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43 Cards in this Set

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Most common bacteria to infect the skin
Staphylococci or Streptococci
Impetigo definition and types
Most superficial bacterial infection - epidermis
Bullous and Non-bullous
Impetigo usually caused by?
Staphylococcus aureus
Impetigo characteristics
Most common bacterial skin infection in children
Highly contagious
More common in hot, humid environments
Incubation period of 10-20 days
Impetigo predisposing factors
poor health/hygiene
pre-existent skin disease
Most common site of S. aureus colonization
Anterior nares
20% of population asymptomatic nasal carriers
Non-Bullous Impetigo, most common bacteria, and where does it occur?
S. aureus > S. pyogenes
occurs at sites of minor trauma
Classic feature of non-bullous impetigo?

Most frequently involved area on body?
Honey colored crusts

face and exremities
Which impetigo is more common?
70% of all cases are non-bullous
Non-bullous impetigo clinical features
Benign, self-limited. Untreated lesions usually resolve w/in 2 wks
Bullous Impetigo is most common in? and first presents as what type of lesion
Most commonly in neonate
Starts as small vesicles, progressing to flacid, transparent bullae
Treatment of Impetigo
Superficial lesions - topical ointment
Systemic or widespread case - antibiotics
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
Toxin causes split at the granular cell layer of the epidermis - flaccid bullae
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome clinical features and progression
fever, irritability, severe skin tenderness
erythema (hrs)->flacid bullae (1-2 dys) ->moist skin, varnish-like crust
skin re-epithelializes in 10-14 days, no scarring
Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome Treatment
Cellulitis - what is it?
Infectious process of the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue
Cellulitis - caused by?
S. pyogenes and S. aureus
Cellulitis - symptoms, lesions, treatment, & what to avoid
Systemic symptoms - fever, chills, malaise
Ill-defined, non-palpable borders
NSAIDs may mask symptoms
Folliculitis - what is it?
infection of the hair follicle, may be superficial or deep
Folliculitis - most common infectious cause?
S. aureus
Folliculitis - frequently involves
benign condition frequently involving the face, chest, back, axillae, or buttocks
Folliculitis - lesions
Deep follculitis - lesions
small, 1-4mm pustules or crusted papules on an erythematous base

large, tender erythematous papules, often with a center pustule
Hot Tub Folliculitis - caused by?
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Hot Tub Folliculitis - clinical presentation
asymptomatic perifollicular papules/pustules seen 1-3 days after exposure to contaminated H2O. Only seen in areas submerged in H2O
Hot Tub Folliculitis - Treatment
self-limited, 7-10 days. Systemic antibiotics not indicated
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae - what is it?
Ingrown hairs. Foreign body rxn rather than infection.
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae - who's prone to it and what are the lesions like?
Black males
papular, pustular, follicular-based disorder, inflammatory response
Hidradenitis Suppurativa - what is it?
affects apocrine gland-bearing skin sites. Inflammatory nodules and sterile abscesses.
Chronic and painful
Recurrent boils and draining sinus tracts
Not an infectious process
Hidradenitis Suppurativa - who's prone to it and where does it occur
Occurs in obese patients, affects the axillae and anogenital regions
Hidradenitis Suppurativa - lesions
Hypertrophic scars, sinus tracts, chronic drainage
Hidradenitis Suppurativa - treatment
weight reduction, intralesional corticosteroids
Abscesses, Furuncles
Walled off collections of pus
Abscess can occur anywhere on the body
Furuncles involve a hair follicle
A collection of inflamed and infected follicles
Furuncle - what is it? who gets it? what's the lesion?
Acute inflammatory abscesses of haif follicle and surrounding tissue.
Common in adolescents and young adults.
Hard, tender, red nodule, enlarges, painful and fluctuant
Furuncle - most common causative organism?
S. aureus
Carbuncle - what is it? where does it occur? symptoms and resolution?
Collections of furuncles, which extend deep into the subcutaneous tissue. Surface has draining sinus tracts.
Occurs in areas of thick skin
Systemic symptoms usually present.
Slow healing, always leaves a scar.
Abscesses, Furuncles, Carbuncle treatment
If simple, treatment may not be needed.
If fluctuant (or an infecious process) - incision and drainage
Give systemic antibiotics if furuncles around nose, or external auditory meatus; if lesions are large and recurrent, or not responding to local care
endemic in most US hospitals
MRSA common presentation
abscess, abscess + cellulitis, cellulitis
MRSA - most important risk factor
None, it's everyone and not choosy.
MRSA - two strains
Community acquired and hospital acquired. Becoming blured
MRSA diagnosis
CULTURE!! you have to know what you are treating
MRSA treatment
Incision and drainage!!