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129 Cards in this Set

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Puberty is a time between
the first onrush of hormones and full adult physical development
Puberty usually lasts
5 years
What is it and what does it signal
a girl's first menstrual period,
she has begun ovulation
menstruation are often_______ at first
at menarche ___________ is biologically possible
first ejaculation
what does ejaculation signal
sperm production
spermarche occurs during _________ or via ) __________
direct stimulation
(full definition)
an organic chemical substance that is produced by one body tissue and conveyed via the bloodstream to another to affect some physiological function.
various hormones influence what
thoughts, urges, emotions, and behavior
Where is the pituitary gland and what does it do?
in the brain
responds to a signal from the hypothalamus
Pituitary gland secretes hormones that regulate
growth and control other glands, among them the adrenal and sex glands
adrenal glands
How many
where are they
what do they produce
two glands, located above the kidneys, that produce hormones
adrenal glands secrete the ________ hormones
what are they?
adrenaline, epinephrine, norepinephrine
HPA axis
What is the HPA axis
in what organs?
a chain reaction of hormone production
starting in the hypothalamus to the pituitary and then to the adrenal
gonads are paired
sex glands
gonads produce____
hormones and gametes
Name the sex glands in females and males
sex hormone
Estradiol is considered
the chief estrogen
who produces more estradiol?
a sex hormone
testosterone is the best know of the
what are androgens
male hormones
testosterone is secreted by _________ more than _________
hormone that affects appetite
leptin is believed to be involved in the
onset of puberty
leptin levels _______ during childhood and peak around age
body image
a person's idea of how his or her body looks
anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by
self starvation
anorexics voluntarily
under eat and over exercise
undereating and overexercising by anorexics deprives
vital organs of nutrition
anorexia can be
bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by
binge eating and purging induced by vomiting and or laxatives
growth spurt is a relatively ________.
When does it occur?
sudden and rapid physical growth
during puberty
during a growth spurt each body part increases in size
on schedule
during a growth spurt a ___________ increase usually precedes a ________ increase
during a growth spurt, growth of the __________ precedes growth of the _________
primary sex characteristics
parts of the body that are directly involved in reproduction
parts of the body directly involved in reproduction
secondary sex characteristics
physical traits that are not directly involved in reproduction but that indicate sexual maturity
adolescent egocentrism
What age?
What is?
10-14 year olds
They focus on themselves to the exclusion of others
personal fable
Aspect of what
Characterized by the belief that
adolescent egocentrism
thoughts, feelings, or experiences are unique, more wonderful or awful than anyone else's
invincibility fallacy is an
characterized by the idea that they cannot be
egocentric conviction
overcome or harmed by anything that might defeat a mortal man such as unprotected sex, drug abuse, or high-speed driving
imaginary audience
What kind of belief
characterized by the belief that
adolescent's egocentric belief,
Others are watching and taking note of his or her appearance, ideas, and behavior.
What makes most teenagers self-conscious
imaginary audience
deductive reasoning
Starting from a general statement, premise or principle, through logical steps to figure out specifics
deductive reasoning is sometimes called
top-down reasoning
inductive reasoning
Starting from one or more specific experiences or facts to a general conclusion
inductive reasoning may be less __________ ___________ than deduction
cognitively advanced
inductive reasoning is sometimes called
bottom-up reasoning
dual-process model
two networks exist within the human brain, one for emotional and one for analytical processing
intuitive thought is thought that arises from an ___________
is not rational and is influenced by____________
emotion or a hunch

past experiences and cultural assumptions
analytic thought results from
such as
pros and cons, risks and consequences, possibilities and facts.
analytic thought depends on
logic and rationality
middle school is between
between elementary and high school.
5-6 to grade 8
digital divide
the gap between students who have computers and those who do not, often a gap between rich and poor.
how has the digital divide been bridged in the US and developed nations
the prevalence of computers in school.
High-stakes test a critical evaluation that
determines success or failure.
example of a high-stakes test
a single test that determines whether a student will graduate or be promoted
Puberty refers to the various changes that transform a
child's body into an adult one
what hormones are secreted from the HPA axis during puberty
testosterone, estrogen and others
Hormones cause the adolescent body to
grow and change
when do visible changes of puberty normally occur?
