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53 Cards in this Set

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2 wk: Gross Motor

Moves head side to side

2 wk: Fine Motor


2 wk: Personal-Social

Regards face

2 wk: Language

Alerts to bell

2 mo: Gross Motor

Lifts shoulder while prone

2 mo: Fine Motor

Tracks pat midline

2 mo: Personal-Social

Smiles responsively

2 mo: Language

Cooing, searches for sound with eyes

4 mo: Gross Motor

1. Lifts up on hands

2. Rolls front to back

3. If pull to sit from supine, no head lag

4 mo: Fine Motor

1. Reaches for object

2. Raking Grasp

4 mo: Personal-Social

1. Looks at hand

2. Begins to work toward toy

4 mo: Language

Laughs and squeals

6 mo: Gross Motor

Sits alone

6 mo: Fine Motor

Transfers object hand to hands

6 mo: Personal-Social

1. Feeds self

2. Holds bottle

6 mo: Language


9 mo: Gross Motor

1. Pulls to stand

2. Gets into sitting position

9 mo: Fine Motor

1. Starting to pincer grasp

2. Bangs two blocks together

9 mo: Personal-Social

1. Waves bye-bye

2. Plays pat-a-cake

9 mo: Language

1. Says Dada (easier) and Mama, but nonspecific

2. Two syllable sounds

12 mo: Gross Motor

1. Walks

2. Stoops and stands

12 mo: Fine Motor

Puts block in cup

12 mo: Personal-Social

1. Drinks from a cup

2. Imitates others

12 mo: Language

1. Says Mama and Dada, specific

2. Says to two other words

15 mo: Gross Motor

Walks backward

15 mo: Fine Motor

1. Scribbles

2. Stacks two blocks

15 mo: Personal-Social

1. Uses spoon and fork

2. Helps in housework

15 mo: Language

1. Says three to six words

2. Follows commands

18 mo: Gross Motor


18 mo: Fine Motor

1. Stacks four blocks

2. Kicks a ball

18 mo: Personal-Social

1. Removes garment

2. "Feeds" doll

3. Begins Parallel Play

18 mo: Language

1. Says at least six words

2 yr: Gross Motor

1. Walks up and down stairs using both feet on same step at same time

2. Throws overhand

2 yr: Fine Motor

1. Stacks six blocks

2. Copies line

3. Can open doors by turning doorknobs

4. Unscrew lids

2 yr: Personal Social

1. Washes and dries hands

2. Brushes teeth

3. Puts on clothes

4. Parallel Play

2 yr: Language

1. Puts two words together (50 words)

2. Points to pictures

3. Knows body parts

2 yr: Other cognitive

1. Understands concept of today

3 yr: Gross Motor

1. Walks steps alternating feet

2. Broad Jump

3. Ride a tricycle

3 yr: Fine Motor

1. Stack eight blocks

2. Wiggles thumb

3 yr: Personal Social

1. Uses spoon well, spilling a little

2. Puts on T-shirt

3 yr: Language

1. Names pictures

2. Speech understandable to stranger -75%

3. Says three-word sentences

3 yr: Other Cognitive

Understands concepts of tomorrow and yesterday

4 yr: Gross Motor

1. Balances well on each foot

2. Hops on one foot

4 Yr: Fine Motor

1. Copies "Circle", maybe + (Cross)

2. Draws person with three parts

4 yr: Personal-Social

1. Brushes teeth without help

2. Dresses without help

4 yr: Language

1. Names color

2. Understands adjectives

5 yr: Gross Motor

1. Skips

2. Heel-to-toe walks

5 yr: Fine Motor

Copies "Square"

5 yr: Language

1. Counts

2. Understands opposities

6 yr: Gross Motor

1. Balances on each foot, 6 seconds

6 yr: Fine Motor

1. Copies "Triangle"

2. Draws person with six parts

6 yr: Language

Defines words

6 yr: Other cognitive

1. Begins to under right and left