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102 Cards in this Set

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Middle childhood is between the ages of ____ years
Preadolescnence is ages ____ for girls and ____ for boys
9-11 girl
10-12 boys
Middle childhood and preadolescence are both termed ________
musclar strength , motor coordination, and stamina increase
the physiological development in school-aged children
in early childhood, ____ reaches a minimum then increases in preparation for adolescent growth spurt
body fat
Adiposity rebounds between ages ____
6 to 6.2 years
Boys have more ___ than girls
lean tissue
the knowledge of what to do and the ability to do it
What happens during the cognitive development in school-age children? (5)
1. self-efficacy
2. change from preoperational period to concrete operations
3. develops a sense of self
4. more independent and learn family roles
5. peer relationships become important
increased motor coordination and improved feeding skills, masters use of eating utilsels, involved in food preperation ,complexities of skills increase with age
development of feeding skills of school-aged children
parents and older siblings ______ food choices in early childhood with peer influences increasing in preadolescence
parents should be postive role models, family meal times should be encouraged, and media has strong influence on food choices
eating behaviors of school-aged children
young girls are preoccupied with weight and body size at an early age, the normal increase in adiposity at this age may be interpreted as the beginning of obesity, imposing controls and restriction of _____ may increase desire and intake of the foods
Body image and excessive dieting ; "forbidden foods"
Energy needs vary by ____ and ____
activity level and body size
What is the protein DRI of school age children?
.95 g/kg of body weight
the intake of vitamins and minerals appear adequate for most US children
What are common nutrition problems of school aged children?
iron deficiency and dental caries
iron deficiency is less common in ____ than toddlers
dental carries are seen in ____ of children aged 6 to 8; reduce dental caries by limiting sugary snacks and providing fluoride
the prevalence of overweight among children is _____
Data suggests weight gain linked to ____ rather than increases in energy intake
_______ increases risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
excessive body weight
BMI-for-age > 95th %
Over weight for school aged child
BMI for age from 85th to 95th %
at risk for becoming overweight
OVerweight is more common in ________ and ________
mexican american males and females and african american females
What are 5 characteristics of overweight children?
1. are taller
2. have advanced bone ages
3. experience earlier sexual maturity
4. look older
5. are at higher risk for obesity-related chronic diseases
obesity related to hours of television viewing , resting energy expenditure _____ while viewing TV,
effects of television viewing time; decreases
healthly people 2010 objective: increase the proportion of children who view 2 hours or less of TV per day from ___ to ___
60 to 75%
Prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity school aged children consists of a multicomponent , family based program consisting of ? (4)
1. parent training
2. dietary counseling/education
3. phsycial activity
4. behavioral counseling
Acceptable range for fat is ___ of energy for ages 4 to 18 years
for the nutrition and prevention of CVD in school age children you should limit ____
sat fat, trans fat and cholesterol
for the nutrition and prevention of CVD in school age children you should increase ____
soluble fibers, maintain weight and include ample physical activity
Supplements are not needed for children who eat a varied diet and get ample phsycial activity
If supplements are given do not exceed the DRI's
What are the dietary recommendations of iron for school age children
8 mg/day
What are the dietary recommendations of fiber for school age children
from 4-8 years its 25g/d
for males 9-18 its 34.0g/d
for females its 26.0 g/d
What are the dietary recommendations of fat for school age children
M: 33.8%
F: 33.9%
What are the dietary recommendations of calcium for school age children
800 mg for 4-8 years old
1300 mg for 9-18 years old
What are the dietary recommendations of fluid for school age children
20% of total energy from fluids
preadolescents sweat less during exercise than adolescents and adults
you should provide plain water or sports drinsk to school age children to prevent ____
Limit soft drinks because they provide _____, _______ and ______
empty calories, diaplce milk consumption, and promote tooth decay
What are the dietary recommendations of saturated fat for school age children
M: 12.1%
F: 12 %
____ intake is excessive in african american boys and girls and mexican american girls
total fat
___ increasing because of soft drink consumption
____ of US children eat fast food on a typical day
children should enage in at least ___ minutes of phsycal activity each day
60 mins
Parents should set a good example, encourage physcial activity and limit media and computer use
________________ are:
girls are less active than boys
phsyical activity decreases with age
season and cliamte impact level of phsycail activity
physical education classes are decreasing
determinants of physcial activity
participation in _____ linked to lower incidence of overweight
organized sports
What are 3 things the AAP recomends for physical activity of school age children?
1. participation in a variety of activites
2. use of proper equipment such as mouth guards pads and helmets
3. awareness of disordered eating and heat injury
____ is a prime time for learning about healthy lifestyles
school age
schools can provide an appropriate environment for nutrition education
education may be knownledge based nutrition educaiton or behavior based on reducing _____
disease risk
Sound nutrition policies need ___ and ____ support
community and school environment
The _____ should be completed and implemented
School health index
What are model programs for nutrition intervention for risk reduction?
