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312 Cards in this Set

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treatment for furnicle/carbuncles?
systemic antibiotics, incision and drainage.
furnicle/carbuncle etiology?
S. aureus, MRSA, folliculitis
complication of furnicle/carbuncles?
bacteremia, cavernous venous thrombosis, meningitis
patient presents with red, hot, tender, deep nodules of 1-2cm with abcess formation with +/- central pustule with low grade fever and malaise?
etiology of folliculitis?
S. aureus, shaving, waxing, etc...
patient comes in with papule or pustule confined to ostium of hair follicles with erythematous halo...
possible labs/diagnostics for folliculitis?
microscopy, KOH prep, bacterial culture
management of folliculitis?
antibacterial soaps, benzoyl peroxide, better hygiene
possible complications of folliculitis?
deeper infection with abscess or cellulitis
Ddx of folliculitis?
acne vulgaris, rosacea, perioral dermatits
"red spot" patches usually in axillae, groin, submammilary area, webspaces of feet, and appears bright coral red under woods lamp?
etiology of erythrasma?
C minutissimum
labs/diags for erythrasma?
wood lamp, bacterial culture, direct microscopy
Ddx of erythrasma?
superficial cutaneous cellulitis with dermal lymphatic involvement... bright red, raised, edematous, and sharply marginated from surrounding normal skin?
what are most susceptible populations for erysipelas?
diabetics, HIV, near surgical wounds/trauma, cirrhosis, renal failure
labs/diag for erysipelas?
bacterial culture (streptococcus pyogenes), needle aspiration/punch biopsy
Rx for erysipelas/cellulitis?
cool burrow's dressing, rest and elevation of limb to aid in drainage. Oral antibiotics.
Ddx of erysipelas/cellulitis?
DVT, stasis dermatits, insect bite, giant urticaria
define cellultis?
infection of dermis and subcutaneous tissue
etiology of cellulitis?
S. aureus, S. pyogenes, other bacteria
pathophys of cellulitis?
extracellular toxins factor of erythema
greasy scales overlying erythematous patches or plaques?
seborrheic dermatits
seborrheic dermatits etiology?
malazzezia furfur yeast
epidemiology of seborrheic dermatitis?
infancy, puberty, 20-50yrs average...most common in males
Cradle Cap?
seborrheic dermatits
Rx for seborrheic dermatits?
betamethazone with ketoconazole (glucocorticoid with antifungal)
labs/diag for seborrheic dermatits?
KOH prep to r/p candidal infection. Fungal culture in resistant cases
Ddx of seborrheic dermatitis?
psoriasis, tinea of the face, cutaneous lupus
Rx for urticaria/angioedema?
remove etiological agent, antihistamines, prednisone (acute urticaria)
complications of urticaria/angioedema?
anaphylaxis, death if severe
describe hallmark feature of nummular eczema
coin shaped lesions
Rx for lichen simplex chronicus?
5 minute water soak followed by topical corticosteroids (fluocinonide 0.05%)
labs/diag for lichen simplex chronicus?
KOH prep/bacterial culture, patch test, skin scraping for parasite
Ddx of lichen simplex chronicus?
atopic dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis
hallmark feature of asteotic dermatitis?
skin looks like cracked porcelain
Rx for asteotic dermatitis?
avoid overbathing with soaps, use bath oils, apply hydrated petrolium after bathing.
common Ddx for asteotic dermatitis?
stasis dermatitis, irritant/allergic contact dermatitis, cellulitis
dyshidrosis eczematous dermatitis AKA?
hallmark of pompholyx?
vesicular studs on palms and soles that look like grains of tapioca
labs/diag of pompholyx?
KOH prep to r/o epidemal dermatophytosis, Bacterial culture S. aureus
Rx for pompholyx?
wet dressings, fluocinonide 0.05%, occlusive dressing
etiology of contact dermatitis?
irritant contact, allergic contact
physical exam findings of contact dermatitis?
ranges from erythema, edema, vesicles, pruritus, possibly ulcers
Rx for contact dermatitis?
topical glucocorticoids (hydrocortizone) while CD runs its course.
contact dermatitis Ddx?
atopic dermatitis, cellulitis, ICD, ACD
definition of atopic dermatitis?
immune-mediated inflammation of the skin
physical exam findings of atopic dermatitis?
pruritic red papules, erythema, and scaling... acute can be vesicular & chronic lichenified
Rx for atopic dermatitis?
topical emollients plus topical glucocorticoid like hydrocortizone
complication of atopic dermatitis?
