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50 Cards in this Set

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Colombo Plan (1950)

Result of the meeting of Commonwealth Ministers in Colombo,Ceylon

--> aimed to attack the poverty upon which communist political movements in Asia fed upon

- initiated by L. B. Pearson

The Berg Report (1981)

determined structural adjustment as remedy for "underdevelopment"

- debt relief

- international development

Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)

- neoliberal remedy for "underdevelopment"

- Made loans to countries on specific conditions

- induced countries to follow free market policies

- enforced by international institutions (WB and IMF)

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) (1968)

- signaled Canada's more sophisticated/enduring approach to international cooperation for development

Mental Maps

How policy makers imagine the world spatially (and how they position the 3rd World as peripheral)

Key implications of the Indian Act

- enforcing residential school attendance

- gave ability of gov'ts to depose chiefs

- monitored/limited spiritual/cultural practices

- killed native languages (linguistic colonization) + creation of Indian Race

Red Power Movement

- influenced by decolonization in the 3rd world in 60s/70s

- compared the treatment of natives in Canada to blacks in America's deep south (inspired by Civil Rights Movement)


The fact that the profits from 3rd World tourism actually go back to the first world

- b/c 80% of the tourist industry is transnational companies)

- e.g. Cruise Ships

How has Canadian immigration policy been exclusionary?

- Chinese Exclusion Acts

- Continuous Journey Regulation

- Limited Jewish Refugee Acceptance (St. Louis)

What is meant by the phrase "northern shadows"?

The fact that Canadian businesses + gov'ts are working in the shadows of giants in the 3rd world region

- flourishing b/c their exploitative practices go unnoticed

Economic Diplomacy

diplomatic assets of the CDN gov't being used to open new markets for CDN goods/services in the private sector

What percent of the world's mining companies are Canadian?


What are the primary detriments of mining in the Third World?

Loss and conflict

- generate/aggravate conflict

- environmental problems

- eliminate rather than creates jobs

- diverts important resources (e.g. water)

- don't actually benefit host country economically/socially

Marshall Plan

Introduced by USA to alleviate economic woes of EU nations after WWII

- rebuild infrastructure

- while containing communism

What is CIDA called now?

The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development

How many Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were there?


What are the key problems with NGOs and development?

- power relations constructed on the foundations of colonialism / embedded in ways of thinking

- not engaged enough w/ gov'ts

- development is "top-down"

Food Security

When all ppl at all times have access to sufficient/nutritious food that meets their needs

How many ppl in world don't have enough food?

800 million

How many ppl in CANADA are victims of food insecurity/hunger?

4 million


A country removing itself from political structures of another country

- establishing itself as a sovereign nation

What is/was Canada's foreign policy view on decolonization?

- views 3rd world as periphery

- thinks decolonization should build upon colonizers legacy

- believes EU tutelage leads (generally) towards self-governance

- history of resisting international human rights

What was the Bandung Conference?

3rd world's response of unalignment and cooperation in the bipolar context of the Cold War

- identified that they weren't falling into polarity of "sides"

What is problematic about Canada's involvement in the arms trade?

- canada = among largest military suppliers in world

- Saudi = Canada's 2nd largest arms buyer

--> you can't be an arms seller AND a peacemaker

--> contradicts cdn foreign policy of "international security + peaceful resolutions of disputes"

"Canada's national shame" refers to what?

The Somalia Affair (1993)

- changed international perceptions of cdn diplomacy

Popular Internationalism

Movements that seek to understand the interconnected histories of 1st and 3rd worlds

- aims to oppose structural inequalities b/w the two

What is the "New Warrior Framework"?

- celebrated martial virtues of a bygone age

- called out for a great leader capable of defending such virtues

- war = constant "since the first dawn"

- Canada = founded on war

The Somalia Affair

Cdn military scandal (1993)

- brutal beating/killing of Somalian teen by 2 cdn soldiers participating in humanitarian efforts

- resulted in "Somalian Inquiry"

What 3 distinct ways of looking at Canada's post-1945 military intervention arose as a result of the Somalia Affair?

1. New Warriors: teen died b/c Cdns have forgotten they are a warrior nation (a call to arms)

2. Liberal Internationalists: "a few bad apples" - not bc of fundamental flaw in Cdn military/stance on 3rd world

3. Critical Realists: teen's death just 1 of many facilitated by Canada (indirectly OR directly)

What is the New Warriors' stance with respect to the Third World?

1. defense of transnational corporations

2. insistence on cdn civilization superiority

3. celebration of country's enhanced military

--> to achieve objectives of Anglosphere: carry forward liberal-heritage of "English-speaking ppls"

Significance of Lester B. Pearson

- remembered for getting the peace prize

- master diplomat

- father of the UN

- a man of peace,

- PM who helped usher medicare, andbilingualism

- the very “liberal Canada the New Warriors have sworn to uproot"

What is "Pearsonian Internationalism"?

- high minded, idealistic

- Multilateralist, co-operative, team player

- Contrast to the ‘cowboy’ (Reaganism) elements ofUS foreign policy

- Invention of peacekeeping and ODA

- Represents a highpoint of fair-mindedness, opendiscussion, etc.

- foreign policy = "domestic policy with a hat on"

What is the "Liberal Internationalist Framework"?

- celebrate Canada's role in UN/peacekeeping

- peaceful mediation of international disputes

- basically Pearsonian Internationalism

What is the "Critical Realist Framework?"

- want a NEW approach to Canada and the 3rd world founded upon the country's long-standing historical patterns

- approach must be critical of past practice and realistic in its assessment

Hawthorn Report 66-67

- publically scolds the Cdn state + the treatment of Indigenous ppl

- found indigenous ppl to be "citizens minus"

White Paper (1969)

- proposed by Trudeau gov't

- aimed to remove indian status in name of "equality"

What comparative advantages do Cdn businesses enter the 3rd world with?

a) access to investment capital

b) superior technology

c) knowledge as a result of experience

--> 3rd world business/economies can't compete

What are the main benefits of mining companies in the 3rd world?

1. high rates of return on dividends, mutual funds

2. "development"

3. Makes CAnada more important national player

What are the main detriments of mining companies in the 3rd world?


What is Internal Colonization?

The distinct separation of the core (rich) from the periphery (poor)

What was the goal of Bill C-300 (The Responsible Mining Act)?

- a call for more responsible mining practices

- defeated in a narrow vote

What is the concept of Foreign Aid?

idea that states have the obligation to help ppl in need within AND beyond local boundaries

Why is Pierre Trudeau considered Canada's most "wordly" PM?

- interested in the countries of the global south

- idea that the whole world should be helped

- inherited Pearson's liberal "throne" of diplomacy

What change in the model of development occurred in the 70s?

less about moving to a new order of cooperation for mutual benefit

MORE about needs of the financial sectors of 1st world


What are the motivations behind ODA?

- anti communism

- promotion of commonwealth ties

- international prestige

- Enhance Canadian economy

What is Canada's "3D" approach to military international aid?

- defence

- diplomacy

- development

Canada's peacekeeping efforts/foreign aid RN

- commitment to peacekeeping is declining

- foreign aid seems to be an instrument of trade policy

- aid money = less about sustainable development and more about opportunism

What is the North Atlantic Triangle?

seeks to explain the importance of United Kingdom–United States relations to Canada's security

How does militarism contribute to underdevelopment?

- potential development aid goes instead towards military spending

- destroys infrastructure -

What are some of the historical motivations to participate in popular internationalism?

consolidate differences between cultures/languages/races, etc.