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81 Cards in this Set

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abdomen topography: medicalviculat plan
subcostal plan
intertubercular plan
median plan and transumbilical plane
the abdominal wall layers
skin/ superficial fascia fatty layer ( camper's fascia)/ superficial fascia membranous layer(scrapas fascia)/external oblique muscle / internal oblique muscle/ transversal abdominal muscle / transversalis fascia/ extra peritoneal fascia/ parental peritoneum
abdominal wall muscle
rectus muscle( azole jeloee)
external oblique
internal oblique
transverse oblique
abdominal muscle function
in respiration system with contraction and relaxation ( inhalation) helps breathings
greater omentum
very large sheet fat for reserve energy
The mesentery is a fold of membranous tissue that arises from the posterior wall of the peritoneal cavity and attaches to the intestinal tract.
it connects intestine to body
perientonum peritonium
serious otlr visceral peritenum is continue by parental peritenium
mucus membrane fun
5 step in gastrointestinal tract
ingestion, fragment, digestion, absorption, elimination
hepatic vein
vein that carries blood out of liver
dodenum function
first part of small intestim
bile from liver break fats and pancreases juice digestvall part of foods
portal vein
carries blood from entire digestive tract to liver
bacteria in large intestine
how digest
converte to:
denaturation by gastric juice
enzimatic hydrolysis to into polypeptide( trypsin, Chymotrypsin,elastas, carboxypeotidase)
-->membrane bound peptide hydrolases produce amino acids
-->carrier enzymes actively transport individual amino acids
which part digest it

enzymatic hydrolysis( salivary and pancreatoc Amylase)
membrane bound di and oligosacharidase ,glucouse,fructouse, galactos
-->sorbed by facilitated diffusion
trigliciride convert to course emulsion in stomache
converted into a fine emulsion by combination with bile acids in the duodenum
pancreatic lipases break triglyceride down to monoglyceride and to two free fatty acids
absprbe and then re-synthesised
oesophagus layers from inside
epithelium( with gland) : startified squmpus non kratinised
2 lamina propria
3 muscular is mucousa: circular and longidinal layers
adventia connective tissue
stomach histological layers
1 epithelium( with gland) : simple columnar
2 lamina propria
3muskularis: fibrae obliqae, circular and longidinal layers
peritoneum viscerale
colon histological layers
1 epithelium( with gland)
2 lamina propria
3 muskularis: circular and taenia layers
subserosa/ adventita
peritoneum viscerale
small intestine histological layers
mukosa:1 epithelium( with gland)
2 lamina propria
3 muskularis: circular and longitude layers
peritoneum viscerale
nervous control of GI tract
1 myentric plexuse ( BTW longitude and circular muscle)
2 submuscosal plexus( BTW circular and muscosal
blood supply in abdominal
celiac( shekami)--> stomach, liver, pancrease ( foregut part)
superior mesentric artrey connected to small intestine and cecenum, ascending, part of transversal
inferior mesentric artrey: to large intestine
lesser omentum
connect liver to stomach
stomach divided to
1- fundus
2- body( corpus)
3- pylorus : end part of stomach
cardia stomach
entrance of esphogaus
greater curvature
inferior part of stomach (gaster)
lesser curvature
place of connection of lesser momentum to stomach
curve shape of epithelium of stomache
pylorus sphincter
direct food to small intestine
muscle layer of stomach
oblique muscle layer
circular muscle layer
gastric secretory cells
mucousae neck cells
parental cell
chief (peptic) cells
enteroendocrone cells
small intestine parts
duodenum func
neutralize stomach acid
enzymatic digestion are received from liver and pancreas
bile duct location
in duodenum
there two hole in duodenum: minor duodenal papilla and major duodenal papilla
small intestine jejenum function
further enzymatic digestion, nutrient absorption
plicae circulares
surface of small intestine contain curving epithelium
it contain microvilly
ilium fun and location
further enzymatic digestion, nutrient absorption,
local: lower right( and left quadrant)
crypt، villi
intestinal crypts contain enteroendocrone cells responsible for?
production of several intestinal hormones, including cholecystokinin and secretion, and enzymes with antibacterial activity
lamina proper contains
lymphatic cells
network of capillaries
terminal lymphatic: lacteal--> transport material can't enter to capillaries( large lipid)
how dudenum keep epithelium
it has abundant number of glands( submacousal glands), make large quantities of mucus --> protection from acid
ileum and jeunum epithelial histology
plicae and villi remain prominent over proximal half of jejenum( reduce absorption)
aggregated lymphoid nodules or Peters patches in ileum.( not allowed the bacteria from large intestine enter
colon function
water resorption and electrocyted, micro floraaided digestion and nutrient absorption
absorption of important vitamin produced by bacteria
sorting fecal
loc: surrounding the small intestine
sigmoid is intra- peritoneal( jelly peritetion)
colon parts
anal canal
omentral appenics?
serous of colon contains numourous teardrop shape
haustra: series of pouches that allow a long at I on in colon
taeniae coil
separate longitudinal ribbon of smooth muscle on outer surface of the colon
epithelium of colon

