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24 Cards in this Set

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Mucous cells

The most abundant epithelial cells which cover the entire luminal surface and extend down into the glands or gastric pits as "__________"

Chief cells

Secrete pepsinogen into the gastric juice. Secreted, it is converted into pepsin, which is responsible for the stomach's ability to digest proteins. A protein may consist of 50 to thousands amino acids. The shape of the protein determines its function

Chymosin or rennin

Curdles or coagulates milk in the stomach, so that I can stay there for longer periods. It is a very important industrial enzyme because it is widely used to make cheese.

Parietal cells

Hydrochloric acid is secreted from ________ into the lumen where a establishes an extremely acidic environment. This acid is important for activation of pepsinogen. They also secrete intrinsic factor, which is essential in B12 absorption

G cells


Is an enteroendocrine cell located in the mucosa of the pyloris and secrete a hormone called _______, The part in controlling acid secretion and gastric motility

Gastric function is often classified into three phases in which secretory a motor activities works simultaneously

Cephalic phase, gastric phase, intestinal phase,

Gastric phase

When a meal enters the stomach and mucus get irritated, activating chemoreceptors and stretch receptors are activated so that the stomach can distend.

Cephalic phase

Seeing, smelling or considering food is registered by the brain. The brain sends parasympathetic stimuli through the Vegas nerve to enteric nervous system, telling it to prepare for the arrival of the meal

Intestinal phase

As food is liquefied in the stomach it is very gradually sent pass the pyloric sphincter to the small intestine. This gives it time to neutralize the acid and efficiently absorb the nutrients


10-12 feet long


6-8 ft long


9-11 ft long

Mucosa layee

Compromised of simple columnar epithelium which is absorptive

Plicae circulares

Mucosa's layer surface area is greatly increased by transverse folds up Mucosa and submucosa called


Have a rich network of blood capillaries that absorb products of protein and carbs digestion

Brunners glands

The duodenum also has a unique feature of tubular alveolar submucosal glands


Is circular and longitudinal, mixing time and propelling it towards the colon by peristalsis and segmentation

How long is the large intestine

2.5 ft in diameter

5 ft in length

From ileum to anus

How does the large intestine work to digest

Cecum to ascending to hepatic flexure -to transverse - to splenic flexure, to descending to sigmoid, to rectum - 6 to anal canal

Colonic mucosa

Lined with goblet cells to produce mucus


Longitudinal smooth muscle layer in three bands

Shape of large intestine

Atonic, spastic

What does the large intestine absorb

Water to dry out undigested food, minerals and vitamins

Defecation reflex

Spinal cord in the sacral area sends a reflex went rectal wall gets stretched answering is voluntary