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130 Cards in this Set

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Lack of Pigmentation d/t melanocyte destruction
Associated with hyperthyroidism, stomach cancer, diabetes, p. anemia, and autoimmunte diseases
Assoc: Virus, lupus, parasites, metals/chemicals
Skin Rash
Required Immediate medical attention and is a rupture of small vessels in the skin
Hemorrhagic Rash (Will not blanch)
Assoc: Stress, allergy, infection, and environment irritants
Chronic facial skin disorder and can be linked to GI disorders
Immediate medical attention that are benign fatty nodules found around tendons.
Xanthomas (assoc:biliary disease, diabetes, lipid metabolism)
Large skin areas of bruising d/t of using topical ointment
Steroid Skin
Bullseye Rash
Erythema Chronicum Migrans (Lyme disease)
Low or high pigmentation of the skin depending on the dose
A relapse of skin changes after chemotherapy or other radiation event.
Radiation Recall Reaction
Can effect the nail bed or skin and can result in joint pain
HSV1 ganglion and area of effect
Trigeminal; mouth/face
HSV2 ganglion and area of effect
Sacral, genitals
Intermittent painful infections of the finger phalanx with a history of malaise prior to symptoms
Herpetic Whitlow
Thoracic root ganglion, painful chest blisters
Herpes Zoster/shingles
Atypical bruising of the mid-arm or abdomen
Spots of the skin that are not from abuse
Mongolian spots/birth marks
Purplish/red/brown discolorization of the skin
Pinch Purpura (cancer)
Opportunistic cancer
Kaposi Sarcoma
Round patches of red/brown skin with hair loss
Lymphomas (hodgkins or non-hodgkins)
Lifting up of nail bed


myeloma, neoplasm, graves disease, anemia, arthritis
1. Upward tilted edges with depressed nail beds

2. Assoc:
1. Koilonychia (spoon nails)

2. Anemia, diabetes, thyroid issues, rheumatic fever
1. Grooves in nail plate
2. Assoc:
1. Beau's lines

2. chemotherapy, eating disorder, liver cirrhosis, acute illness, poor peripheral circulation
1. Lines of blood in nail bed

2. Assoc:
1. Splinter Hemorrhage

2. Silent MI, bacterial endocarditis, vasculitis, renal failure
1. Dots or white lines in the nail bed
2. Assoc:
1. Leukonychia

2. Hypocalciumia, anemia, hodgkins, renal failure, MI, malnutrition, cirrhosis, leprosy
Infection of the skin fold on the margin of the nail from working in wet conditions
Changes in the nail bed d/t chronic O2 deprivation
Poor nail development and associated joint pain
Nail patella syndrome
What is the ABI formula and the normal values
sys ankle/sys arm

1-1.3 normal
<1 poor flow
>1.3 calc
Reason for:
Crackles, Wheezing, Girgles, and plural friction rub
Crackles-fluid filled airway
Wheezing-narrow cavity
Girgles-thick secretion
PFR-high pitches/scratchy
Reasons for Anemia
Iron deficiency
Chronic Diseases
Neuro Conditions (P Anemia)
Infectious disease (Cancer/AIDs)
Symptoms of Anemia
Dyspnea, palpitations, severe weakness, pallor, easy bruising, bleeding gums, blood in stool or emesis
Signs of Anemia
1/2 hemocrit, fatigue, increased resting pulse, decreased diastolic, skin is lemon yellow (p anemia), white (hemorrhage), gray-green (chronic blood loss), brittle nail beds
Increased RBC, blood hemoglobin, clotting, and thickness
Causes for Erythrocytosis
High Altitude, smoking, radiation, chronic heart/lung condition
Symptoms of Erthrocytosis/Polyerythemia
Shortness of breath, fatigue, stroke, thrombus, gout like symptoms
What is sickle cell crisis
Acute severe pain in the bone or joint, CVA, chronic leg ulcer
An autosomal recessive disorder with abnormal hemoglobin, chronic anemia, and vasoocclusion
Sickle Cell Anemia
Greater than 10,000 white blood cells
Less than 10,000 WBC
Causes for Leukocytosis
Infection, necrosis, neoplasm, acute hemorrhage
Symptoms of Leukocytosis
Fever, Infection, inflammation, trauma
S/S of leukopenia
Sore throat, fever chills, ulceration of mucus membrane, frequent/painful urination, persistent infection
Increased platelet count, thrombosis and easy bruising/splenomegally
Decreased platelet, sever bruising, joint swelling, superficial hemotoma, multiple peticia
Secondary to bone marrow failure and radiation, leukemia, cancer, cytotoxic agents
5 S
Site, Size, Shape, Surface, and Spider Angiomas
5 T
Tenderness, Turgor, Texture, Temperature, and Trans-illumination
Appearance of Client
Mobility of Lesion
Regional Lymph Nodes
Common intra-abdominal disease that refers to the MS system
Ulceration/Infection of the mucosal lining
Signs/Symptoms of GI disorders
Dysphagia, GI Bleeding, Epigastric pain that radiates to the back, sympts affected by food, arthralgia, shouder pain, poas abcess, McBernies point
Site of GI pain
Dermatome in which the organ is innervated
Epigastric pain

