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211 Cards in this Set

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Balneotherapy - Bath/Soak are useful when
areas of skin are affected....remove crusts, scales and previously applied topical meds and relieve inflammation and itching that accompany acute dermatoses.
High concentrations of some meds can be applied
directly to the affected site with little systemic reaction and few side effects
Some topical meds are readily absorbed through the skin and produce
systemic effects
Topical preps may induce
allergic contact dermatitis in sensitive patients....report and discontinue
subactue stage
inflammation has become chronic and skin dry with scaling
dry with scaling
replenish skin oil or relieve pruritus...usually applied directly but a dressing soaked in lotion can be placed....apply every 3-4 hours....if longer may crust and cake
Two types of lotions
suspensions and liniments
Suspensions (lotions)
powder in water requires shaking and clear solutions containing completely dissolved active ingredients
Calamine lotions
rapid cooling and drying effect as it evaproates...leaves a thin medicinal layer of powder
Liniments are lotions with
oil added to prevent crusting
Powders usually have a
talc, zinc oxide, bentonite or cornstarch base...dusted on skin with shaker or cotton sponge....act as HYGROSCOPIC agents that absorb and retain moisture from the air and reduce friction
Creams may be suspensions of
oil in water or emulsions of water in oil with add ingredients to prevent bacterial and fungal growth....may cause allergic reaction such as contact dermatitis
Oil in water are
easily applied and usually are the most cosmetically acceptable to the pt.
Oil in water can be
used on the face but have drying effect
Water in oil emulsions are
greasier and are preferred for drying and flaking dermatosis
Gels are
semisolid emulsions that become liquid when applied to skin or scalp....cosmetically acceptable...not visible...greaseless and nonstaining....new gels less stinging....especially useful for acute dermatitis where there is weeping exudate (poison ivy)
mixturs of powders and ointments...used in inflammatory bilsitering conditions...adhere to skin and may be difficult to remove with oil...olive or mineral....pastes applied with wooden tongue depressor or gloved hand
retard water loss and lubricate and protect the skin...preferred vehicle for deliver med to chronic or localized dry skin...eczema or psoriasis...applied with wooden tongue depressor or gloved hand
Spray and aerosol preps
used on any widespread dermatologic condition....evaporate on contact and used infrequently
Corticosteroids provide
anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictive effects....apply according to strict guidelines use sparing but RUB into area thorougly...absorb enhanced when skin hydrated or area covered by occlusive or moisture-retentive dressing....
Inappropriate use of corticosteroids can result in
local and systemic side effects, especially when med absorbed through inflamed and excoriated skin, used under occlusive dressings or used for long periods on sensitive skin
S/E Corticosteroids (Local)
skin atrophy and thinning, striae (bandlike streaks) and telangiectasia (small, red lesions due to dilation of BV).
Thinning of skin results from
the ability of corticosteroids to inhibit skin collagen synthesis...reversed by discontinuing but STRIAE and TELANGIECTASIA are PERMANENT
Systemic side effects Corticosteroids
hyperglycemia and Cushing's syndrome
Caution app of Corticosteroids in around eyes
1) Long term use may cause glaucoma or cataracts
2) anti-inflammatory effect may mask existing viral or fungal infections
Concentrated corticosteroids
NEVER applied on face or intertriginous areas (axilla and groin)....due to THINNER STRATUM CORNEUM absorb med quickly.
Persistent use concentrated corticosteroids may produce
acne-like dermatitis (steroid-induced acne) and hypertrichoisis (excessive hair growth)
Intralesional therapy consists of
injecting a sterile suspension of med (usually a corticosteroid) into or just below a lesion....anti-inflammatory effect but LOCAL ATROPHY may result if injected into subcutaneous fat.
Skin lesions treated with intralesional therapy include
psoriasis, keloids and cystic acne....sometimes immunotherapeutic and antifungal administered as intralesional therapy
Systemic meds (corticosteroids)
short-term therapy for contact dermatitis
long-term therapy for chronic dermatosis (pemphigus vulgaris
Cytotoxic means
destructive of cells
health history, direct observation and complete physic...
due to visibility...emotional distress...major goals...maintenance of skin therapy, relief of discomfort, restful sleep, self-acceptance, knowledge of skin care and avoid complications
Nursing management
teach pt how to wash and pat dry, apply med while skin moist, cover with plastic (telfa pad, plastic wrap, vinyl glove, plastic bag)...cover with elastic bandage, dressing or paper tape to seal edges
dressings that contain or cover a topical corticosteroid should be
removed for 12 of every 24 hours to prevent skin thinning, striae and telangiectasia (red lesion dilation of BV)
other forms of dressing to cover topical meds include
soft cotton cloth and stretchable cotton dressing (surgitube, tubegauz...that can be used for fingers, toes, hands, feet
hands can be covered
with disposable polyethylene or vinyl gloves sealed at wrists....
