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the first M of the MMR vaccine Dance 4


to test for exposure a blank a patient's serum is mixed with rubella and spread over cell culture is anti rubella antibodies are present neutralization occurs and there will be no cytopathic effect


is passive immunity temporary or permanent
it's temporary both nationally occurring an artificially acquired because no memory cells are produced
where do naturally occurring class IgM anti a and anti b antibodies occur
in blood plasma
injected influenza vaccine
have been inactivated since 1976

you cannot get the disease from the vaccine shot
now it is it is a subunit vaccine only contains small pieces of the virus
when was the oral polio vaccine developed and what is it called
sabin (oral) polio vaccine OPV was attenuated 2nd polio vaccine developed in 1963
artificially acquired active immunity
vaccination both antibody production and memory result all though boosters maybe needed it
to test for previous exposure to a virus in patients serum is mixed with a virus and spread over cell culture if antiviral antibodies are present they neutralize the virus and there will be no blank
cytopathic effect
the Rhogam shot
given to an Rh negative woman about 7 months of pregnancy
then given after the birth of an Rh+ fetus
the preformed antibodies destroy fetal cells before the mother's immune system can develop memory of the Rh antigen
if she blood cells live on the second day of the Wasserman test. this indicates
the patient does not have syphilis
the r of the MMR vaccine
lysis by complement fixation begins with a blank antigen combining with a class I GG or IgM antibody which in turn activates the complement cascade
precipitation reaction
begins with a soluble antigen combining with antibodies and then forms insoluble percipitate which is easier to phagocytize
naturally acquired active immunity
occurs when a person goes through illness so that their immune system produces antibodies and memory cells
what do antiserum shots contain
preformed antibodies from someone else
examples include anti tinnitus anti-rabies anti botulism and the Rhogam shot
the attenuated saben oral polio vaccine obv
the second polio vaccine developed in 1963
artificially acquired passive immunity occurs
with an injection of preformed antibodies (antiserum) from someone else
and is relatively short lived because no memory cells
anti tetanus anti rabies anti botulism and the Rhogam shot are all examples
naturally acquired passive immunity is due to blank antibodies crossing the placenta from mother to fetus during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy
naturally acquired passive immunity is extended by class blank antibodies in breastmilk
conjugate vaccines only contain combine pieces of the pathogen and can't cause disease examples include the pneumococcal vaccine against blank pneumonia and the meningococcal vaccine against Neisseria meningitides
naturally occurring anti-a and anti-b antibodies are both classes blank antibody
in the Waterman has for syphilis the blanks system includes sheep red blood cells providing a new solar antigen and the sheep red blood cell antibodies that reacts with a new cellular antigen
lysis by complement fixation begins with a class by GG or IgM antibody combines with a Cellular antigen which in turns activates the
complement cascade
the Wasserman test used to test for blank
syphilis when blood tests were required to get married
sheep RBCs will not lyse during the second day of the Wiseman test if blank is not present in the patient Plasma
compliment this means that the patient has or had syphilis
attenuated vaccine
means weekend pathogen
includes OPV (sabin oral polio vaccine) measles mumps rubella varicella (chicken pox) and variola (smallpox)
although the protection is believed to be the best there is an extremely slight risk of the weakened pathogen and can change to a virulent form
is a acronym for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is a very sensitive testing in which antibodies tagged with enzymes that react with a substrate that changes colors
the only know naturally occurring anribodies
ant a and anti b of class IgM
naturally acquired active immunity
occurs when a person goes through an illness so that their immune system experiences the microbe and produces both antibodies and memory cells
the T of the DPT vaccine
tetanus aka lockjaw
what Elisa are results qualitative
because it indicates of anti-hiv antibodies are present or not
why is the elisa quantitative
because the amount of color change indicates the amount of antibodies present in the patient serum
the Schick test
involve inoculate into diphtheria exotoxin under the skin a patient with antibodies (previous exposure to diphtheria) has no reaction
when the patient without antibody (no previous exposure to diphtheria) develop inflammation at the site
recombinant subunit vaccines
antigenic fraction vaccines are made by genetic engineering
hepatitis B and HPV vaccines are examples
diagnostic immunology is also called blank
serology based on antigen antibody reaction
hemagglutination results of blood typing are do to
antigen-antibody reactions
the P of the DPT vaccine
pertussis aka whooping cough
and opsonization reaction
begins when antibodies attached to a slimy bacterial capsule making it sticky and bumping , promoting phagocytosis
the only way that naturally acquired passive immunity occurs is
across the placenta from mother to fetus
and in breastmilk, mother to newborn
to produce monoclonal antibodies a blank is formed by mixing sensitized mouse B lymphocytes with myeloma (cancer of plasma ) cells
