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15 Cards in this Set

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what is preoperational thought

preschool years (2-6); transitional period in cognition; time when child overcomes limitations in their thinking that stand in the way of true metal operations (adult-like reasoning); children begin to reason but still make reasoning errors due to centration

what is preoperational thought characterized by


what is centration

inability to focus attention on more than one aspect of an object or event at a time;

involves: tendency to focus attention on surface appearance; inability to simultaneously consider several features of an object; focus on static states rather than transformations

what is conservation

realization that certain qualities of objects are conserved across changes in appearance; Piaget created many "conservation tasks" to test preoperational children's ability to conserve object properties; to demonstrate that they fail because of centration

know the conservation tasks

1) Number- if something appears larger/bigger/longer, they assume there is more- they center on the length

2) Liquid/Volume- they center on the height of the liquid in the container, and can't see that volumes are the same

3) Mass- center on length and disregard that the masses are the same

4) weight- think weight's heaviness changes when weight changes position

5) Identity- they think that identities can shift based on outward appearance (costume, makeup, wig)

6) Gender- cannot conserve gender across a perceptual change and can change based on outward appearance

7) failure to consider both dimensions simultaneously

know about preoperational children's problem with classification and categorization tasks


know about preoperational children's difficulty solving the seriation task


know the problem preoperational children have distinguishing appearance from reality


know the example demonstrated in class that demonstrated static/immobile reasoning in preoperational children (bar falling from vertical to horizontal)


what is egocentrism

the tendency to center on oneself, and consider the world entirely from own point of view

know Piaget's "Three Mountain Task" and what it demonstrates

mountain range with three peaks is on center of table. person A and person B are seated at opposite ends of table and both looking at mountains. ask person A what person B is seeing; A reports that B is seeing what they see; they have a hard time adopting someone else's perspective

know the 2 broad phases or preoperational period

1) 2-4 years- consistently preoperational

2) 5-6 years- giving way to true operations; improvements in conservation, classification, and seriation tasks

what is a theory of mind

a form of social cognition; recognizing self and others as "things which think, believe, desire, imagine, and intend"; assigning mental states to self and others; using mental states to explain action/behavior

what are the False Belief Tasks discussed in class and what do they demonstrate

can a child make another person believe something that is not true?

ex: bug vs. candy in the box task

(3 y.o. would not lie; 4-5 begin to understand lying)

when do kids pass False Belief Tasks and why

@ age 3- fail; don't understand creating a false impression in others

@ age 4-5- pass the task; know they can create a false impression in others and they will act accordingly