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93 Cards in this Set

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"stuck-on" appearance
seborrheic keratosis
red plaques with silvery-white scales and sharp margins
the most common type of skin cancer; the lesion is a pearly-coated papule with a translucent surface and teleangiectasias
basal cell carcinoma
honey-crusted lesions
febrile patient with a history of diabetes presents with a red, swollen, painful lower extremity
positive Nikolskys sign
pemphigus vulgaris
negative Nikolskys sign
bullous pephigoid
a 55 year old obese patient presents with dirty, velvety patches on the back of the neck
acanthosis nigricans --> check fasting blood sugar to rule out diabetes
dermatomal distribution
varicella zoster
flat-topped papules
lichen planus
iris-like target lesions
erythema multiforme
a lesion characteristically occurring in a linear pattern in areas where skin comes into contact with clothing or jewelry
contact dermatitis
presents with a herald patch, Christmas-tree like pattern
pityriasis rosea
a 16 year old presents with an annular patch of alopecia with broken-off, stubby hairs
alopecia areata (autoimmune process)
pinkish, scaling, flat lesions on the chest and back; KOH prep has a "spaghetti-and-meatballs" appearance
pityriasis versicolor
four characteristics of a nevus suggestive of melanoma
asymmetry, border irregularity, color variation, large diameter
premalignant lesion fro sun exposure that can lead to squamous cell carcinoma
actinic keratosis
"dew-drop on a rose petal"
lesions of 1st degree varicella
"cradle cap"
seborrheic dermatitis; treat with antifungals
associated with propionbacterium acnes and changes in androgen levels
acne vulgaris
a painful, recurrent, vesicular eruption of mucocutaneous surfaces
herpes simplex
inflammatoin and epithelial thinning of anogenital area, predominantly in postmenopausal women
lichen sclerosis
exophytic nodules on the skin with varying degrees of scaling ulceration; the second most common type of skin cancer
squamous cell carcinoma
what vitamin do you supplement for a measles infection?
vitamin A
normal skin at birth that gradually progresses to dry, scaley skin = ??
ichthyosis vulgaris, aka lizard skin
dry, rough skin over extensor surfaces + horny plates = ??
what vitamin supplement should be give for measles?
vitamin A
normal birth at skin that gradually progresses to dry, scaley skin = ??
ichythyosis vulgaris, aka lizard skin
dry, rough skin over extensor surfaces + horny plates = ??
virus that causes measles
name of red spots with bluish specks over buccal mucosa and what disease it is associated with?
Koblik spots, measles
cough + coryza + conjunctivitis = ??
well-circumscribed areas of depigmentation over arms/legs
autoimmune disease that attacks melanocytes and is associated with other AI diseases?
most common metal causing contact dermatitis
how do you rule out melanoma?
excisional biopsy
if a melanoma is >1mm deep what else must you do besides excise it?
sentinal lymph node study
poison ivy is what type of hypersensitivity exposure and what causes it? does it require prior exposure?
type IV hypersensitivity, cell-mediated which means you need prior exposure
what causes molluscum contagiosum?
pox virus
best method for photo-protection (avoiding sun burn)
sun avoidance
numerous umbilicated vesicles over healing atopic dermatitis = ??
eczema herpeticm
name the SIRS criteria
1. fever/hypothermia
2. tachypnea
3. tachycardia
4. leukocytosis, leukopenia or bandemia
what is the normal course for impetigo?
erythmatous macule --> vesicle --> pustule --> honey-colored, crusted exudates
what causes hereditary angioedema?
C-1 inhibitor deficiency
what virus causes rubella?
RNA togovirus
what is the chronology for rubella?
1. exposure
2. fever, malaise
3. suboccipital adenitis
4. maculopapular rash on face then trunk and extremities
treatment for tinea corporis
most common viral infection of hand
herpetic whitlow; common in healthcare workers
most common cause of acquired angioedema
ACEI use
what dermatological disorder is commonly seen with Parkinsons?
seborrheic dermatitis
which types of hypersensitivity are anti-body mediated?
types I, II, III
name the different types of hypersensitivity?
type I - anaphylactic, atopic
type II - cytotoxic
type III - immune complex, serum sickness, arthus reaction
type IV - delayed, cell-mediated
polygonal + purples + pruritic + papules = ??
lichen planus
what type of hypersensitivity is psoraisis?
