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109 Cards in this Set

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Cluster of medical and health care approaches, methods, and items not associated with conventional medicine
Complementary and alternative medicine
What is a significant component of health care in U.S.?
Complementary and alternative medicine
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Non-Western healing approaches used at same time as conventional medicine
Complementary medicine
complementary medicine is used at the same time as __________.
conventional medicine
Replaces conventional medical treatment
Alternative medicine
Merges conventional medical therapies with CAM modalities for which safety and efficacy, based on scientific data, demonstrated
Integrative medicine
________________ available under direction of physicians and other conventional health professionals
Hospital-based integrative medical centers
According to NCCAM, What 5 categories are complementary and alternative medicine divided into?
1. Alternative medical systems
2. Mind-body interventions
3. Biologically based therapies
4. Manipulative and body-based methods
5. Energy therapies
_____________develop outside mainstream _______ medical approaches
*Alternative medical systems
Alternative Medical Approaches are based on ___________ incorporating distinctive ________ and ___________.
*holistic structures
Alternative medical systems evolving from Eastern cultures include:
1.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
2. Ayurveda (Asian Indian derivation)
_______________: System based on forces of nature through fundamental concept of ____ & _____.
*Traditional Chinese Medicine
*yin & yang
In the Traditional Chinese Medicine what causes illness?
imbalance of yin & yang as opposites
What are some examples of Traditional Chinese Medicine?
therapeutic modalities: acupuncture
T’ai chi (exercise of slow movements)
Focuses on diet and herbal remedies emphasizing use of body, mind, and spirit to prevent and treat disorders
Western cultures produce alternative:
1. Naturopathic medicine
2. Homeopathic medicine
Use of body’s natural healing forces to recover from disease and achieve wellness
Naturopathic medicine
What are some examples of techniques for naturopathic medicine? (4)
dietary alterations
What theory is Homeopathic medicine based on?
“like cures like”
Small amount of diluted substance prescribed to relieve symptoms for which same substance, given in larger amounts, cause same symptoms
theory of "cures like cures"
True or False:
Although medications prescribed usually do not interfere with conventional medications, patients should not reveal use of homeopathic treatments to health care providers
Focus to expand mind’s ability to influence physical functions
Mind-body interventions
What are examples of mind-body interventions?
faith healing or prayer
therapies influencing behavior through creative approaches of music, dance, and art therapy
Self-directed technique of relaxing body and calming mind through guided imagery and rhythmic breathing
Healing by invoking divine intervention without use of conventional or surgical therapy
Faith healing
Enable person to use special devices to consciously control heart rate, blood pressure, skin temperature, and muscle relaxation
Encompass materials found in nature including nutrients, food, and herbs
Biologically based therapies
What is incorporated in biologically based therapies?
dietary supplements
alternative dietary patterns aromatherapy,
alternative natural treatments such as shark cartilage for cancer treatment
What is a Macrobiotic Diet?
low fat, high fiber
What is included in a macrobiotic diet?
50-60% Whole grains
Organic foods
Minimal animal products
Exclude fatty foods, milk products, processed foods
Beneficial for cancer patients
using extracts of herbs, flowers, in form of oils to support health
Involve manipulation or movements of body parts
Manipulative and body-based methods
What are examples of body-based/manipulative methods?
Osteopathic or chiropractic manipulation, massage, and bodywork
___________ manipulate energy fields
Energy therapies
merges breathing regulation, movement, meditation to increase life force in the body
Qi gong
universal life; healing spirit heals body
laying on of hands
therapeutic touch
What are examples of biofield therapies?
Qi gong
therapeutic touch
bioelectromagentic therapies
Substances consumed orally as addition to dietary intake
dietary supplements
What may dietary supplements include? (8)
Minerals, vitamins, amino acids, herbs, plant extracts, enzymes, metabolites, and organ tissues
Dietary supplements processed into various forms like? (9)
tablets, liquids, capsules, extracts, powders, concentrates, gel caps, liquids, and powders
Under the _______________, dietary supplements considered ______, not ______.