When typically?
11 and 12
What contributes to the variation in timing of puberty
genetic background
body fat
and level of family stress
Adolescents who do not reach puberty at about the same age as their friends experience
additional stress
which group of early or late pubescents has the most difficult time
early maturing girls
anxiety about body image may cause an adolescent
to have poor nutrition because of a desire to loose or gain wieght
To sustain body growth, most adolescents consume large quantities of
precursors to eating disorders are evident during _______ although they usually aren't diagnosed until _________
many adolescents eat _______ of the _______ foods or too _________ food overall
too much
the growth spurt is an ____________ of growth in ________ part of the body
peak _________ increase usually precedes peak _______, which is then followed by peak _______ growth
what emerges at puberty
sexual characteristics
the maturation of _______ sex characteristics means that by 13 or so _________ is possible
what characteristics differentiate males from females?
What are some of them?
secondary sex characteristics
body shape
body hair
what influences sexual activity more than physiology?
what does the influence of culture on sexuality suggest
the hazards that sometimes occur are affected as much by practices as by puberty
various parts of the ______ mature during puberty, each at its own _____
the neurological areas dedicated to _________ mature ahead of those that
emotional arousal
regulate and rationalize emotional expression
because the amygdala matures before the prefrontal cortex many adolescents seek intenst
emotional experiences untempered by rational thought
what is it called when an adolescent becomes so absorbed in themselves that rational thinking is difficult
adolescent egocentrism
what is Piaget's term for the last of his four periods of cognitive development?
formal operational thought
Formal operational thought - adolescents are no longer
earthbound and concrete in their thinking.
During formal operational thought the adolescent prefers to imagine
the possible, probable, and even the impossible, instead of focusing on what is real
During formal operational thought the adolescent develops __________ and explores using _________ ___________
deductive reasoning
adolescents are capable of ______ _______ thinking called
dual process thinking
logical and experiential or analytic and intuitive
Few teenagers always use ________ although they are capable of doing wo
________, _______ thinking is quicker and more satisfying and sometimes better than _________ thought
emotional, intuitive
kids in middle school are characterized by
difficulty to teach
and hurtful to one another
why are there problems in middle school?
they are not structured to accomodate egocentrism or intuitive thinking
what increases at the transitions to middle school to high school to college?
why does psychopathology increase during early transitions
because they are also dealing with biological and social changes
who uses technology more than any other age group?
what type of emphasis in high school?
Formal operational thought
what has led to more high stakes testing
demand for accountability
what is a consequence of high-stakes testing
higher dropout rate
A hormone is an
organic chemical substance
A hormone is an organic chemical substance that is produced by and
conveyed how and to
one body tissue and conveyed via the bloodstream to another
A hormone's job is to affect some
physiological function.
Puberty is associated with
Biological changes
Puberty is better is you're more similar to your
What plays a role in puberty
the environment
Puberty is known as the
bigger and stronger period
What happens more during puberty
risk taking
During puberty there is a shift from
parents to peers
During puberty there is a hypersensitivity to the
self and self interest
Psychosocial development
identity v role confusion
Puberty too early or too late makes a kid tend toward
risky behavior
If puberty is early for girls it makes them more likely to
date older boys
Early puberty for girls makes them more ______ because it's an ________
During puberty, anything that's _______ is bad
In general being ______ ______ is bad during puberty
off time
Transformation of puberty
Things change
all of the sudden,
Eating disorders co-occur with
drug abuse and anxiety
Ecological model of eating disorders
models that look anorexic
What is wrong with beauty pageants?
They are off-time
Development is
What is positive youth development
core competencies
positive sense of self
decision making skill
moral system of belief
link to prosocial social group
positive sense of self
must feel good about yourself
know what you're good at and what you're not
Self-control - you don't respond
Don't respond impulsively
Way to learn and what to do
simon says
count to three before you say something
Being problem free does not mean being
Risk behavior in adolescence
high frequency and associated with problems
Protective factor
buffers you from risk - given that you are at risk
Example of a protective factor
daily physical activity reduces risk if you have a genetic disposition
Given risk, a protective factor
reduces the likelihood of a bad outcome
Promotive risk
anything that helps you develop in a healthy way regardless of risk