simple columnar epithelium with many foveolae
colon histolgy
thinner wall
lack of villi
globlet cells are abundant
large intestine has distinctive crypts, deeper gland
large lymphoid nodes
no longitudinal layer,it reduced to taenia coli
rectum location
retro peritoneal
internal and external sphincters
anus canal epithelium
end anus
stratified sqoumus nonkratinised ( same as mouth)
similar to skin keratinised
rectum epithelium
single layer columnar epithelium
liver( hepar) location
it start from right colic flexure( khamshodegie roode bozorg) to left colic flexure, next to spleen
intra peritoneal organ
liver lobes
right lobe
quadrate lobe
left lobe
falciform ligament
anterior surface , a ventral mesentery , the falciform ligament mark division between lobs
four loubs of livet
caudate lobe
gastry secretory cells tepys: mucousae neck cell fun
mocouse neck shape cells are columnar in shape, for lubrication
gastry secretory cells tepy chief cell or peptic cell
secret pepsinogen convert by acid to pepsin( protein digestion)
newborn baby stomach produce rennin and gastric lipase( milk digestion)
gastry secretory cells tepys: mucousae parental cell fun
intrinsic factor --> fascilitate absorption of vitamin B12and hydrochloric acid HCL---> kills microorganism, breal dpwn cell wall of food
activate secretion of chief cells
gastry secretory cells tepys: enteroendpcrine cell fun
g cells: most abundant in gastric pits of pyloric region( secret gastric)
gastin hormones fun
active parental and chief cells and smooth muscle activity
blood supply to stomach
three branches of celiac trunk
1- left gastric artrey: lesser curvature and cardiac
2- the splenic artrey: supply the fundus and greater curvature
3- coomon hepatic:lesser and greatur of pylorus
plicae circularis
number of villi projecting into the lumenof the small intestine.
affarent blood vessels and other structure reach the liver by traveling by connective tissue known as
porta hepatis
two blood vessels deliver blood to liver
hepatic artrey proper
hepatic portal veib
liver function
1-metabolic regulation
2-hematological regulation: remove old rbc , synthesize plasma proteon
3-synthesize and secretion of bile
liver cell
type of phagocyte and macrophage cells
liver fun
fat metabolism-> oxidizing triglycerides, synthesis of cholesterol and phospholipid
carbohydrate metabolism-> conversion of carbohydrates into fatty acids and triglycirids, regulation of blood glucose by glycogenolysis, glyconeogenisis
protein metabolism-> synthesis of plasma proteins( albumin, coagulations),synthesis of non essential amino acids,detoxification or metabolic waste ( ammonia)
storage-> glycogen, vitamins A,D,K,B12, iron, copper
intermediary metabolism-> detoxification of drugs and toxins( alcohol,industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals)
secretion--> bile, hormones( igf, thrombopoietin,angiotensin)
bile canaliculi
network canals between hepatocytes in liver
cystic duct
duct connective gall bladder to common duct
cystic artrey
blood vessel of gall bladder
panxretic acini
secretory unit in pancreas( exocrine)
epithelium of collecting ducts
larger collecting ducts lined by stratified cuboidal epithelium
smaller collecting ducts lined by simple cuboidal epithelium mucouse
pancreatic ducts secret buffers
HCO3( sudium bicarbonate) and water
pancreatic islet
endocrine cells in oancreae
pp cells secret
pancreatic polypeptide control nutrient absorption
sigma cells secret
somatostatine, slows food absorption
betta cells secretion
decrease blood glucose
alpha cells absorption
increase blood suger