Dietary Supplement Act of 1994
Are vitamin and supplements necessary? why?
no, all nutrients can be consumed through food
__________ may be safety net for poor dietary intake
Who are additional vitamin/supplements recommended for? and Which vitamins?
*subgroups within the population
*Vitamin D and Calcium
Range of dietary supplements expanded from _______ and _________ to diverse selection of substances including ______, protein powders, _____________, natural and synthetic energy, and _____________.
*vitamins and minerals
* fatty acid capsules
*growth enhancers
What does DSHEA stand for?
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994
to work
å arbeide, arbeider, arbeidet, har arbeidet
DSHEA establishes definition of dietary supplements as products that adds to dietary intake and contains one or more of following: (5)
1. A vitamin or a mineral
2. An herb or other botanical
3. An amino acid
4. A dietary substance for use by man to supplement diet by increasing the total dietary intake
5. A concentrate, metabolite, constituent, extract, or a combination of preceding ingredients
Based on definition, dietary supplements considered ________ which affects regulation _______ approval process
________________ oversees regulation of dietary supplements
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Labeling of dietary supplements must follow format for_______________.
nutrition labeling
What must labels of dietary supplements contain?
1. May include approved statements of health claims such as on food labels
2. Other health-related claims may be made about effect of supplement on “structure or function” of body as well as on “general well-being”
3. Claims related to reducing nutrient deficiency diseases acceptable
In addition, if claims made, label must include statement:
“This statement has _____ been evaluated by the ______________. This product is not intended to ______, treat, ______, or prevent any disease.”
*Food and Drug Administration
Development of _____________ continues because of several factors:
1. ___________ concerned about health
2. __________ cost of health care
3. _____________ regarding health
4. Continued evidence of dietary intake effect on ______________ and ________.
5. Changes in food regulation appear to support expanded growth of ___________ and ____________.
*functional foods
*Aging population
* Increased
*Growth of self-care
*disease prevention and treatment
*dietary supplements and functional foods
Physiologically active substances added to foods
Functional foods
____________: Generally regarded as foods that provide ________ by containing ________________.
*functional foods
*good health
*physiologically active food components
Functional foods may be modified to increase nutrient density including _______, ________, or ___________.
enhanced foods
Some functional food components marketed as dietary supplements, such as ____________.
herb-enriched beverages
Drug-nutrient interactions have potential to: (5)
1. Reduce drug efficacy
2. Interfere with disease control
3. Foster nutritional deficiencies
4. Influence food intake
5. Provoke toxic reaction
Dietary supplements may act as ______, Particularly when patients take many ________.
All drugs produce _________ effects
Some effects unintended (__________) constituting risks of medication use
(side effects)
Amount and rate of drug absorption can be affected by ________ and timing of food intake
*timing of food intake
What 3 things can be altered by medication?
1. food intake
2. absorption
3. medication
What is TJC? and What do they recommend?
1. The Joint Commission
2. evaluation of drug and diet combinations
What characterisitics does etermination of risk for drug-nutrient reactions depends on? (5)
1. Age
2. Physiologic status
3. Multiple drug intake
4. Hepatic and renal function
5. Typical dietary intake
Who is more at risk for drug-nutrient reaction?
older adults
Why are older adults more at risk for drug-nutrient reaction?
1. Greater variety of medications used
2. Reduced physiologic functioning affecting drug use
3. Often experience several different disorders simultaneously
4. High rate of drug reactions noted among older adults may be caused by combination of factors, including drug misuse or overuse
True or False:

Young children can be affected by drug-nutrient reactions.
How can children be affected by drug-nutrient reactions?
