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85 Cards in this Set

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Digestion system performs 5 tasks:

1.mechanical processing and motility

2. Secretion

3. Digestion

4. Absorption


1. Mechanical processing and motility

Breaking up, mixing, and transporting of food material

2. Secretion

Release of enzymes and hormones

3. Digestion

Chemical breakdown of food to molecules small enough to be absorbed in the gut


Passage of digested nutrients into the blood and lymph

5. Elimination

The expulsion of undigested and unabsorbed residues at the end of the gut


-entrance to system

-food is moistened and chewed

-polysaccharide digestion starts

Salivary glands

-secretes saliva that contains:

+ lubricating mucus

+amylase (starch digesting enzyme)

+lysozyme (enzyme that kills bacteria)

+bicarbonate ions


Muscular contractions move food to esophagus by swallowing reflex


Muscular moistened tube moves food from pharynx to stomach (peristalsis)


Secretes bile, which emulsifies fats and bicarbonate ions

Largest internal organs in humans


Muscular sac

-stretches to store food (can expand 20 times)

-highly acidic

-secretes mucus and gastric juice that contains Pepsinogen, the precursor to the protein digesting enzyme Pepsin, and hcl


Stores and concentrates bile secreted by liver


Secretes enzymes (protease, amylase, lipase, nuclease) that breakdown all the major food molecules and bicarbonate ions that neutralize

Small intestine

-duodenum recieves secretions from liver, gallbladder and pancreas

-produces enzymes that complete digestion of proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids

-absorbs products of digestion

Large intestine

Absorbs water and mineral ions

-secretes mucus and bicarbonate ions

-concentrates undigested matter into feces


Stores feces

Distention stimulates expulsion of feces


End of system


Grinding up vegetation


Rip, shred, grind


Ripping and tearing


Grab food into mouth

Carnivore teeth

Big canines and premolars (for ripping and tearing flesh)

Molars not well developed

Herbivore teeth

Mostly grinding teeth (premolars and molars)

Very small canines and incisors

Carnivore digestive tract

Small cecum, short intestines

Herbivore digestive tract

Much longer intestines (due to lots of work to get nutrients out of the vegetation); large cecum (due to eating lots of veggies)


Deer, koalas, some birds

Invertebrates: crickets and caterpillars


Wild cats, Tigers, snakes, sharks

Sea stars, ladybugs, spiders

Obligate carnivores

Those that rely entirely on animal fl3esh for their nutrients


Facultative carnivore

Those that eat non animal food in addition



Humans bear chickens

Cockroaches crayfish

Humans and herbivores have ____________.

Monogastric digestive systems.


Mainly herbivores (cows sheep goats)

Diet consists of large amounts of roughage/fiber

Evolved digestive systems that help them digest vast amounts of cellulose

Four chambered stomachs


Camels and alpacas

Stomach =

Major site for protein digestion in animals

Protein digestion mediated by enzyme called _______


Pepsin is secreted by ________ in the stomach in inactive form called _______.

Chief cells; Pepsinogen

Pepsin: breaks _______ _______ and cleaves proteins into ______ _______.

Peptide bonds; smaller polypeptides

Pepsin also helps activate more _______, starting a _______ _________ _______ that generates more _______.

Pepsinogen; positive feedback mechanism; pepsin

Trachea has an opening called the _____, which is covered by a cartilaginous flap called the ______.

glottis; epiglottis

when swallowing, the _________, closes the _____, and food passes into the _____ and not the trachea

epiglottis; glottis; esophagus

Parietal cells:

secrete hydrogen and chloride ions, which combine in lumen to form HCL


primary acidic component of stomach juices

chemical digestion is facilitated by churning action of _____


the partially digested food and gastric juice mixture is called


chime passes from _____ to _______ _________

stomach to small intestine

movement of chime is regulated by

pyloric sphincter

Small Intestine:

long tube like organ w/ highly folded surface w/fingerlike projections called the villi

surface of villi have microscopic projections called ______


____________ allow for nutrients to be absorbed from the digested food and absorbed into the blood stream


villi and microvilli increase the ______ ______ and increase _______ ________ of nutrients

surface area; absorption efficiency

absorbed nutrients in the blood are carried into the _____ _____ ______ which leads to the liver

haptic portal vein

3 parts of the Small Intestine:

Duodenum, Jejunum, Ileum

duodenum: C shaped fixed part

separated from stomach by the pyloric sphincter which opens to allow chime to move from stomach to duodenum

in duodenum: chime is mixed w/ _______ ______ in an alkaline solution rich w/ bicarbonate that neutralizes acidity of chime and acts as a buffer

pancreatic juices


digestive juice produced by liver; important for lipid digestion

BILE is store and concentrated in


bile contains bile salts that

emulsify lipids

bile breaks down food particles in the chime into

glucose, triglycerides, and amino acids


bulk of chemical digestion and nutrient absorption occurs here

Jejunum: hydrolysis of nutrients is continued while most of the ________ and ______ _______ are absorbed through the intestinal lining

carbohydrates and amino acids


bile salts and vitamins are absorbed into blood stream

Large Intestine 3 parts:

cecum, colon, rectum


joins ileum to colon and is receiving pouch for waste matter


home to bacteria or "intestinal flora" that aid in digestive process

4 regions: ascending, transverse, descending, sigmodal

colon functions:

extract water and mineral salts from undigested food and o store waste material

accessory organs:

organs that add secretions (enzymes) that catabolize food into nutrients

*salivary glands, liver, pancreas, gallbladder

essential nutrients:

must be eaten, the body cannot produce them

omega 3 alpha lindenic acid and omega 6 linoleic acid=

essential fatty acids needed to make some membrane phospholipids


class of essential of essential organic molecules that are required in small quantities for enzymes to function; considered coenzymes


inorganic essential nutrients obtained from food that help in structure and regulation; considered cofactors

body can only synthesize ___ of the ___ amino acids

11 of the 20

reaction to smell, sight or thought of food

first response is salivation

Digestive phases:

cephalic, gastric, and intestinal

Cephalic phase

controlled by neural response to the the stimulus provided by food; results in salivation and secretion of gastric uices

gastric phase: begins when food arrives to _____


gastric phase: gastric acids and enzymes process ingested materials stimulated by:




1) distention of stomach

2) decrease in pH

3) presence of undigested material

Intestinal phase:

begins when chime enters the small intestine triggering secretions

controls rate of gastric emptying

Hormonal responses to food:

endocrine system controls response of various glands in body; most imp factors is stomach acid environment

Negative feedback: during gastric phase:

hormone gastrin secreted by G cells in response to the presence of proteins


stimulates the release of stomach acid of HCL which aids in digestion of proteins

when stomach is emptied the environment need not be maintained and _______ stops the release of HCL


in order to neutralize the acidic chime, a hormone called _____ stimulates the pancreas to produce alkaline bicarbonate solution and deliver it to the duodenum


secretin acts in tandem w/ another hormone called _______

cholecystokinin (CCK)

CCK stimulates the ______ to produce the requisite pancreatic juices; also stimulates the ________ to release bile into the duodenum