patients with chronic AD may develop cataracts in 20's or 30's
Ddx of atopic dermatitis?
contact dermatitis, scabies, nummular eczema, seborrheic dermatits
Patient comes in with large, violacious/bright red, subQ nodules on lower extremeties that are exquisitly tender when palpated?
erythema nodosum
etiology of erythema nodosum?
infections (strep, fungal, myco) and drugs (sulfas, penicillins, oral contraceptives)
most common age group of erythema nodosum?
females 15-30 years old
what are some associated symptoms of erythema nodosum?
arthralgias, fever, malaise, swollen extremeties
Rx. of erythema nodosum?
underlying cause should be treated first... NSAIDs and potassium iodide solution dressings, cold compress
Ddx of erythema nodosum?
cellulitis, infected insect bites, panniculitis, thrombophlebitis
Hallmark lesion of erythema multiforme?
multiple erythematous plaques with "iris" or "target-like" lesions
What is possible etiology of erythema multiforme?
The most commonly associated infections are herpes simplex virus and Mycoplasma pneumoniae.
possible complications of erythema multiforme?
Rx of eythema multiforme?
acyclovir for HSV, sterile dressings to avoid secondary infection. Antiobiotics if infection present.
Ddx of erythema multiforme?
contact dermatitis, SSSS, SJS
ulcers thatmay have necrotic tissue, have foul smell, and usually present at bony prominances?
decubitus ulcers
etiology of decubitus ulcers?
sites of constant pressure and diabetes
complications of decubitus ulcers?
sepsis and gangreen
cleaning process of decubitus ulcers?
debridement, cleansing, and dressing
patient comes in with chronic white patches/lesions in the oropharynx and tongue...
etiology of leukoplakia?
tobacco use, HPV, candida albicans, alcohol
management of leukoplakia?
cease use of irritants such as tobacco use
potential complication of leukoplakia?
precancerous lesions
dyplastic nevi look like what?
atypical moles with assymetrical borders, vary in color, and diameter is greater than 6mm
what are common risk factors for dyplastic nevi?
fair skinned people who dont tan and burn easily... have many moles to begin with
Rx. for dyplastic nevi?
removal of abnormal moles for biopsy, take sun protection measures.
Ddx for dyplastic nevi?
malignant melanoma, melanocytic nevus, pigmented basal cell carcinoma
Chronic erythematous, scaly macule or papule, single or multiple. Most commonly located on areas of skin with prolonged sun exposure (e.g., face, lower lip, dorsum of the hands, forearms, bald areas of the scalp and ears?
actinic keratosis
etiology of actinic keratosis?
UV-ray exposure
what is a essential diagnostic procedure for actinic keratosis?
palpation under intense light is essential for diagnosis
Rx for actinic keratosis?
cryosurgery and flourouacil
Ddx of actinic keratosis?
squamous cell carcinoma, flat warts, seborrheic keratosis
irritation of the skin at the exit of the rectum causing pruritus...
pruritus ani
labs/diag for pruritus ani?
bacterial/viral culture if suspected infection
treatment for pruritus ani?
patient education on hygiene, topical hydrocortizone if needed.
Ddx for pruritus ani?
hemmorrhoids, anal fissures, lichen simplex chronicus
AKA "swimmers ear"
external otitis
possible etiology of external otitis?
bacteria, allergies, other irritants in hot and human climates.
Rx for external otitis?
oral or topical antibiotics if microbial etiology
a chronic disorder that causes depigmentation resulting in white irregular patches on the skin?
vitiligo etiology
possibly genetic, autoimmune, and environmental factors
epidemiology of vitiligo
common in people with thyroid disorder
pathophys of vitiligo
possible autoimmune reaction resulting in melanocyte destruction
management of vitiligo?
Make-up...PUVA photochemotherapy
prognosis of vitiligo?
lesions come and go over time...
Ddx of vitiligo?
leprosy, nevus depigmentation, pityriasis alba, SLE
Cloasma definition?
acquired brown hyperpigmentation of the face and neck in genetically predisposed women...
Cloasma AKA?
etiology of cloasma aka melasma?
associated with pregnancy, oral contraceptives
Labs/diagnostics for chloasma?
