacts into the ileum


-Reactions that combine monomers to form complex molecules... Dehydration synthesis

- endergonic reactions - stores energy in bonds


Chemical reaction that breaks down complex molecules into simpler ones AKA hydrolysis

- exergonic - releases stored energy... Most energy lost as heat and rest of energy transferred to ATP

Glucose catabolism

1. Glycolysis - in the cytosol

2. Acetyl Co a

3. Krebs cycle... Citric acid cycle

4. Electric transports chain Etc

Lipid catabolism

1. Lipolysis occurs first... Triglyceride breakdown

2. Beta oxidation breaks down fatty acid chains to fatty acid group packages

Protein catabolism

_ stimulated by cortisol

- amino acids enter glycolysis Krebs cycle or as acetylcholine

Absorptive state

Post absorptive State