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48 Cards in this Set

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Name the classes of nutrients and fxns
carbs, fats, protiens, vitamins, minerals and water. provide energy, build/repair tissue, regulate processes
Where are essential nutrients found?
What are organic nutrients? Fxn?
carbs, fats, proteins, vitamins. Provide energy, reg body processes, build/repair. Complex has to be broken down
What are inorganic nutrients? Fxn?
water, minerals. Reg body process. Are in simplest form.
What is overnutrition?
Excess energy or nutrient intake
Deficient energy or nutrient intake
What is cumulative effects
something done repeatedly over years
Examples of diseases that are cumulative?
atherosclerosis, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, gallbladder disease certain cancers
Deficiencies include:
iron, beriberi, scurvy, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rickets, goiter
What does a nutritional assessment include:
anthropometric measurements, clinical examinations, biochemical tests, dietary/social history
What does anthropometric measurements consists of?
height, weight, head, chest and abdominal circumference(kids) upper arm measurement, skinfold
Pallor, blue half cirlces is indicative of what?
iron, copper, zinc, B12 B6 deficiency
Edema deficiency is indicative of?
Bumpy gooseflesh indicative of what?
Vitamin A
Lesions at corner of mouth indicative of?
Poorly shaped bones/teeth or delayed teeth deficiency of?
Vitamin C
Slow clotting of blood is deficiency of?
Vitamin K
What doe biochemical tests do?
Allow for detection of malnutrition before appearance
what is job of serum albumin level?
measures main protein in blood, determine protein status
What are two biochemical tests?
Serum albumin, serum transferrin, BUN, Serum creatinine
What does serum transferrin measure?
indicates iron carrying protein in blood, indicates low iron or lack of protein
What does BUN test indicate
renal failure, insufficient renal blood supply or blockage of urinary tract
What does serum creatinine levels indicate
amount of cratinine in blood, evaluate renal function
What are some other bio tests?
Hgb, Hct, RBC's, WBC's, lipid profile, urinalysis
What are some evaluations of food habits?
24 hour recall(not accurate) food diary, computer diet analysis
What is a balanced diet?
all essential nutrients in appropriate amounts, preserves promote good health
What are dietary guidelines for Americans
adequate nutrients w/in caloric needs, weight managment, excercise, food groups, less than 10% from sat fats, carbs(fiber rich) less than 2300 mg sodium, alcholic beverages, food safety
When did food labeling start?
1994, Nutrition Labeling and Education Act, objective to ensure labels provide consistent info
Food labeling
FDA sets health claims, determines serving sizes, standardizes descriptive terms
What's required on food labeling?
total calories, calories from fat, total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbs, dietary fiber, sugars, protein, Vit A, Vit C, calcium, Iron
Food Customs
habits based on nationality, culture and religion
Can foods available in certain areas favored?
Yes, b/c of economic reasons
Does economic/social status contribute to food habits
What foods are associated with Native Americans
corn, potatoes, squash, cranberries, pumpkins, beans, wild rice and cocoa beans. Wild fruits, game and fish. Prepared as soups/stews or dried
What foods are found in southern diets?
corn bread, biscuits, grits, rice, sweet potatoes, squash, watermelon, oranges, peaches, fried fish, lima beans, green beans, cookd w/pork barbecued or stewed meats and poultry. Lacks iron, calcium, and vit a/c
What foods are found in hispanic diets
beans, rice, chili peppers, tomatoes and tortillas:corn/flour. Lacks vit c
Puerto Rican foods consists of:
rice beans peppers plantains tomatoes, bananas pineapple, mangoes, papayas chicken beef/pork. Lack vit c
Chinese diet consists of?
rice soybeans eggs dairy rice peas beans curry, some vegetarians,
Japanese diet consists of?
rice soybean paste curd veggies fruits fish, tempura style, lacks milk. Def in calcium and lots of salt
What does Indian diet consist of?
eggs dairy products rice peas beans and curry. Vegatarian diet,
Thai, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian
rice curries veggies fruit, fish/meat used rarely. Lack adequate protein/calcium
Jewish diet consists of
Ortho follow dietary
Conservative follow in home
Reform doesnt follow any
What are Jewish dietary laws
Kosher: qualified person slaughters, not prepared w/ milk or milk products, dishes used for meat/dairy kept separate
Kosher laws
dairy/meat not eaten together, mouth rinsed b/t fish/meat, fasting, no cooking on sabbath
Roman Cath, Eastern Orthodox
Roman - meat not allowed on Ash Wed/Fri during lent
EO - includes christians, midd east, russia greece, meat/dairy restricted: wed, fri, lent/advent
7th Day Adventist/Mormon
lacto ovo vegetarians, use milk/dairy/eggs no meat, fish, poultry. Nuts, beans, tofu, no coffee tea alcohol
Mormon - coffee, tea alcohol prohibited
pork/alcohol prohibited, other meat slaughtered by specific laws. Ramadan no eating/drinkin during daylight
HIndu - all life sacred, vegetarians
lacto ovo - dairy/eggs no meat
lacto - use dairy, no meat
Vegans - avoid all animal foods, lack calcium, vit a d b12