Woods lamp helps visualize excess melanin
Treatment for cloasma?
topical depigmenting agents such as hydroquinone can be used... resides spontaneously over time
cloasma aka melasma Ddx?
discoid lupus, drug induced photosensitivity,addison's disease
prognosis of cloasma aka melasma?
spontaneously dissappears over months or with sessation of oral contraceptives, or giving birth
scabies etiology?
sarcoptes scabei
cardinal feature(s) or scabies?
increased pruritus at night and "burrows"
labs/diag for scabies?
direct microscopy of lesion/burrow scrapings
treatment for scabies?
permethrin cream (5%)
complications of scabies?
eczema and impetigo as secondary lesions... bacteremia and death in HIV/AIDS patients
scabies Ddx?
eczema, impetigo, insect bites, folliculitis
pediculosis etiology?
pediulus humanus & phthirus pubis
epidemiology of scabies?
most frequent in children... females get headlice more often than males
what causes pruritus in scabies?
saliva excreted by the mite
physical exam findings with pediculosis?
Nits (eggs) firmly cemented to hair, head lice 3-4mm and could be seen on hair with careful inspection
pediculosis treatment?
wash&rinse hair then apply permethrin cream.
complications of pediculosis?
secondary infection
pediculosis Ddx?
seborrheic dermatitis, impetigo, insect bites, scabies
urticaria AKA?
etiology of urticaria?
allergen that causes a reaction
what are characteristics of urticaria?
blanching... lesion may be surrounded by white or red halo
telangiectasia definition?
dilated superficial blood vessel
epidemiology of telangiectasias?
more predominant in women
characteristic of telangiectasias?
easily blanched
treatment for telangiectasias?
usually none, laser surgery or electrocautery for cosmetic purposes.
stasis dermatits definition...
eczematous dermatitis of the legs associtated with edema, varicose/dilated veins, hyperpigmentation
etiology or stasis dermatitis?
can be due to venous insufficiency and heart failure
epidemiology of stasis dermatitis?
women more at risk due to effects of pregnancy of veins
s/s of stasis dermatitis?
leg heaviness, aching, edema, dry, fissured, erythematous skin.
physical exam findings of stasis dermatitis?
mild erythema, scaling, may become inflamed with crusting and exudates and may ooze or have ulcers
treatment of stasis dermatitis?
topical corticosteroids if no open sores, open wet dressings with elevation and pressure stockings. Antibiotics if infected.
Ddx of stasis dermatitis?
contact derm, cellulitis, tinea corporis
define senile pruritus
itching associated with elderly. Possibly linked to dry aged skin
verruca plantaris definition?
plantar warts on toes or soles of foot
etiology or verruca plantaris?
pathophys of verrucae?
HPV replicated in basal cells causing proliferation od epidermal layers
treatment for verrucae plantaris?
cryosurgery, salicylic acid, excision
ddx of warts?
callus, corns, melanoma
etiology of chickenpox?
varicella zoster virus
epidemiology of varicella?
children ages 5-9 are commonly affected and account for 50% of cases
pathophysiology of varicella?
transmitted via respiratory route ultimately causing viremia...
signs/symptoms of varicella?
The disease typically presents with fever, malaise and a widespread vesicular and pruritic rash primarily on the torso and face
varicella treatment?
for healthy children supportive care is key... aspirin with diphenhydramine (oral/topical) to control pruritus
possible complications of varicella?
secondary infection, Reye's syndrome in children, varicella pneumonia
varicella Ddx?
smallpox, herpes zoster infection, herpes simplex infection
molluscum contagiosum hallmark lesion?
raised pearl-like papules or nodules with a dimple at the center
molluscum contaiosum etiology?
molloscum contagiosum virus
how is molluscum contaiosum spread?
skin to skin contact
molluscum contagiosum epidemiology?
most common in children 1-10 years old. Most common on body, arms, legs.
treatment of molluscum contagiosum?
lesions tend to resolve on their own... curettage or cryosurgery if patient opts
molluscum contagiosum ddx?
verrucae most common
molluscum contagiosum prognosis?
most cases clear within two years... no permanent immunity to the virus. Can reinfect.
lymphogranuloma venereum definition?
sexually transmitted bacterial infection that gains access through skin breaks causing infection
etiology of lymphogranuloma venereum?
Chlamydia trachomatis
signs/syptoms of lymphogranuloma venereum
painless penile or vulvar inflammation and ulceration at the site of inoculation, which spontaneously heals within a few days. Secondary lesion presents as painful, unilateral, inguinal or femoral lymphadenopathy
labs/diagnostics for lymphogranuloma venereum
direct flourescent antibody test and polymerase chain reaction test...DFA and PCR
treatment for lymphogranuloma venereum?
doxycycline or tetracycline
lymphogranuloma venereum Ddx?
chancroid, syphilis, granuloma inguinale
herpe's zoster definition?
disease from reactivation of varicella zoster virus from dorsal root ganglia
epidemiology of shingles?
generally 60yrs +
physical exam findings of shingles?
pain described as burning or stabbing followed by a vesicular rash in the affected dermatome
treatment for shingles?
acyclovir with oral analgesic (acetominophen/ibuprofin)
complications of shingles?
postherpetic pain, HZ opthalmacus, secondary infection
herpes simplex etiology?