Use of vitamins/minerals, dietary supplements, and OTC medications intended for adults can result in drug-nutrient reactions
Substances _________ differently by developing body systems
Physiologically, Drug-nutrient reactions increases because of? (4)
1. GI tract disorders and reduced hepatic and renal functioning
2. Postoperative trauma or injury
3. Age
4. During pregnancy use of medications requires caution
GI tract disorders and reduced hepatic and renal functioning from drug-nutrient reactions impairs ability to _________, _______, ________ nutrients & medications.
1. absorb
2. metabolize
3. excrete
How drug-nutrient reactions affect age?
1. Alters ___________ as body matures
2. Drug doses vary depending on ________and __________ as aspect of age-related physiologic status
1. physiologic status
2. weight and metabolic function
multiple drug intake
Certain types of illness or disease groups tend to require combinations of therapeutic drugs plus other medications, including OTC drugs, for relief of symptoms
Polypharmacy resulting drug-nutrient reactions may be related to _____________ or be ____________.
*disease itself
*reaction to medications
With polypharmacy, If other acute disorders develop, combination of medications may affect __________ or _________.
nutrient availability or function
With medications, _______________ better able to withstand medical regimen affecting nutrient functioning
Well-nourished individual
With medications, individuals ____________or __________ in nutrient intake more at risk for complications of drug-nutrient reactions. Why?
malnourished or marginally deficient
*Body’s stores of nutrients diminished
True or False:

Many OTC medications originally prescription medications now available without prescriptions
With over-the-counter medications, Although dose is _____ than when prescription drug, interactions with other medications, foods, nutrients, and supplements such as herbs may occur
What can drugs alter? (4)
food intake, nutrient absorption, metabolism, and excretion
What is included in the term "drugs"? (3)
Drugs include prescription medications, OTC drugs, and even alcohol
Mineral status can be affected by drugs, resulting in either________ or ________.
depletion or overload
Mineral status _________ may occur from simultaneous use of several medications, each having side effect of mineral depletion
Mineral __________ may occur in which ______ function compromised when potassium-sparing diuretics and potassium supplements used
Medications also can alter food intake by: _____________, __________ or __________, further decreasing appetite
1. Acting as appetite depressants or stimulants
2. altering taste sensations
3. producing nausea and vomiting
__________ and ________ rate of drug itself may interfere with nutrient metabolism and excretion
Certain medications act as ____________, preventing vitamins from completing metabolic functions
vitamin antagonists,
True or False:
Foods and nutrients may affect drug action, producing uncomfortable side effects
Serious adverse side effects associated with ______________.
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
What does MAOI stand for? and what do they treat?
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
Patients taking MAOIs should avoid foods and drugs containing ________.
What complications may patients taking MAOIS consuming tyramine have?
1. increased blood pressure
2. headache
3. pallor
4. heart palpitations leading to life-threatening hypertension
Medications can also alter food intake by: (3)
1. Acting as appetite depressants or stimulants
2. Altering taste sensations
3. Producing nausea and vomiting
Medications may cause additional nutrition problems by affecting GI tract ______ or GI tract _____, changing nutrient ________.
Metabolic and excretion rate of ____ may interfere with ________ metabolism and excretion
Nutrient metabolism affected by ___________ competing metabolically with vitamin
vitamin analogs
What medication acts as a vitamin antagonist? Which vitamin does it affect?
*Warfarin (Coumadin) anticoagulant
*Vitamin K
Medications must be _______ to have _________ effect
_________, or lack thereof, in addition to _____________ may affect drug absorption
Food intake
food composition
________ of drug administration and meals also clinical significance
If absorption of medicine increased by presence of food
Medication should be taken _______ or ________.
with meal or snack
If drug absorption depressed by presence of food when is the optimum absorption?
1 hour before or 2 hours after eating or tube feeding
Established ___________ schedules in health care facilities often conflict with optimal drug __________.
*drug administration
True or false:
Herbs do not have significant effects on bioavailability of foods, nutrients, and drugs