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67 Cards in this Set

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The digestive system consists of the _________ ________ and the _____ organs of digestion.

alimentary canal, accessory

the general functions of the digestive system

1-mixing and propulsion of the contents of the alimentary canal

2-digestion and assimilation of gastrointestinal contents

The motility of the alimentary canal is controlled from the esophagus to the anus by means of activity in the ____ ______.

myenteric plexus

nerve network between the layers of smooth muscle in the wall of the alimentary canal.

myenteric plexus

Myenteric activity is controlled by the :

autonomic nervous system

the principal propulsive movement of the alimentary canal; a wave of relaxation followed by a wave of contraction of the intrinsic musles


normal stimulus for peristalsis is :

distension of the alimentary canal by its contents

characteristic of small intestine; produced by the alternate contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle in several parts of the small intestine, which breaks up the intestinal contents and mixes them with digestive enzymes


characteristic of large intestine; where the contents care compacted and water is absorbed


Periodic strong _____waves pass through the large intestine, moving waste material toward the rectum.

mass peristalsis

degradation of large ingested molecules of foodstuffs into smaller absorbable molecules by the action of enzymes


The absorption of nutrients from the alimentary canal occurs in the:

stomach, small intestine, large intestine

The stomach plays a minimal role in absorption of nutrients, but what is rapidly absorbed here?


Most of the absorption of digestive end products (amino acids, monosaccharides, fatty acids, and glycerol) occurs where?

small intestine

The mucosa of the small intestine presents a large surface area for :


The large intestine is primarily concerned with absorbing :

remaining water and electrolytes

The digestive end products of protein and carbohydrate catabolism are absorbed into the blood of the _____ ______, but those of lipid catabolism are absorbed into _____ ______ vessels (lacteals_ and transported to the systemic venous circulation.

submucosal vasculature, intestinal lymphatic

In humans, the digestion of fat by intestinal and pancreatic lipase is assisted by the emulsification action of _____ _____.

bile salts

______ is excreted by the liver into the duodenum via the biliary duct system.


attached to the biliary duct system, acts as a reservoir for bile until it is needed in the duodenum.


Do all animals have a gallbladder?

no, some animals do not need one if their dietary intake of lipids is very low.

The biliary duct system empties into the duodenum by way of the _____ _____ _____.

common bile duct

Joining the common bile duct immediately before it enters the duodenum is the :

main pancreatic duct

The ______ ________ secretes a number of digestive enzymes, as well as large quantities of sodium bicarbonate.

exocrine pancreas

non enzymatic secretion that serves to buffer hydrochloric acid from the stomach

sodium bicarbonate secretion

Before ingested foodstuffs can be absorbed by the gastrointestinal mucosa, they must first be :

degraded into chemically less complex molecules

Carbohydrates must be degraded into component ___________


Proteins must be degraded into component ___________.

amino acids

Lipids must be degraded into component ___________ and _______________.

glycerol and fatty acids

process of breaking down complex carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids into smaller molecules is known as


Source; salivary glands, pancreas

optimum pH: 6.8-7.0

Activity: hydrolyzes starch and glycogen to maltose and glucose


Source; Gastric glands

Optimum pH: 1.5-2.5

Activity: Hydrolyzes proteins to proteoses, peptones, polypeptides


Source: pancreas

Optimum pH: 7.8

Activity: Hydrolyzes proteoses and peptones to polypeptides


Source: pancreas

Optimum pH: 7.8

Activity:Hydrolyzes polypeptides dipeptides



Optimum pH:7.8-8.0

Activity:Hydrolyzes polypeptides and dipeptides to amino acids


Source: pancreas

Optimum pH:7.0-9.0

Activity:degrades lipids to glycerol and free fatty acids


Why does digestion occur?

chemical activities of the enzymes secreted into the lumen of the alimentary canal.

All _____ ______ function by chemically breaking the bonds that hold parts of complex molecules together.

digestive enzymes

major component parts of large carbohydrate molecules are simple, single sugars called


three principle monosaccharides

glucose, fructose, galactose

Monosaccharides may be linked in pairs to form ____.

disaccharides, double sugars

glucose + glucose =

glucose +fructose=

glucose + galactose=


sucrose, table sugar

lactose, milk sugar

Monosaccharides and disaccharides may be linked in varying combinations to form larger and more complex ________ ______.

carbohydrate polymers

In the process of enzymatic digestion, complex carbohydrates must be reduced to component monosaccharides and disaccharides before _______ _______ can occur.

mucosal absorption

Proteins are very large, complex molecules consisting of chains of subunits known as ____________.

L-amino acids

There are _____ different types of amino acids. The structural and chemical properties of a protein are determined, in part, by the types of ______ _______ making up the protein and by the _________ of those ______ _______.

20, amino acids, sequence, amino acids

The component amino acids of a protein are joined together by a chemical bond known as a _____ ______.

peptide bond

two amino acids joined together form a


Several dipeptides joined together form a

polypeptide , a small chain of amino acids

intermediate-size chains of amino acids


large chains of amino acids


In the processes of protein digestion, all proteins, large or small, must be broken down into their component ______ ______ before mucosal absorption can occur.

amino acids

_______ consist essentially of two basic kinds of building blocks: glycerol and fatty acids.


the combination of one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids forms a neutral fat called a


Compound lipids, such as ________, _______, and ________, are formed from various combinations of neutral fat with other components.

Phospholipid, glycolipid, and lipoprotein

In the process of lipid digestion, fats must be broken down into component _______ and ______ ______ ______ before mucosal absorption occurs.

Glycerol and free fatty acids.

The rate of enzymatic digestion of ingested foodstuffs depends on the amount of ______ present in relation to the amount of _______, the temperature, and the activity of _____ ions in the medium in which the enzyme is acting.

Enzyme, substrate, hydrogen

The rate of enzymatic digestion of ingested foodstuffs depends on the amount of ______ present in relation to the amount of _______, the temperature, and the activity of _____ ions in the medium in which the enzyme is acting.

Enzyme, substrate, hydrogen

Material to be digested


The rate of enzymatic digestion of ingested foodstuffs depends on the amount of ______ present in relation to the amount of _______, the temperature, and the activity of _____ ions in the medium in which the enzyme is acting.

Enzyme, substrate, hydrogen

Material to be digested


Normally, digestion occurs within the lumen of the alimentary canal where the temperature is kept at a relatively constant _______.

37 degrees C

The rate of enzymatic digestion of ingested foodstuffs depends on the amount of ______ present in relation to the amount of _______, the temperature, and the activity of _____ ions in the medium in which the enzyme is acting.

Enzyme, substrate, hydrogen

Material to be digested


Normally, digestion occurs within the lumen of the alimentary canal where the temperature is kept at a relatively constant _______.

37 degrees C

The concentration of hydrogen ions (pH), varies considerably from one part of the _____ _____ to another.

Alimentary canal

True or false?

All enzymes are affected by changes in pH, and each enzyme functions best within a certain range of pH values.
