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78 Cards in this Set

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where are the lesions of candidal intertrigo found?
seen in intertriginous areas such as axillae, groin, intergluteal fold, perineum, beneath pendulous breasts and the corners of the mouth (perleche)
how does candidal interigo present itself?
initially, pustules appear, followed by well-demarcated erythematous plaques with mall papular and pustualr lesions at the periphery "satellite lesions"
-erythematous areas later become eroded and "beefy red"
-NO central clearing
what is the CHARACTERISTIC of candidal intertrigo?
"satelite lesions"
where does candidal diaper dermatitis occur?
in occluded, macerated areas like under the diaper area
what does candidal vulvitis/vulvovaginitis look like?
erosions, pustules, erythematous plaques, and satellite lesions
what is candidal balanitis?
infxn that occurs in men with diabetes, that appears as erythema, edema, and moist casseous accumulations on the glans penis often with fissuring and ulceration of foreskin
what is candidal paranychia?
edema, erythema, and purulance of the proximal nail fold with secondary nail dystrophy
what characterizes oral candidiasis?
white, creamy exudate or plaques, which when removed appear eroded and beefy red
-appears in infants "thrush"
-may also see in DM or immunosuppression
what will a culture show of cutaneous candidiasis?
+ koh for pseudohyphae, budding yeast, or mycelia
-fungal cultures reveal creamy, dull, white colonies
a noninfectious eruption caused by irritation from deodarant is called what?
irritant intertrigo
how can you tell the difference between irritant intertrigo and candidal interigo?
irritant intertrigo does not have satellite lesions and is not as well demarcated
what is the tx of intertrigionous areas?
-keep dry
-burrow's solution
-miconazole powder
-hairdryer after bathing
use anti-fungal's such as: nizoril, lotrimin, micatin or systemic anti-fungals
pityriasis versicolor is AKA __?
tinea versicolor
what is tinea versicolor caused by? which bug?
p. ovale
what is the incidence of tinea versicolor?
-superficial yeast infxn, esp. in young adults
-"leeism" unusual in the very young or very old
-primarily cosmetic concern
-chronic, relapsing
-relapses in temparate zones
how would you describe the lesions of tinea versicolor?
well-defined round or oval macules with an overlay of fine scales
lesions often coalesce into larger patches
where do you most often find the lesions of tinea versicolor?
upper arms
what is the differnce seen between tinea versicolor and vitiligo?
tinea versicolor will have scales, vitiligo will not
if you do a koh of tinea versicolor what will you see under the microscope?
spaghetti and meatball hyphae spore patterns
lesions will flouresce under a wood's light to a orange-mustard color
a complete depigmentation of the skin with lack of scale is what skin condition?
a superficial secondary opportunistic fungal infection r/t __ which is part of the skin's normal flora.
c. albicans
candidiasis may be the sentinal sign of what condition?
a _ is an eruption which "bursts forth" or "blooms" out onto to the skin.

exanthems may be caused by..

-noninfectious causes
-all of the above
all of the above
exanthems are symmetric, erythematous __ eruptions, without a scale.

the characteristic "dew drop ona rose petal" is indicative of?

-varicella (chix pox)
-tinea pedis
what is the epidemiology of varicella?
most during childhood
usually under age 5
peaks in late winter and spring
how would you describe varicella lesions?
-"dew drop on a rose petal"
-begin as erythematous macules that progress to papules, to vesicles, to pustules, to crusts
-thin walled
-successive crops over 3-5 days, in all stages of development
vesicles on the orobuccal mucosa, especially the palate, where they rupture and cause shallow erosions or ulcers,,,,is a ?

if a pox becomes secondarily infected it is usually via what bug?

-s. pyogenes
-s. pneumoniae
-s. aureus
s. aureus
where do lesions of pox usually start and spread?
centrifugal and spread caudally; or start on the face,scalp and trunk and spread to extremities
what are the clinical manifestations of varicella?
incubation = 2 weeks
kids usually asymptomatic
rash may be preceeded by fever and flulike symptoms
what are the possible complications of varicella?
rare in kids
varicella pneumonia
how do you dx varicella?
usually clinically
tzanck smear if needed (will not diffentiate between VZV or HSV)
direct immunofluorescence
viral cultures
exanthem's of acral lesions, appear where?
on the palms and soles-do not rupture
what common viral infection found in school-age children that is caused by parvovirus B19?