1. Level of innervation
2. Organs

Heart, esophagus, stomach, deudunum, gall bladder, liver
Umbilical pain

1. Level of innervation
2. Organs
3. Referral site

Small intestine, pancreas, appendix

Low Back
Low Abdominal pain

1. Level of innervation
2. Organs

Large Intestine
What does the abdominal visera detect?
1. Rapid Stretch

2. Inflammation/metabolities from ischemia
What does the visceral peritoneum detect
No pain except for infection/inflam
Types of GI pain that pts report
Deep, Gnawing, Burning, Vage, Achy
Esophagus Referral
Mid Back
Liver, Diagphagm, pericardium referral pain
Gallbladder, small intestine, stomach referral pain
Mid Back/Shoulder blades
Sigmoid colon, rectum referral pain
Pelvis, lumbar, sacrum
4 signs of internal bleeding
1. Pain in mid thoracic/RUQ
2. Blood in vomit/stool
3. Coffee grounds in stool/vomit
4. Bloody diarrhea (ulcerative colitis)
Anal fissures/bright red blood
rectum/anal pathology

colorectal cancer, hemorrhoids, anal intercourse
Red/Mahogany Stool
Certain foods/Lower GI, Rectal, colon bleeding
S/S of epigastric pain/radiation
Sharp pain behind breast bone
long standing ulcers
Food effects
Foods 2 effects on epigastric pain and their diseases
1. Decrease pain (duodenum)

2. Increase pain (gastric ulcers)
Eating very little and feeling full
Vertebral column compression
Questions to ask a pt who you suspect of GI disorder
Change in bowel habits, medications (narcotics, antacids), diet, GI disorders
GI Red flags
Unexplained constipation, sudden change in bowel habits, blood in stool
Causes of diarrhea
Neoplasm, inflam bowel disease, antibiotics, laxative use
Causes of fecal incontinence
Cancer, colitis, post-radiation therapy, anal distortion post pregnancy, hemorrhoids
Causes of arthralgia linked GI disorders
Rheumalogical disorders, spondilitis/sacralitis, reactive arthritis from (virus, bacteria)
How does the arthrlagia from GI disorders present?
Bilateral and at bony inserts of tendons (Enthritis)
GI causes of left shoulder pain
Air in abdominal cavity, ruptured spleen, ectopic pregnancy, pancreatic disease
Associated conditions with obturator/psoas abcess
Chrones disease, divicultis, staph infection, antalgic gait, tender mass
Heart burn, regurgitation, belching
Causes of Peptic Ulcers
H-Pylori bacteria, Chronic NSAID use
Red Flags and Dangers of Peptic Ulcers
1. Sudden shoulder or back pain with no mechanism
2. Internal bleeding, perforation, infection
S/S of gastric ulcers
1. Epigastric pain/heart burn, pain comes on in waves in the back to right shoulder, increases with food
2. Nausea, vomiting, weight loss
S/S of chronic NSAID use
GI pain, CNS changes, renal involvement, muscle weakness, fatigue
Ballooning of part of the colon through a weakened muscle wall
Infection/inflammation accompanying a micro perforation (diviticula)
S/S of Diviticular Disease
Left abdominal pain and tenderness, left pelvic pain, and blood in the stool
S/S of pancreatic cancer
Anorexia, weight loss, epigastric pain, pain that radiates to the back

Jaundice of secondary to bile duct obstruction
Ulcerative Colitis
Inflam/ulceration of the inner lining of the large intestine
Crones Disease
Inflam of the terminal end of the small intestine but can occur everywhere; autoimmune disease
S/S of Inflammatory bowel disease
diarrhea, constipation, fever, abdominal pain, bleeding, night sweats, decreased appetite, arthralgia
Petechia is associated with what condition?
Role of the Liver
Convert Billirubin into bile
Sole source of Albumin
Clotting Factors
Metabolize toxins/carbs/fats/proteins/exc
The pancreas metabolized what?
Carbs, Fats, Proteins with exocrine juices
What stimulates the Gall Bladder
Signs and Symptoms of Liver disease
Dark Urine, light colored stool, Jaundice, pallor, spider anginomas, neuro changes d/t amonia
What are Asterixis?
Flapping tremor of hand with arm flexion
How does amonia react in the brain and what does it cause?

