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20 Cards in this Set

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Margins of lesions are described as
Irregular or ill defined
Zosterform / Dermatomal
Refers to morphology.
Linear arrangement of lesions along a nerve route.
May also be used to describe the arrangement of lesions
Refers to arrangement of lesions.
Lesions run to gether and coalesce
Refers to arrangement of lesions.
Seprate, by itself.
Distinct individual lesions which remain separate.
Refers to arrangement of lesions.
Lesions groouped in specific areas of the body.
Refers to arrangement of lesions.
Lesions dispensed all over the body.
Hives, raised edematous plaques associated with intense itching.
Results from release of inflammatory resposne to allergen.
Moon shaped area of the nail.
Lies over the nail matrix.
Is well supplied with blood vessels.
Contains connective tissue, sebaccous glands and hair follicles.
Sebaceous Glands
Produce sebum and secreete it through the hair follicles.
Sebum, oils & lubircates the skin & hair. It forms an emulsion with H2O that retards H20 loss from skin.
Sebaceous glands are everywhere but the hands and feet.
Terminal Hair
Courser, darker, thicker harir that is grown on the scalp, eyebrows, axillae, pubic area, face & chest.
Vellus Hair
Fine hair that covers most of the body
Bulb matrix of the hair root
Area where new cells are produced.
Apocrine Glands
Sweat glands found mainly in the axille & genitalia region.
Secretions from these glands are responsible for body odor.
No blood vessels are found in this layer. Epidermis is composed of an outer layer of dead cells & an inner cellular layer where melanin and keratin are formed
Eccrine Glands
Sweat glands that are coiled tubules that open directly onto the skin.
They produce sweat needed to regulate body temperature.
Primary Puritus
Results from release of histamine during inflammation.
Secondary pruritus
May occur due to a systemic disease.
eg; liver / kidney failure
Scar formation on the skin not proportionate to the injury.
Raised, red & firm.