HSV-1, HSV-2
HSV presentation?
grouped vesiclular lesions
treatment for HSV?
complications of HSV
syphilis, chancroid, contact dermatitis, fever blisters
condyloma acuminata AKA?
genital warts, anal warts, venereal warts
condyloma acuminata etiology?
HPV virus typed 6 and 11
condyloma acuminata symptoms?
asymptomatic. Patients may experience bleeding, pain, perianal mass, pruritus.
condyloma acuminata exam findings?
appear as small 1-2mm bumps, or large warty, cauliflower like lesions appearing on anogenital areas
treatment for condyloma acuminata?
cryosurgery... most therapies to improve cosmetic appearance
condyloma acuminata ddx?
Bowen disease
Condyloma lata
Pearly penile papules
complications of condyloma acuminata?
cervical and anal cancer... may cause orifice obstruction
chancroid etiology?
STD haemophilus ducreyi
chancroid epidemiology?
most common in developing countries, males, prostitutes, drug use.
chancroid exam findings?
initially papule w/etythema... ruptures into ulcer that is deep and bleeds easily. May have yellow/gray fibrous exudates
chancroid treatment?
single dose 1g azithromycin
chancroid ddx?
herpes simplex, syphilis, lymphogranuloma venerium, traumatic ulceration
pemphigus vulgaris definition?
autoimmune mucocutaneous blistering disease with acantholysis
pemphigus vulgaris epidemiology?
>40years, jews/mediterranian descent.
pemphigus vulgaris physical exam findings?
erosions on mucosal surfaces. Flaccid easily ruptured vesicle/bulla on normal appearing skin. Ruptured vesicles lead to crusting.
treatment of pemphigus vulgaris?
prednisone azathioprine (steroid and immunosupressant)
pemphigus vulgaris prognosis?
most lead to death unless treated agressivley
aphthae (mouth ulcers), bullous pemphigoid
aphthae (mouth ulcers), bullous pemphigoid, erythema multiforme
complications of pemphigus vulgaris?
old age, widespread involvement, steroid induced osteoporosis.
common etiologies of erethema multiform bullosum?
HSV, mycoplasma pneumoniae, rarely drugs
pathophysiology of EM?
cytotoxic immune response against cells expressing viral and drug antigens
common accompanying s/s of EM?
fever, mailase, myalgias, sore throat, cough may preceed eruption
management/treatment for erythema multiform bullosum?
ruptured blisters can be treated with bacitracin, widespread EM prednisone.
Ddx of EM bullosum?
drug eruption, psoriasis, secondary syphillus, urticaria
bullous pemphigoid physical exam?
erythema with urticarial papules coaslescing into plaques... vesicles/bulla with clear content
treatment for bullous pemphigoid?
prednisone with immunosupressant azathioprine for maintenence
bullous pemphigoid definition?
bullous autoimmune disease usually in elderly patients; etiology unknown.
define solar lentigo?
benign brown macules occurring on sun exposed skin of caucasion people
epidemiology of solar lentigo?
may acutely rise after sunburns and PUVA overdosage
pathophysiology of solar lentigo?
proliferation of melanocytes due to chronic sunlight exposure
appearance of solar lentigo?
1-3mm macules yellow to dark brown but not uniform in color... OFTEN GRAINY APPEARANCE
hallmark of seborrheic keratoses?
stuck on appearance often orientated along langer's lines.
Ddx of seborrheic keratoses?
solar lentigo, actinic keratosis, BCC, verruca culgaris, MM
common treatment for keloids?
intralesional kenalog (glucocorticoids)
complications of keloids?
may continue to increase in size for decades
hemangioma definition?
benign red, purple or blue vascular neoplasm occuring within the first year of life.
treatment for hemangiomas?
none unless the obstruct a vital structure
lifethreatening mucocutaneous disease characterized by intraepidermal loss of cohesion with widespread blistering and sloughing of skin?
toxic epidermal necrolysis
impetigo definition?
common contagious superficial skin infection
impetigo epidemiology?
children 2-6
how someone develops impetigo?
develops at a site of minor trauma or insult where skin integrity is disrupted...
impetigo etiology?
