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82 Cards in this Set

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Abilities to perform work, produce change, and maintain life all require _______
Energy exists in many forms, such as: (6)
-nuclear function
As bodies function, chemical energy from food converted to _______ & _______
mechanical energy & heat
Energy source muscles use during exercise depends on:
Exercise intensity and length
Person’s fitness level
Foods eaten
Exercise of short term, high intensity is mostly by an ______ for energy
anaerobic pathway
During exercise of short term, high intensity you burn _____
carbohydrates (primarily muscle glycogen)
Exercise of low to moderate intensity is primarily by _______
aerobic system
During exercise of low to moderate intensity you burn _______
carbohydrates & fats
Fats are an important energy source during exercise:
1. fatty acids abundant in body
2. use spare muscle glycogen
______ determines type of fuel muscles use during exercise
length of activity
As duration of exercise increases,______ stores depleted
During exercise, ____ becomes the primary source of energy
_________ breaks down glycogen faster
Sedentary person
Sedentary person breaks down glycogen faster resulting in accumulating _______ in tissues
more lactic acid
_______ causes muscle fatigue
Lactic acid
Physically fit person has higher aerobic capacity
because _____
Oxygen available sooner and in greater quantity
A physically fit person exercising allows use of aerobic pathway of energy, avoiding _____
lactic acid buildup
A physically fit person exercising uses up more ____ than ______ used for fuel
fat than glycogen
Amount of carbohydrate stored in body depends on ________ & ________
carbohydrate consumption and fitness level
Endurance training increases capacity of muscles to store _________
While exercising the more _____ stored, the more energy available
Average daily energy intake for referenced adult:
-19- to 24-year-old man: _____
19- to 24-year-old woman _____
-2900 kcal, or 40kcal/kg

-2200kcal, or 38 kcal/kg
Daily energy requirement depends on many variables, including primarily:
Basal metabolism
Physical activity
Thermic effect of food
Represents amount of energy required to maintain life-sustaining activities (e.g., breathing, circulation, heartbeat, secretion of hormones) for specific period
Basal metabolism
______ at which body spends energy to keep life-sustaining processes going
Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
________ energy person expends in normal life situation while at rest, and includes some energy body uses following meals and exercise
Resting energy expenditure (REE)
Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) accounts for about _______ of total energy needs, similar percentages to BMR
60 - 75%
_________ Second largest component of energy expenditure after REE (or BMR); about 20% to 30% of total energy needs
Physical activity
Energy expended depends on _______ & _______ of activity
intensity and duration
________ affects energy expenditure more than any other factor
Body size
_______ is the third component of energy output
Thermic effect of food (TEF)
_________ energy required for body to digest, absorb, metabolize, and store food
Thermic effect of food
When food eaten, cells ________
increase activities
Increase cellular activity called ______ or ________
thermic effect of food (TEF) or diet-induced thermogenesis
Thermic effect is ______ total energy needs
7 - 10%
Energy used by body to adjust to changing physical and biologic environmental situations
Adaptive thermogenesis
Includes adaptation to cold, extreme changes in kcal intake, and physical and emotional trauma
Adaptive thermogenesis
Incorporates additional demands of illness and recovery
Adaptive thermogenesis
Physical fitness consists of three major components:
-flexibility (yoga)
-Muscular strength and endurance (weight training)
-Cardiovascular endurance (running)
_______ ability to move muscles to full extent without injury
_________ ability of muscles to perform hard or prolonged work
Muscular strength and endurance
______ ability of body to take in, deliver, and use oxygen for physical work
Cardiovascular endurance
Physical inactivity major risk factor for ________ , leading cause of death in United States
coronary artery disease (CAD)
_______ twice as likely to occur in sedentary people as those who exercise
coronary artery disease (CAD)
Several ways regular exercise can reduce CAD risk:
Improve cardiovascular fitness
Decrease blood pressure
Aid losing and maintaining weight
Alter blood lipid and lipoprotein levels
Exercise may decrease the risk of ______, ______, & _____
colon cancer, stroke, and hypertension
Exercise may delay onset of or help treat ______, ______, _____, & _______
type 2 diabetes mellitus, depression, osteoporosis, and obesity
Weight management as ________ and _______, two most effective ways of achieving healthy body weight
-increasing activity level
-consuming a low-fat diet
In general exercise will _______
raise your metabolism
To reduce chronic disease risk: complete at least ______ or more moderate intensity exercise most, or preferably all, days of week
30 minutes
To assist adult body weight management and avoid unhealthy excessive body weight gain: ______ moderate to vigorous intensity activity most days of week while controlling kcal intake
60 minutes
To maintain adult weight loss: ______ of daily moderate intensity physical activity while controlling kcal intake
60 to 90 minutes
For athletic health and performance, diet providing:
-_____ kcal carbohydrate
-_____ kcal fat
-_____ kcal protein recommended
-45% to 65%
-20% to 35%
-10% to 35%
Minimum requirement for college athletes ______ kcal/day
1800 to 2000
College atheletes eating less the minimum requirement of calories (1800-2000), may lead to:
iron deficiency
stress fractures
amenorrhea (lack of menstruation)
Losing as little as _____ of weight via sweat can impair performance
Adequate water intake _____, ____, or _____ event or practice session of utmost importance
before, during, or after
Ways to assess hydration:
-Urine should be clear throughout most of day
-Athletes should also weigh themselves before and after workouts
-For every pound lost, athlete needs to drink 2 cups of fluid
Low levels of muscle ______ can impair performance
Consuming _______ before and during exercise delays onset of fatigue, allowing athlete to compete longer
Amount of carbohydrate to eat to replace muscle glycogen depends on:
-body size
-intensity and level of training
Athletes participating in high-energy sports requiring short bursts of energy need about ____ of carbohydrate per kg body weight
Endurance athletes who train aerobically for more than 90 minutes daily may need up to ____ of carbohydrate per kg body weight
Process of changing type of foods eaten, and adjusting amount of training to increase muscle glycogen stores
carbohydrate loading
At least _____ of total kcal should come from carbohydrate
60% (preferably 60-70%)
Carbohydrate loading process consists of:
-3 days before competition, exercise should taper off to allow muscles to rest
-Dietary carbohydrates should be increased to 60% to 70% of total kcal
This technique of combining ______ & ______ encourages greater glycogen storage
rest and increased carbohydrate intake
Carbohydrate loading benefits vary:
-Determine before competition if regimen beneficial
-Potential negative side effects include increased water retention and weight gain, stiffness, cramping, and digestive problems
Protein use ______ during exercise
Under certain conditions protein may contribute significantly to _______
energy metabolism
Two factors influencing protein energy use:
-length of exercise
-carbohydratre content of diet
Body may depend on ______ for increased percentage of energy in prolonged exercise (greater than 90 minutes), particularly when carbohydrate intake low
Protein DRI for sedentary adults ____ g/kg body weight per day. And athletes between ____ g/kg

1.5 - 2
Fat use during exercise depends on:
Exercise duration and intensity
Degree of prior training
Diet composition
_____ promote fat use as energy source
Aerobic conditions
Using fat spares _______
muscle glycogen
Athletes need certain amount of fat in diets and on bodies for optimal _________ and ________
health and performance
Position of American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine:
Moderate energy intake of 20% to 25% energy from fat
________ drugs and dietary regimens believed to increase strength, power, and endurance
Ergogenic aids
Many supplements athletes purchase from specialty nutrition stores and mail-order catalogs not subject to regulations established by ____
Excess of one nutrient interferes with ability to use another nutrient
another nutrient
Basal metabolic rate represents:
the amount of energy required to support life-sustaining processes