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50 Cards in this Set

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What is a speedball?
the intravenous administration of a heroin/morphine and cocaine/amphetamine mixture
Provide names for stimulants of the following categories:
1: benzedrine, dexedrine, adderall
2: desoxyn, yaba
3. cocaine
4. ritalin, concerta, metadate
5. straterra
6. nicotine
Name three cocaine derivatives, and identify them as synthetic or natural
Synthetic cocaine derivatives:
-novocaine, xylocaine (lidocaine)
Name 4 methylxanthines
caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, Modafinil
Name two observations made in the 1920s about the effects of ma huang
1. it is effective when taken orally
2. active compound is similar to norepinephrine in its effects on the cardiovascular system
are amphetamines, methylphenidate, PPA, novocaine and lidocaine and methamphetamines natural or synthetic stimulants?
Name the early legislative attempts to control cocaine use
- Pure food and drug act 1906 which required labels that announced cocaine presence and made it illegal to claim that cocaine was non-habit forming.
-Harrison Narcotics Act 1914 which levied taxes and tons of paperwork made mandatory to deter people from getting opiates and cocaine
-Comprehensive Drug abuse and prevention and control act of 1970 which created scheme for classifying drugs based on their dependency potentials and medical usefulness
cocaine was equated with which group of people and what behaviors by the media
southern blacks; crime wave in the south
What is Bolivia pushing for, in regards to coca and cocaine?
Yes to coca, but no to cocaine. Coca has many uses, things like soap, toothpaste, flour can be made. But cocaine traffic is shifting to bolivia.
What two countries rank higher than bolivia as cocaine suppliers?
Columbia and Peru
Why did amphetamine use not have as negative a stigma as cocaine did in the 1940s?
because amphetamines were being used as medicine: respiratory problems, sleep disorders, obesity, fatigue
What are the four routes of administration for the stimulants?
One Enteral - Oral

three parenteral
-topical intranasal
which group of stimulants is mostly ingested via enteral route?
which two parenteral routes are common to the illegal use of cocaine and methamphetamine?
1. snorting (topical)
2. free base smoking (pulmonary)
cocaine derivatives can be used to numb pain. How is this acheived?
by injection directly on a nerve bundle or injection near or on the spinal chord.
compared to the IV route, how fast is the absorption via free-base smoking of cocaine and meth?
as fast as IV route!
what is the most common vehicle for nicotine administration?
how much nicotine does the tobacco in a single cigarrette usually have?
the actual dose of nicotine that can be aquired from a cigarette ranges from....
.1 mg to over 2 mg.
Name the organs involved in the excretion of stimulants
-Liver which does the biotransformation
-then kidneys excrete the water soluble metabolites
What is unusual about the excretion of amphetamines? It depends on the property of the urine. What is that property?
Depends on the acidity of the urine. High acidity will shorten the half life of amphetamines to about 7 to 14 hours. while half life in basic urine is about 16 to 34 hours
What is the half life of cocaine?
40 minutes
what is the half life of caffeine
2 to 4 hours
what is the half life of ritalin?
1 to 2 hours
what is the half life of nicotine
30 to 120 minutes
what is the half life of modafinil?
15 hours
what is the half life of straterra (atomoxetine?
5 hours
what is the half life of concerta?
3.5 hours
the stimulants are quite reinforcing. How do they accomplish this?
VTA projecting to nucleus accumbens which projects to frontal cortex. this pathway is stimulated by stimulants.
How do amphetamines alter CNS functioning to give rise to behavioral effects?
(4 ways...)
1. Block reuptake of monoamine NTs by blocking reuptake channels thus allowing more NT to stay in the synapse and bind post-synaptic receptors; especially DA
2. deactivate monoamine oxidase
3. increase the amount of NT released upon neuronal firing
4. directly stimulating the receptors on post-synaptic surface because drug looks enough like the monoamine NT
how does the effect of methamphetamine differ from that of amphetamine?
both probably have the same mechanisms; meth has less peripheral activity and more CNS activity than amphetamines
cocaine and methylphenidate have been shown to share which two mechanism with amphetamines?
1. block reuptake of NTs
Do methylxanines alter the CNS function in the same way that amphetamines and cocaine do? How do they alter CNS activity?
No they have been shown to not alter CNS activity as amph/cocaine do.

Caffeine does however inhibit adenosine receptors, which normally bind NTs and exert an inhibitory effect. This means that excitation occurs and stimulation is produced via caffeine
apart from inhibiting adenosine receptor function, in what other two ways does caffeine act on the CNS?

These two effects occur at (High, medium, low) doses of caffeine?
1. mobilizes intracellular calcium
2. inhibits phosphodiesterase, an enzyme which breaks down NTs

effects only occur at HIGH doses
What is the mechanism of action for the effects following nicotine administration?
stimulation of ACh receptors in both CNS and PNS
What is the deal with the drug CHANTIX, marketed as the key to losing your nicotine dependency?
get bad dreams. Nicotinic receptors are everywhere in the hippocampus experience altered function so nightmares ensue
Which component of the Autonomic nervous system is affected by stimulants?
sympathetic NS
me of the general physiological effects of
dosing with stimulants are typical of a
sympathetic arousal state:
increased BP, respiration, and bronchial dilation to enhance oxygenation of blood, pupil dilation, increased heart rate, blood flow shunting to skeletal muscles and away from digestion.
a consequence of methamphetamine use is meth-mouth. Explain the reasoning behind this?
mouth drys up = increased acid concentration in mouth and cravings for high calorie beverages, tooth grinding and its long duration of action leading to extended periods of poor oral hygiene.
the behavioral consequences of stimulant use are consistent with
PSNS or SNS response? pick one
sympathetic ns (SNS)
what are the general behavioral effects of the stimulants
Alertness or decreased fatigue and an increased ability to concentrate. insomnia; elevation of mood to the point of euphoria; anorexia.
what are the behavioral consequences of amphetamines
increased alertness; euphoria
what are the behavioral consequences of cocaine?
improved performance; physical performance might be enhanced independent of amphetamine effect of allaying fatigue
what are the behavioral consequences of methylxanthines
not as profound sympathetic stimulation as other stimulants.

-stimulate CNS
-relax bronchial muscles
-stimulate heart
-promote uriniation (diuresis)
arrange the methylxanthines (3) From least CNS stimulation to the most
theobromine, caffeine, theophylline
Methylxanthines -

chocolate literature suggests what effects of chocolate and sucrose on CNS
1. drive CB1 receptors by releasing anadamide

2. release of endogenous opiates
what are the behavioral consequences of nicotine?
improved intellectual performance of nicotine, but negative effect on learning of smoking.
Nicotine and alzheimer's
skin patch administration of nicotine shows improved learning
What are two toxic reactions to cocaine>
Heart attack;
cardiac arythmias and even rupture of aorta

-this can occur in normal adults and any route of administration will do it
what are toxic reactions to amphetamine?
same as cocaine but less severe. include headache, tremor, dizziness, agitiation, chest pain, heart palpitations, irregular heart rhythms, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and in some cases convulsions leading to death