Staph aureus, Strep pyogenes
impetigo hallmark feature?
honey colored crusts
impetigo treatment?
topical mupirocin twice daily, benzoyl peroxide soap for prevention. Oral antibiotics if needed.
impetigo Ddx?
ACD, ICD, HSV, scabies
tinea unguium aka?
what is the mainstay for any tinea treatment?
antifungals (topical or oral)
labs/diag for onycomycosis?
KOH prep, if negative obtain culture
meds for tinea unguium?
tebinafine or itraconazle
treatment for tinea pedis?
topical terbinafine, 50/50 vinegar soak
tinea cruris aka?
jock itch
tinea cruris treatment?
azole antifungal creams/powder absorbant/burrows dressing
prolonged use of steroids and antifungal preps may cause what?
striae (a form of scarring on the skin with and off color hue)
what is candidiasis?
an opportunistic fungus thats normal flora of mouth, GI, and vagina
s/s of candidiasis?
beefy red appearance with satellite lesions when on epidermis. Thrush on mucosal surfaces.
treatment of epidermal candidiasis?
topical azole antifungal, cilopirox
treatment of oral/vaginal candidiasis?
topical nystatin/oral azole antifungals
differentiating factor between leukoplakia and oral candidiasis?
fungal overgrowth can easily be scraped off... leukoplakia cant
labs for candidal infections?
KOH, culture
pityriasis versicolor definition?
common infection caused by normal skin flora
epidemiology of pityraisis versicolor?
pt's w/oily skin, usually in tropical environments... black children affected on face.
exam findings for pityriasis versicolor?
powder scales, multiple hypo/hyper pigmented macules/patches surrounded by normal skin
treatment of pityriasis versicolor?
selenium sulfide cream for 10-15 minute for 7 days... biweekly or monthly
sporotrichosis is common with what epidemiology?
farm laborers, gardeners, timber workers, etc
how is sporotrichosis acquired?
fungus enters through small trauma/skin breaks causing infected cutaneous nodules that break down into ulcers.
labs for sporotrichosis?
treatment for sporotrichosis?
itraconazole for 3-6 months
tinea capitis exam findings?
generalized fine white scalp scaling, alopecia with broken off hairs @ follice...
possible labs for tinea capitis?
culture, KOH
treatment for tinea capitis?
griseofulvin, selenium sulfide shampoo
complication of tinea capitis?
kerion - a mushy inflammatory mass surrounded by follicular pustulates
ddx of tinea capitis?
scalp psoriasis
tinea corporis AKA?
how is tinea corporis transmitted?
direct human or animal contact... higher risk in moist environment
s/s of tinea corporis?
inflamed flat scaly papules, uniformely elevated, red, boggy, pustular surface... red border with central clearing
labs for tinea corporis?
KOH, culture if needed
treatment for tinea corporis lesions?
azole antifungal creams... if extensive involvement griseofulvin.
chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by facial flushing?
acne rosacea
treatment of acne rosacea?
use zinc based sunscreen, tetracycline, topical cream (metronidazole)...avoid hot spicy foods and red wine
complication of acne rosacea?
possible rhinophyma (irreversable thickening of the nose)
ddx of acne roascea?
acne, perioral dermatitis, SLE
treatment of folliculitis if first line treatment fails?
clindamycin topical.... if severe or MRSA two oral antibiotics
define hypertrichosis?
increase hair growth affecting anywhere on the body
etiology of hypertrichosis?
endocrine disease, ovary disease, paraneoplastic syndrome, drugs
epidemiology of hypertrichosis?
mostly females
labs for hypertrichosis?
testosterone and DHEAS levels
treatment for hypertrichosis?
stop or change causitive drugs, hair removal, hormonal treatment, oral contraceptive
chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by facial flushing?
acne rosacea
treatment of acne rosacea?
use zinc based sunscreen, tetracycline, topical cream (metronidazole)...avoid hot spicy foods and red wine
complication of acne rosacea?
possible rhinophyma (irreversable thickening of the nose)
ddx of acne roascea?
acne, perioral dermatitis, SLE
treatment of folliculitis?
clindamycin topical.... if severe or MRSA two oral antibiotics
define hypertrichosis?
increase hair growth affecting anywhere on the body
etiology of hypertrichosis?
endocrine disease, ovary disease, paraneoplastic syndrome, drugs
epidemiology of hypertrichosis?
mostly females
labs for hypertrichosis?