Impairs neurotransmitters
Liver pain pattern
Right shoulder/Trap/Subscap/Scapula
Hepatic Osteodystrophy
Abnormal osteoblasts and bone development
Issues that could arise in therapy with pts with liver disease
exercise, pts need rest d/t decreased clotting
Aging effects of hepatic system
Decrease size and blood flow
Two causes of Jaundice
1. Billiary obstruction d/t cancer with risks that increase with age
2. Hep B/C
Pre-Hepatic Dysfunction
Billirubin increases before reaching liver d/t hemolysis or blood incompatatbility
Hepatic Dysfunction
Pathology in the liver cells effecting the livers ability to metabolize billirubin
Post-Hepatic Dysfunction
Obstruction in the bile duct (gall stones, cancer)
Abnormal Billirubin Process
Billirubin binds albumin to become unconjugated and is deposited in the brain/fatty tissues/skin/sclera
Normal Billirubin removal
billirubin with glucagonic acid-->congegated billirubin-->urobillirubin-->Urine
1.Hyperbilirubemia (Un-Conjugated)

2. Assoc
1. Bilirubin cannot be excreted with increased serum levels
2. Weakness, abdominal/back pain, acute hemolytic crisis
1. Hyperbilirubemia (Conjugated)

2. Assoc
1. Can be excreted in the urine

2.weakness, pale stool, pruritus
Itching from build up of bile salts in the skin
Hepatocelluar Disease S/S
Malaise, anorexia, low grade fever, RUQ pain, jaundice, dark urine, spider anginomas, white nails, yellow eye lids, loss of sexual hair
Biliary Obstruction S/S
RUQ pain, weight loss, jaundice, dark urine, light stool
Pre-Icteric phase of hepatitis
3-4 weeks; dark urine and light stool
Icteric phase of hepatitis
Jaundice stage peaking for 1-2 weeks for 6-8 weeks
Recovery phase of hepatitis
3-4 months; pt feels fine but fatigues quickly
Fulminant Hepatitis
Sever hepatitis that leads to hepatic failure with a 3-4 stage encephalopathy (stupor/necrosis) d/t sever hepatic necrosis
Causes of Fulminant Hepatitis
Tylenol, mushrooms, carbon-tetrachloride (20% survival rate without transplant)

Pain with swallowing

Esophagitis/Gerd/Eso spasm

Vertical=better; supine=worse
Irritable Bowel Syndrome S/S
Linked with psych issues

Painful abdominal cramps. constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, bad breath, flatulence
Colo-Rectal Cancer S/S
Rectal bleeding, hemorrhoids, abdominal/sacral/pelvic pain, change in bowel pattern, back pain that radiates into legs
Toxic Hepatitis

Necrosis starts 2-3 days post toxin

Anorexia, nausea, fatigue, jaundice, dark urine, clay stool, fever, dizziness, RUG epigastric pain, arthalgias
Chronic Active Hepatitis
Serous and destructive leading to cirrhosis of the liver. Treated with steroids and interferon
Chronic Persistent Hepatitis
Similar to viral hepatitis and is not as massive a breakdown
Autoimmune Hepatitis
Destruction of liver by body, females under 40, treat with steroids and other anti-immune drugs
Alcohol Hepatitis
Fat build up around liver d/t destruction my EtOH

Chronic end stage of disease d/t inflammation.

Portal Hypertention, scar tissue
Accumulation of serous fluid in abdominal cavity often caused by cirrhosis or heart failure or kidney disease.

Leads to respiratory distress, bacterial inflection, or renal failure
Ascities mechanism
Increase lymphatic hydrostatic pressure (d/t portal vein blockage), decreased albumin, increased aldosterone
Ascities Treatment
Diuretics, shunt for hepatic portal vein
Hepatic Encephalopy
Caused by inability to metabolize ammonia d/t chronic liver failure.

Dizziness, drowsiness, flapping tremor