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9 Cards in this Set

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Explain the process of demineralization.

process where minerals of the tooth are DISSOLVED by the acids produced by acidogenic bacteria eating fermentable carbohydrates
Wilkins Ch 24, p.398
Also, explain this in layman’s terms for a patient understands. State and explain the “formula” for dental caries.
Caries Formation (Layman's Terms)

Bacteria eat sugars from your food and produce acids that break down your teeth and form cavities

Wilkins Ch 24
Define the “Medical Model of Care” as it applies to dentistry.
Discuss the caries process and how it relates to different tooth structures
Explain the process of early childhood caries in regards to etiology, prevention and risk factors.
List three (3) factors used to determine a patient’s recall interval.
Explain the role of diet, fluoride and calcium in the remineralization of tooth structure.

(1) acts as buffer (helps neutralize pH
(2) supplies MINERALS to replace calcium & phosphate ions lost

(1) prevents con't dissolution of minerals;
(2) as HF interferes w/it's enzyme activity when it diffuses over bacteria's cell membrane

(1) decrease in SUGAR intake can help reduce the proliferation of bacteria
Wilkins Ch 24, p 399
Discuss risk factors for dental caries and interventions for each.
Risk Factors

(1) Social History-(Low Dental IQ)
-educate pt/sched. reg. appts
(2) Medical Compromised-
give special needs suggestions
(3) Unfluoridated Community
-prescribe fluoride toothpaste/rinses
(4) Diet High in Sugars/carbs
-more brushing/flossing; chew gum
(5) Not brushing often
-tell pt to brush before bed; chew gum
(6) Caries susceptible
-offer sealants, reg appts
Wilkins Ch 24, p 401; table 24-1
Identify the acids produced during metabolic process of the bacteria dental biofilm

(1) acetic acid
(2) lactic acid
(3) formic acid
(4) proprionic acid
Wilkins Ch 24, p398