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11 Cards in this Set

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What are the most common causes of pruritis?
1. xerosis (dry skin)
2. scabies
3. eczema
What are the less common causes of pruritis?
systemic diseases such as:
1. renal failure
2. cholestasis
3. polycythemia vera
4. lymphoma
Dry skin (xerosis) causes diffuse pruritis and is common in what patient populations?
the elderly and patients who bathe frequently
What does dry skin look like?
The skin appears dry and may be cracked though there is usually no erythema
Scabies may be associated with burrows where?
Burrows in the interdigital web spaces
Scabies causes a papular rash in which areas of the body?
axillae, around the waistline, on the buttocks or male genitals
What is pathognomonic for a scabies infection in a man?
red, itchy papules or nodules on the penis
If a therapeutic trial for xerosis fails and scabies is not identified, what should you consider?
Consider a work-up for systemic illness with CBC, renal and liver function tests. You are screening for renal failure, cholestatic liver disease and polycythemia vera. These are systemic causes of pruritis.
How do you treat dry skin?
1. Use moisturizers
2. Minimize bathing
3. Avoid hot water
4. Avoid deodorant soaps
5. Use moisturizing soaps sparingly and in essential areas only
How do you treat scabies?
1. Use permethrin or lindane cream overnight to the whole body below the neck. Do not use lindane in children
2. Prescribe enough for the simultaneous treatment of all intimate contacts, even if they are asymptomatic
3. In the morning, patients should wash their bedding and any clothes worn the previous two days.
What if patient complains of itching after treatment? Is this normal?
Yes, itching may occur for 1-2 weeks after treatment, but does not indicate treatment failure. Persistent egg capsules beneath the skin may cause itching to endure a week past the treatment of infection. Repeated applications beyond once or twice may worsen skin irritation and pruritus due to irritation from the medication.

You can prescribe a short course of prednisone if itching is very severe