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15 Cards in this Set

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Bulk forming laxatives (should be taken w/ adequate fluids)
mao - hyd sub increase stool bulk, reduce stool consistency by increase retention of water in stool. increase stool in pt w/ diarrhea.
Indications - chronic
Onset - PO: 12-72 hr
ADR - gas, bloating, esophageal/colonic obstruction
Precaution - avoid people taking opioid
Drug - Psyllium, poycarbophil, methycellulose, wheat dextrin
Stimulating laxatives (one time bases, not for long period of time)
Mao - increase intestinal peristaltic activity of nerve plexus of intes sm muscle. cause local mucosal irritation. decrease reabsorption of water and electrolytes from large intestines
Indications - acute, opioid induced
Onset - po 6-12 hr, pr 15-60m
ADR - cramping, diarrhea, excessive fluid loss w/ chronic use
Drugs - bisacodyl, senna
Saline osmotics (quick fast onset) (reports of acute phosphate nephropathy w/ fleets po)
Mao - retain water in the intestinal lumen by create an osmotic gradient
Indications - acute constipation
Onset - po: 1-6 hr, pr 15-60m
ADR - cramping, excessive fluid loss, hypovolemia, electrolyte disturbances, hypermagnesemia, hyperphosphatemia
Precaution - renal failure pt due to mag and phosphate salts, cardiac pt due to sodium salt
Drugs - magnesium citrate, magnesium hydroxide, sodium/potassium phosphate
Osmotic laxatives
Mao - retain water in the intestinal lumen by creating an osmotic gradient
Indications - acute/chronic
Onset - po 24-48 h, pr 15-60 m
ADR - cramping, bloating, gas, nausea-lactulose and sorbital are nauseatingly
Drugs - Lactulose (liq), sorbital, peg 3350 (powder glycerin (supp)
Stool Softeners
Mao - Soften stool by enhancing interaction of water with stool
Indications - Adjuncts to prevent straining, exacerbation of hemorrhoids
Not for acute constipation
Onset - PO 24-72 h
Precaution - Do not give with mineral oil- increases absorption
Drugs - Docusate Na And docusate Ca
Mao - Coat stool, inhibit colonic reabsorption of water, increase stool weight and decrease colonic transit time
Indications - Acute and chronic
Onset - PO 48-72h
PR 15-60 m
ADR - Aspiration pneumonia
Decreased absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
Leakage thru anal sphincter
Precaution - Avoid in debilitated pt- may aspirate

Do not give with docusate- may increase absopt. Of mineral oil
Drugs - Mineral oil
Peripheral mu-opioid receptor antagonist
Mao - Antagonizes effects of opioids binding to peripheral mu-opioid receptors, counteracts decreased peristaltic effects of opioids
Indications - Refractor opioid induced contipation (methylnaltrexone)

Prevention of post-operative ileus
Onset - Subcut 0.5-4h
Adr - Abdominal pain
Increased risk of MI’s (alvimopan)- it is available thru restricted access to healthcare facilities only
Drugs - Methylnaltrexone
Loperamide & Diphenoxylate

Structurally- related to meperidine & fentanyl

Mao - Dexrease intestinal motility thru actions on peripheral mu-opioid receptor.
Dose/indic - antimotility
Precaution - Poor CNS Penetration No pain Relief
Diphenoxylate 2.5mg & atropine 0.025mg (lomotil)

Dose/indic - 2 tabs PO after 1st LBM, then 1 tab after each LBM, NTE 8tabs/day, for antimotility
ADR - Anti-cholinergic S.E.
Blurred vision, Confusion, Dry mouth, Urinary retention
Precaution - Atropine dose is subtherapeutic- only to reduce abuse potential
Loperamide (Imodium A-D)

Dose/indic - 4mg PO after 1st LBM, then 2 mg PO after each LBM, NTM 16 mg 8 Caps/day, antimotility drug
Precaution - Can exceed the usual ax dose in certain situations (chemo-induced diarrhea)
Tincture of opium

Schedule II

Dose/indic - 10% solution= morphine 10mg/cc
tincture= 19% alcohol , antimotility
Paregoric- camphorated tincture of opium
Schedule III

Dose/indic - Morphine 0.4 mg/cc 45% alcohol, antimotility
Bismuth Sabsalicylate
(pepto-bismol, kaopectate)

Mao - Anti-secretory, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial effects
Dose/indic - Indigestion, abdominal craps, Diarrhea,
Travelers diarrhea, H.pylori eradication, 524 mg PO Q30-60 m, up to 8 doses/day
524 mg PO QID-TID prophylaxis
Adr - Bismuth discoloration
Blackish tongue, stools. Harmless Bismuth encephalopathy Anxiety, confusionHA, Slurred speech, muscle weakness, facial spasms, salicylate toxicity
hearing loss tinnitus
Precaution - Bleeding potential
Pts on anticoagulants Thrombocytopenia, Pregnancy 3rd trimester, Children’s Reye’s syndrome, Allergies salicylate, asprin, NAIDS
Probenecid (interferes with uricosuic effects
Octreotide (Sandostatin)

Mao - Somatostatin analog that decreases GI peptide secretions, GI motility & increases water absorption
Dose/indic - Chemo-induced diarrhea, Graft vs. host disease diarrhea GI peptide-secreting tumors, antimotility drug

100-150mcg subcut/slow IVP Q8H
Titrate by 100mcg/dose Q48h up to a max of 500mcg subcut Q8h
ADR - Abdominal cramps
Nausea (mild), Hypoglycemia (high doses in type I DM)
Hyperglycemia ( in type II DM or non-diabetics) Injection site reactions
Bulk formers- psyllium Polycarbophil Metamucil fibercon

Mao - Absorb colonic water, reduce liquidity of stool
Dose/indic - Polycarbophil: 2 caps PO daily-QID
Psyllium: 5-15cc PO up to TID
Adr - Bloating Gas Esophageal/colonic obstruction Hives
Bronchospasm (psyllium
Precaution - Separated by 2 hrs from other meds