-erythema infectiosum (5's dx)
-herpes zoster
erythema infectiosum (fifth's disease)
what is erythema infectiosum AKA?
fifth's disease
how is fifth's disease transmitted?
person to person via the respiratory route
when is erythema infectiosum infectious?

-during incubation period
-when rash appears
during incubation period
what is the characteristic sign of 5th's disease?
malar rash
what occurs 1-4 days after the appearance of the malar rash?
a photosensitive eruption appears, in a classic net-like/reticular/ "lacy" pattern on the trunk and extremities
what is characteristic about the malar rash of 5th's disease?
tends to spare the nasal bridge, perioral and periorbital regions
if a pregnant women gets erythema infectiosum what could happen to the fetus?
in the first 20 weeks of gestation, can result in hydrops fetalis and fetal death
what is different between the malar rash of SLE, and fifth's disease.
the malar rash in SLE is non-nasal sparing
roseola infantum is AKA?
6th's disease
what is 6th's disease, what is the epidemiology of 6th's disease?
acute viral illness, characterized by a high prodromal fever, which resolves with onset of the exanthem
-this is one of the most common causes of high fever in kids
-caused by the HHV-6
-asymptomate incubation period is 7-14 days
-exanthem appears 1 day before or after febrile defervescence
-lesions often coalesce
exanthem clears within 1-2 weeks
what is the characteristic rash of 6th's disease?
"rose pink" erythematous maculopapules with a surrounding rim of pallor
what is the distribution of lesions in 6th's disease?
widespread distribution, appearing on trunk, butt, neck, and occasionally face and limbs
what is the clinical manifestation of 6th's disease?
febrile illness preceds the exanthem by 3-5 days
high fever
cervical, occipital, postauricular lymphadenopathy is common
what is another name for rubella?
german measles
typically the german measles (rubella) is a (mild/benign or severe/benign) course?
what is the exception to german measles (rubella) being mild and benign?
maternal rubella in the 1st 8 weeks of gestation may result in fetal demise, and after 5 mths gestation results in congenital defects.
does the german measles (rubella) last...

-2 days
-3 days
-4 days
-5 days
3 day measles
what is a congenital defect that may occur in the eyes of the fetus that is exposed to rubella?
rubella virus is a ...

-dna virus
-rna virus
rna virus

humans are the sole host of the rubella virus
how is rubella transmitted?

-respiratory mucosa
-genital mucosa
respiratory mucosa
what is the classic rash of rubella?
pink to red macules with pinpoint papules
the rash of rubella looks a lot like the rash of?
scarlet fever
what is the key word in the dx of rubella?
"pinpoint" rash
where does the exanthem of rubella start and then go?
starts on the face and spreads cephalocaudally to the trunk and then extremities
does rubella have a mild or severe prodromal period?
mild prodrome
when does the prodromal period of rubella stop?
within 24 hours of the onset of rash, but the lymphadenopathy may last for weeks
is the clinical appearance of rubella enough to make your diagnosis?
no, need labs
what lab do you get, and what will it show?
rubella titer

-there will be a 4 fold rise in acute v/ convalescant titers
where might you find lymphadenopathy in a pt with mono?
post. auricular
a pt with a severe pharyngitis, strawberry tongue, a strawberry exanthem is indicative of what condition?

-scarlet fever
scarlet fever has the "strawberry tongue"
what happens to the skin at the end of scarlet fever?

-resolves over weeks
-desquamation of skin
-resolves with resolution of fever
desquamation of fever
if a pt has petechia on the palate, and post auricular lymphadenopathy, what is the most like dx?

-scarlet fever
what is the other name of the 9 day or black measles?

-scarlet measles
what is the characteristic rash of rubeola (9 day or black measles)?
exanthem and enanthem
what is the epidemiology of rubeola?
exanthem and enanthem
respiratory transmission
initial infxn is the oropharynx
incubation is 4-11 days
what is special about the rash of rubeola?
exanthem appears 3-5 days after onset of prodrome
discrete maculopapular "morbilliform" rash
what is the pathognomonic rash of rubeola?
koplik's spots-which are 1.0mm blue-white macules with develp on erythematous oral mucosa.
koplik's spots are pathognomonic for what condition?

-scarlet fever
what is the distribution of rubeola lesions?
begin on forehead and behind the ears, then spreads cephalocaudally
enanthem of koplik's spots appear adjacent to the molars
what are common complications of rubeola?
viral pneumonia in kids
2ndary bacterial pneumonia in adults
rubeola is typically dx'd clinically based on its distinctive__ & __.
exanthem and enanthem (koplik's spots)