like sensitized mature b-lymphocytes they make a single antibody and like cancer cells they proliferate in tissue culture indefinitely
recombinant subunit AKa
antigenic fraction vaccines are produced by genetic engineering including hepatitis B and HPV vaccine
the middle m of the MMR vaccine
anti a blood typing serum contains
anti a antibodies and therefore, clumps any cell with the a antigen
precipitation reaction begins with
a soluble antigen combining with antibody and then forms an insoluble precipitate which is easier to phagocytize
neutralization refers to the result of antigen antibody reaction that eliminates the harmful effects of
a virus or a toxin
developed the first vaccine against polio the (injectable polio vaccine) IPV in 1954 90 percent effective
anti a class iGM antibodies naturally occurring in the plasma if
type B & O blood type
anti b class IgM antibodies are naturally occurring in the plasma of
people with blood type A or O
use of custom-made monoclonal antibodies is
to travel directly to cancer cells and destroy them
an agglutination reaction begins with
a cellular or particulate antigen such as pollen combining with an antibody formed by cross-linking promoting phagocytosis
this is used to artificially introduce the host to a pathogen is especially helpful when getting the disease is fatal
the D of DTP
buffer wash
is used twice during the ELISA procedure to wash away any antibodies that are not attached permanently
the Rh blood factor was discovered in
Rhesus monkeys
inactivated vaccine includes
killed and it includes the IPV (sulk injectable polio vaccine) rabies hepatitis A and anthrax the contents cannot recert back to virtual dangerous form but they may also require boosters
the I in ELISA
A B and Rh blood type antigens are found on the surface of
opsonization reaction occurs when antibodies
attached to a slimy bacterial capsule making it sticky and bumpy promoting factor cytosis
diagnostic immunology hemagglutination reaction is used for
blood typing
Wasserman test
use for syphilis is based on a complement fixation reaction
a neutralization reaction begins with
a virus or an endotoxin antigen combining with antibody antigenic determine covering and disarming the antigen
anti-rh blood coming serum contains
anti Rh antibodies and therefore clumps any cell with RH antigen
antiserum shops contain
preformed antibodies from someone else antitetanus anti rabies antibltulism and Rhogam shots are all examples also known as gammaglobulin shots
optimization of a slimy bacterial capsule makes
phagocytosis easier
artificially acquired active immunity may require
periodic booster shots to maintain good protection
agglutination reaction begins with
it's all either or particular antigen such as pollen combining with antibody formed by cross-linking promoting phagocytosis
Elisa test, blank is a colorless substrate that turns color when an enzyme acts on it
artificially acquired passive immunity
occurs with an injection of preformed antibodies antiserum from someone else and is relatively short lived three weeks or so anti tetanus anti rabies anti botulism in the Rhogam shot
vaccines are
suspensions of microbes or part of them or their product that will induce active artificial immunity in a host
toxoid vaccines
inactivated exotoxin vaccines include those for the diptheria and tetanus (dpt)
complement fixation with a class I GG or IgM antibody combined with an Cellular antigen which in turn activates the complement cascade this causes the blank of the target cell
a pregnancy test
involves monoclonal antibody to taking HCG human chorionic gonadotrophin
monoclonal antibodies are
pure preparations that exhibits specifically to a single antigenic determinate
they are uniforms highly specific and able to be produced in high-quantity
hemagglutination is the basis for blood typing
this is the company of red blood cells and anti a anti b and anti Rh anti serums are added the blood drops and then observed for clumping
antiserum injections are also called
gamma globulin shots because they consist of preformed antibodies
antigen-antibody interactions such as agglutination precipitation and opsonization are beneficial because
promote phagocytosis
to produce monoclonal antibodies a hybridoma is formed by fusing an antibody-producing mouse plasma c ell with a blank
like regular plasma cells theymake a single antibody and like cancer cells they proliferate in tissue culture indefinitely
myeloma cancerous mouse plasma cell
blood typing results are due to
antigen-antibody reactions
the Schick test
involved diphtheria exotoxin inoculated into the skin a patient with the antibodies has no reaction a patient with out anti body develops the red swollen area
the L in Elisa
cross the placenta from mother to fetus during the last 6 weeks of pregnancy
IgG antibodies
conjugate vaccines
contain combined pieces of the pathogen and can't cause disease examples include the pneumococcal vaccine against Streptococcus pneumoniae and the meningococcal vaccine against Neisseria meningitides
artificially acquired active immunity
occurs by vaccination antibody production in memory results
the Schick test
involved in oculating a tiny amount of harmful diphtheria exotoxin under the skin
a patient with previous exposure has no reaction
a patient without previous exposure develops inflammation at the inoculation site because there are no antibodies to neutralize the toxin
the a in ELISA
anti a blood typing serum contains

anti a enterprise in there for our company sells with the A antigen