T-cell mediated
yellow, greasy, erythematous scaling patches/plaques = ??
seborrheic dermatitis
young person with severe seborrheic dermatitis --> what must you rule out?
what BSA defines Stevens-Johnsons and what is the treatment?
<10% BSA, treat with analgesia and IVIG
what skin disorder is commonly associated with other autoimmune disorders?
what is the most common cause of cellulitis and what is the treatment of choice?
staph, treat with keflex
what causes hot tub folliculitis?
pseudomonas aeruginosa
what is a kerion?
inflammatory granulomatous reaction in children to tinea capitus
bullseye rash
Lyme disease
treatment for lice
permethrin shampoo
dome-shaped with central umbilication
molluscum contagiosum
christmas-tree pattern with herald patch
pityriasis rosea (HHV-6)
what causes cervical CA?
usually HPV 16, 18, 31, 33
Shagreen patches with ashleaf spots
tuberous sclerosis
cafe-au-lait spots
hemangioma/port-wine stain on face
Sturge-Weber syndrome
what are hemangiomas often indicative of?
von Hippel-Lindau disease
what is the sign of Leser-Trelat?
multiple seborrheic keratoses erupting at once associated with underlying malignancy, often gastric cancer
most common skin CA associated with sun exposure
basal cell CA
ABCD of melanoma
Asymmetric shape
Borders irregular
Color variation
Diameter >6mm
what are strawberry hemangiomas and what do they indicate?
they are benign vascular tumors of children that usually regress on their own at 5-8 years old
what rash on the body does not appear scaly but will scale with scraping?
tinea versicolor
rosey-hue with teleangiectasias over cheeks, nose, chin
treatment for moderate to severe acne, predominantly nodulocystic and firm
oral isotretinoin
what nail problems is psoriasis associated with?
onycholysis and nail pitting
what is erysipelis? what bacteria commonly causes it?
commonly seen in patients with impaired lymph drainage who develop a rash that looks like "orange peels"; caused by strep pyogenes
what are strong risks for a mole that is maligant?
changes in size/shape/color/borders
what anesthestic is used for suturing vessel-rich areas?
1% lido with 1:100,000-1:400:000 epi
what rash do you need to look for with warfarin?
look for warfarin-induced necrosis that can occur within 1 week of beginning warfarin therapy; well-demarcated erythematous lesion that progresses to necrosis
what is bullous pemphigoid? what do you see on immunoflorescence?
it is an autoimmune bullous disorder in patients over 60 that present with wide-spread blistering over flexor and perianal surfaces; immunoflorescence will show epidermal basement membrane antibodies
what is the most important factor in determining the resectable margins with a melanoma?
depth of the tumor
what is the most effective means to prevent death from melanoma?
early clinical detection
what is the most preventable risk factor for developing melanoma?
chronic sun exposure
what condition presents as a macular scaling behind the ears, on the scalp, eyebrow, nasal-labial folds? who commonly gets it?
serborrheic dermatitis; common with patients that have neurological disorders or HIV
what presents with erythematous plaques with silvery-white scales on the extensor surfaces?
what solution should be given during the first 24 hours following a burn injury?
lactated ringers
what is pemphis vulgaris? what do you see on immunoflorescence?
it is an autoimmune disease of the skin that presents with painful, fragile blisters of the oropharynx, chest, face and perianal regions; look for antibodies to adhesion desmoglein molecules
this disease results from a deficiency of hepatic uroporphyinogen decarboxylase and presents with chronic blistering of sun exposed regions and skin hyperpigmentation? who is it associated with?
porphyria cutanea tarda; seen with alcoholics and hepatitis
this disease presents with vesicular lesions and crusting erythematous plaques over the genital region, chest, neck and axilla with an malodorous discharge
familial benign pemphigus
what is Groves disease?
it is a transient acantholytic dermatosis in men >50; appears as small red papules on back/chest