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35 Cards in this Set

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What is the relationship between body fat and menses

As body fat increases, Estrogen increases. This leads to an earlier menses.

Low body fat= less estrogen= later menses


The hormone that stimulates maturation of the follicle and ovum


The hormone that stimulates estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone secretion. When this hormone peaks, the follicle is ruptured and the ovum released.

Corpus Luteum

A mass of tissue that results from the rupture of the follicle. Secretes hormones that stimulate the endometrium to prepare for implantation

what dietary factors can lead to infertility in men

Zinc, anti-oxidants, alcohol, and heavy metals


stimulates endometrium to prepare for implantation. fosters the growth of breast tissue and placenta during pregnancy.

Follicular Phase of development

Pituitary gland releases FSH. FSH stimulates maturation of follicle and estrogen secretion. LH secretions increase by pituitary gland. LH secretion stimulates progesterone secretion. As LH levels peak, the follicle is ruptured and ovulation occurs, corpus luteum is developed

Estrogen and progesterone prompt uterus to store nutrients for implantation

Luteal Phase of development

Corpus luteum releases estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen inhibits the release of FSH and LH. the endometrium continues to thicken for implantation and will shed without fertilization

Contributing factors to infertility in both men and women

Weight, Diet, Alcohol use, Genetics, structural abnormalities, conditions and disease, extreme stress, chemical or heavy metal exposure, etc.

Why is obesity linked to infertility

Obesity leads to excess estrogen. Estrogen inhibits FSH and LH. A lack of these two hormones can lead to anovulation.

Why does a woman have increased energy needs during pregnancy

The mother has to support the growth of the baby, endometrium, placenta, fat stores, angiogenesis, increased blood volume, increased blood cell mass, increased fat stores, increasing breast tissue, increasing stroke volume, ect.

Do women need more or less iron and folate during pregnancy

Women need more iron and folate during pregnancy to support proper development of baby. Folate deficiency leads to NTD

Iron deficiency is coorelated with low birth weight, prematurity, and infant mortality.

how are fertilization and gestational age different

fertilization age is based off the date of conception

Gestational age is based off of LMP

The embryonic period is characterized by what three processes

cell differentiation, cell migration, apotosis

How does a woman's cardiovascular and respiratory system change during pregnancy

cardiac output, pulse rate, and stroke volume increase

respiratory rate and gas exchange per breath increase

how does a woman's GI tract change during pregnancy

GI tone relaxes, can result in constipation or heartburn (GERD)

What are the functions of the placenta

1. transport nutrients - in with the good, out with the bad

2. act as a protective layer to harmful substances

3. act as a cushion for the baby

4. secrete hormones

5. metabolize macronutrients for absorption by baby

what is placenta previa

when the placenta is located towards the bottom of the uterus. do not attempt vaginal examination and will baby will probably need c-section

FAS in characterized by what facial features

small upper lip, flat and short nose, eye skinfolds, small head circumference, indistinct philtrum

what affect may the alcohol have on the baby prenatally and postnatally

prenatally- intrauterine growth retardation or spontaneous abortion

postnatally- low birth weight, skeletal abnormalities, CNS dysfunction, facial abnormalities, growth failure

Explain teratogenic effect of alcohol consumption during pregnancy

ETOH passes through placenta causing toxicity. can damage differentiating or migrating cells.

increased free-radicals and oxidative damage

can alter nutrient metabolism

why are some embryos suceptible to NTD

low folate status in mother

what is fetal programming and how may the placenta be linked to fetal programming

fetal programming is the occurrence of some insult during pregnancy that leads to a life long alteration in the baby. the placenta is the regulator of nutrient composition and supply from the mother to the fetus as well as the source of hormone signals that affect maternal and fetal metabolism. Any insult that affects the development or vascularization of the placenta can have detrimental affects on the infant.

are there specific pregnancy situations that make a women susceptible to fetal programming?

poor nutrition, high blood pressure, gestational DM, or infection can lead a women to be susceptible to fetal programming

what is angiogenesis and what role does it play on fetal programming

angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels. The placenta is undergoing constant growth through out all of gestation. If an insult occurs during a period of angiogenesis, decreased vascularization can occur leading to low birth weights due to less blood flow and thus less nutrient transfer to and from baby.

explain the importance of trophoblasts during placental development

trophoblasts are the other cells forming the outer layer of the blastocyst and later become part of the placenta. insult during a period of trophoblast development can lead to a smaller placenta and disrupt placental function

explain how knockout studies have linked maternal nutrition to fetal growth

in embryo-transfer studies, recipient mothers diet plays a larger role on fetal development than maternal genes.

over-nutrition and undernutrition can both lead to IUGR.

NO is an important endothelium-derived relaxing factor and plays a role in fetal blood flow. under and over nutrition can inhibit NO synthesis.

Polyamines are important DNA regulators of protein synthesis and thus play a role in cell differentiation and proliferation.

explain the role of amino acid transporters in fetal growth regulation

in small placental development, amino acid transporter activity is increased. there is an adaptive response of the amino acid transporters in to placenta to altered growth and transporters are a key regulator of fetal growth

what role do glucocorticoids play in fetal development?

glucocorticoids are key regulators of organ development and maturation. excess glucocorticoids can inhibit glut transporters and cause growth retardation, hypertension, and hyperglycemia

what is dna methylation and what does it have to do with fetal programming

DNA methylation is the addition of a methyl group to a cystein nucleotide that turns off a gene, it naturally occurs during development. low amino acid concentrations can lead to decreased methylation, leaving certain genes on which would normally be turned off which can then lead to fetal programming.

what is the link between n-3 fatty acids and postpartum depression?

Low omega-3 intake is linked to greater risk of depression. DHA plays a role in membrane structure of synapses.

Do men experience post-natal depression and if so why?

Yes men can experience post-natal depression due to a feeling of disconnect with infant, they often display less verbal and behavioral interaction with baby. they tend to be more withdrawn.

Barriers to breastfeeding

Lack of knowledge, not enough support, unable to bf at work, must pump and slowly loses milk.

what changes could be made to foster higher bf rates in the US

Better maternal leave- payed or longer.

manditory breaks at work with a location private for breastfeeding that does not contain a toilet.

what could hospitals do to encourage bf

physicians be well educated on breastfeeding benefits and relay information to patients. have a IBCLC at every hospital with an appointment with new mothers before discharge