5 a day for better health program
high 5 alabama
began in 1946, provide nutrition meals to all children , reinforce nutrition education, require schools to develop a wellness policy
child nutrition programs
The national school lunch program menu planning approaches what 4 things?
1. tradiational food based menu planning
2. enhanced food based menu planning
3. nutrient standard enu planning
4. assisted nutritent menu planning
authorized in 1966 , states may require schools who serve needy populations to provide school breakfast ; breakfast must provide 1/4 the DRI
school breakfast program
provides summer meals to areas with > 50% of students from low income families
summer food service program
provides training, technical assistance education or suuport to promote nutrition in schools
team nutrition
What does "children are chilren first" mean?
expectations that children will become more independent in making food choices, assisting with meal preparation , and participating at meal times with other family members apply to children when special health care needs too
Children with special health care needs vary in nutrition requireds and health needs for ___, ___ , ___, and ___.
energy, proteins, vitamins, and minerals
energy needs vary depending on _____
special health care condition
____ are needed by children with slow growth or decreased muscles such as in prader-willi syndrome
lower calories
____ needed as activity increases such as in ADHD or austism
increased calories
protein needs vary by condition, recovery from burns and CF increase calorie needs up to ___ DRI
What are conditions that interfere with adequate nutrient intake ? (4)
1. chewing or other feeding problems
2. side effects from prescribed medications
3. food refusals
4. treatment of condition that includes restriction of certain foods
____ less important for children with life shortening conditions
long term health goals
What are warning signs for growth problems? (4)
1. pleatue in weight
2. pattern of weight gain then loss
3. failure to regain weight lost during an illness
4. unexplained/unintentional weight gain
What are factors that affect growth surfacing during middle childhood? (3)
1. age of condition onset
2. secondary conditions
3. acitiity/inactivity level
Health conditions may alter __,___,__
muscle size, bone structure, and fat stores
____ results in short stature , low muscle tone, and low weight
down syndrome
___ and ___ may reduce muscle tone
cerebral palsy and spina bifida
____ may impact muscles only in the lower extremities
spina bifida
What conditions do not have special growth charts? (6)
1. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
2. cystic fibrosis
3. rett syndrome
4. spina bifida
5. seizures
6. diabetes
assess intake to determine if nutritents are adequate, children with special health needs benefit from same dietary recomendations as other children
What are the methods of meeting nutritional requirements for children with chronic conditions?
1. oral feeding is the preferred method of feeding
2. Gastrotomy feeding may be required for :
kidney disease, some cancers, severe cerebral palsy, and cystic fibrosis
chewing problems need ___ supplements; diabetes or those on ketogenic diets should avoid supplements with added CHO, RKU should avoid supplements with certain artifical sweeteners, Cystic fibrosis require _____ vitamins, and galactosemia (restricts dairy) requires ____
lipid , fat soluble, and calcium
conditions that impact fuild status include drooling from ____, constipation from ____, and multiple medication use
cerebral palsy, and neuromuscular disorders
common lethal genetic condition that interferes with lung function and causes decreased absorption
cystic fibrosis
dietary considerations of ___:
calories and protein increase, enzyme take with meals to aid in digestion, frequent meals and snacks, fat soluble vitamin supplements , gastrostomy feeding at night may be needed to boost energy intake
cystic fibrosis
disorder in insulin and blood glucose regulation
diabetes mellitus
virtunally no insulin production
type 1 DM
associated with obesity
type 2 DM
what are the treatments of DM?
timing and composition of meals and snacks, insulin injections for type 1 and excercise for type 2 (to increase insulin sensitivity)
uncontrolled electrical disturbances in brain; results ranging from milk blinking to severe jerking
seizures ; time after seizure of altered consciousness
group of disorders with impaired muscle activity and coordination ; spastic quadriplegia is the most common form
cerebral palsy
What are the nutrition concerns of cerebral palsy?
slow growth, and difficulty feeding and eating
uncontrolled movement which increases energy expenditure
inborn error of metabolism body lacks the enzyme needed to metabolize phnylalaine
PKU; dietary treatment involves avoiding meats, eggs, dairy products , nuts and soy beans
most common neurobehavioral problem; chaotic meals and snack with difficulty staying seated ; medications are ritalin or adderal both may decrease appetite ; it returns to normal when medicne isnt given like on weekends or school holidays
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
nutrition is important for ___ management.
____ depresses appetite and food intake
antiretroviral therapy
____ other nutrition concerns are to control food related infections, acces to determine need for complete nutritional supplements, and refer to food banks
pediactric HIV
school breakfasts and lunches must be modified for special needs children
USDA child nutrition program
funs for nutrition services such as special formulas or food and nutrition education
maternal and child health block program of the US department of health and human services
requires that school provide a written plan to accommodate for special health care needs
504 accommodation
requires each special needs child to have a written plan that may include nturiton related goals and objectives as needed
individuals with disabilities educaiton act (IDEA)
_____ is part of HHS and funds nutrition services for chronically ill children
maternal and child health bureau
_____ develops and promotes model programs such as pediatric pulmonary centers, leadership education in neurodevelopment disabilities
maternal and child health bureau