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16 Cards in this Set

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deinstitutionalization of marriage
the decline in marriage and the emergence of alternate family forms taht occurred during the last third of the twentieth century
U-shaped curve of matiral satisfaction
the most common pathway of marital happiness in the West, in which satisfaction is highest at the honeymoon, declines during the child-rearing years, then rises after the children gow up
triangular theory of love
Robert Sternberg's categorization of love relationships into three facets: passion, intimacy, and commitment. When arranged at the points of a triangle, their combinations described all the different kind of adult love relationships
consummate love
in Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love, the ideal form of love, in which a couple's relationship involves all three of the major facets of love: passion, intimacy, and commitment
demand-withdrawal communication
A pathological type of interaction in which one partner, most often the woman, presses for more intimacy and the other person, most often the man, tends to back off.
fertility rate
the average number of children a woman in a given country has during her lifetime
marital equity
fairness in the "work" of a couple's life together. If a relationship lacks equity, with one partner doing significantly more than the other, the outcome is typically marital dissatisfaction
new nurturer father
late-twentieth-centruy, middle-class idea in Western countries that fathers should do hands-on nurturing and share the child care equally with wives
traditional stable career
A career path in which people settle into their permanent life's work in their twenties and often stay with the same organization until they retire
boundaryless career
today's most common career path for Western workers, in which people change jobs or professions periodically during their working lives
occupational segregation
the separation of men and women into different kinds of jobs and career paths
lifespan theory of careers
Donald Super's identification of four career phases: moratorium in adolescence and emerging adulthood; establishment in young adulthood; maintenance in midlife; and decline in late life
intrinsic career rewards
Work that provides inner fulfillment and allows people to satisfy their needs for creativity, autonomy, and relatedness
extrinsic career rewards
Work that is performed for external reinforcers' such as prestige of a high salary
role overload
A job situation that places so many requirments of demands on workers that it becomes impossible to do a good job
Role conflict
a situation in which a person is torn between two or more major sets of responsibilities-for instance, parent and worker-and cannot do either job adequately