testosterone and DHEAS levels
treatment for hypertrichosis?
stop or change causitive drugs, hair removal, hormonal treatment, oral contraceptive
definition of hirsutism?
male pattern hair growth in females
etiology of hirsutism?
polycystic ovary disease, increase androgen activity, heredetary, drugs?
treatment of hirsutism?
treat underlying disorder, hair removal, hormonal treatment, oral contraceptives
complications of hirsutism?
loss of menses, increased muscle mass, deeper voice, clitoral hypertrophy
alopecia definition?
hereditary hair loss
etiology of alopecia?
genetics, drugs, systemic illness
treatment for alopecia?
rogaine (minoxidil)/ surgical transplant
lichen planus physical exam findings?
small discrete polygonal, flat topped violaceous papules that may coalesce into rough scaly patches with wickams striae
etiology of lichen planus?
T-cell autoimmune, drugs
treatment for lichen planus?
topical or intralesional corticosteroids, phototherapy if severe
ddx for lichen planus?
psoriasis most common
perioral dermatitis definition?
scaly papular eruption aroung the mouth, nose, eyes that occurs primarily in women
treatment of perioral dermatitis
systemic anti-inflammatory...possible low dose tetracycine
complications of perioral dermatitis?
topical steroid will worsen lesions
hydradentis suppurative definition?
scarring disease of the apocrine glands... common in axillae, anogenital, under breasts
pathophysiology of hydradentis suppurative?
blockage of apocrine, inflammation, bacterial overgrowth, scarring
treatment for hydradentis suppurative??
large cysts incised/drained... long term erythromycin or doxycycline
common complication of hydradentis suppurative?
ddx of hydradentis suppurative?
acne, furuncle, carbuncle
acne vulgaris definition?
comedones with inflammatory pustules and nodules on the face...disorder of sebaceous glands
etiology of acne vulgaris?
pubery (increased androgens) and genetics
treatment for acne vulgaris?
topical salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, systemic antibiotics if severe
acne ddx?
rosacea, folliculitis, keratosis pilaris
squamous cell carcinoma definition?
malignant tumor of the epidermal keratinocytes
appearance of SCC?
any non-healing lesion on sunexposed surface would be suspect! Begins as red papule or plaque with a scaly or crusted surface... may become nodular or warty
treatment for SCC?
surgical excision
what increases risk of SCC?
Immunosupressed and kidney transplants, sun exposure
malignant melanoma etiology?
malignant melanocytes in a pigmented area
malignant melanoma risk increases with what?
sun exposure
what is the number one malignancy in the US?
basal cell carcinoma
appearance of malignant melanoma?
ABCD's all vary... color ranges from slate grey, deep blue, pink or red
treatment of malignant melanoma?
surgical excision, chemo if metastatic
does malignant melonoma metasticize?
yes very rapidly
does SCC metasticize?
etiology/patho of psoriasis?
t-cell mediated autoimmune disorder
appearance of psoriasis?
red, thickened plaques with overlying white scales
treatment for psoriasis?
topical steroids (triamcinalone), salicylic acid, toal tar, UV therapy
what is the gold standard for psoriasis?
methotrexate for sever psoriasis
what is the salmon colored papulosquamous erution that usualy begins with "herald patch" ?
pityriasis rosea
treatment for pityriasis rosea?
none, just treat symptoms like itching
blastomycosis is caused by what?
mold (blastomyces dermatitidis) often found in soil, decomposed vegetation, and rotting wood.
what does system does blastomycosis affect before cutaneous eruptions appear?
It is a infection of the lungs that lasts approximately 1 month...
when do cutaneous lesions of blastomycosis appear?
several months to years after pulmonary infection
labs/diags for balstomycosis?
KOH, fungal culture, serum antibodies for blastomyces dermatitidis
treatment for blastomycosis?
IV amphotericin B if severe, itraconazol if disease not disseminated
Kaposi sarcoma is best defined as what?
multicentric vascular tumor
what do kaposi sarcoma lesions look like?
like a lichenified bruise...purple/pink/red nodule/plaques that turn to blue/violet/black nodule/plaques
treatment for kaposi sarcoma?
surgical excision, local radiation possibly
complication of kaposi sarcoma?
infected nodules may penetrate soft tissue and invade the bone
what is the most common melanoma in humans?
basal cell carcinoma
what is a common appearance of BCC?
slow growing, non-healing papule or nodule on a flat-scarlike plaque, possible ulcerated center...
does BCC metasticize?
treatment of BCC?
surgical excision when possible