feet can be wrapped
in plastic bags covered by cotton socks
gloves and socks impregnanted with emollients make app
to hands and feet more convenient
Large areas of the body
must boe covered, cotton cloth topped by an expandable stockinette....
disposable diapers or cloths folded in diaper fashion are useful for
dressing the groin and perineal areas
axillary dressings can be made of
cotton cloth or commercially prepared dressing and taped in place or held by dress shields
turban or plastic shower cap used
to hold dressings on the scalp
face mask made from gauze with holes cut out may be held in place
with gauze ties looped through holes cut in the four corners of the mask
Pruritus (itching) is one of the most common symptoms of dermatologic disorders.....itch recepts are
unmyelinated, penicillate (brushlike) nerve endings found exclusively in the skin, mucous membranes and cornea
Pruritus is usually cuased by
primary skin disease with resultant rash or lesions...may also occur without a rash or lesions....referred to as essential pruritus....generally rapid onset, may be servere and interferes with ADL
pruritus may be the first indications of systemic internal disease such as
DM, Blood disorder or cancer (occult malignancy of breast/colon) lymphoma...may also accompany renal, hepatic and thyroid disease
Pruritis (common oral meds) such as
aspirin, antibiotics, hormones (estorgen, testosterone or oral contraceptives)
Pruritis (OPIOIDS) MAY
morphine or cocaine may cause pruritus directly or by increasing sensitivity to ultraviolet light
other causes pruritis
certain soaps, chemicals, radiation therapy, prickly heat (miliaria) and contact with wool
Pruritis may also be caused by
excessive stress (psychological) in family or work situations
Elderly (pruritis)
due to dry skin.....may have systemic illness that triggers pruritis....or that are at higher risk for occult malignancy and are more likely to be taking multiple meds
Scratching (pruritis) may cause the
inflamed cells and nerve endings to release histamine, producing more puritis,,,vicisious itch-scratch cycle....scratching may alter integrity of skin causing excoriation, redness, raised areas (wheals, infection or changes in pigmentation).
Pruritis is more severe
at night...less frequently reported during the day....probably due to distractions
History and exam usually provide clues to underlying cause pruritis
hay fever, allergy, recent admin of new med or change cosmetic/soap...treatment should relieve.
signs of infection and environmental clues (pruritis) include
warm dry air, irritating bed linnens....washing with soap and HOT WATER AVOIDED. Bath oils containing a surfactant (Lubath, Alpha-Keri) may be sufficient for cleaning
Elderly or unsteady patient should avoid
adding oil to bath due to danger of slipping in tub
Warm bath (pruritis) with mild soap follwed by app of a
bland emollient to moist skin can control xerosis (dry skin).
Application (pruritis) of a
cold compress, ice cube or cool agent (menthol and camphor (constrict BV)) may also help relieve pruritis.
Topical corticosteroids may be beneficial as anti-inflammatory agent to relieve
oral antihistamines are even more effective because they
overcome effects of histamine release from damaged mast cells.
Antihistamine (benadryl, atarax) prescribed in sedative dose at
Non-sedating antihistamine meds (Allegra) are appropriate for
Tricyclic antidepressants (Sinequan) are for
pruritis of neuropsychogenic origin.
Nurse interventions (pruritis)
use warm NOT HOT water, shake off excess water and blot in intertriginous areas (body folds) with towel. DO NOT RUB removes water from stratum corneum....immediately after bath lubricated skin with emollient to trap moisture
Nurse interventions
pt instructed to avoid situations that cause vasodilation...exposure to overly warm environment, alcohol, hot foods and liquids....USE HUMIDIFIER if air dry....activities causing perspiration are limited....wear cotton clothing at night....room should be cool and humidified....vigorous scratching avoided and trim nails...if tests needed, nurse explains each test and expected outcome.
Pruritis (genital/anal) may be caused by
small particles of fecal material lodged in perianal crevices are attached to anal hairs.
Genital/Anal pruritis may also be caused by
scratching, moisture, decreased skin resistance due to corticosteroid or antibiotic therapy...scabies/lice, hemorrhoids, fungal or yeast and pinworm, diabetes mellitus, anemia, hyperthyroidism and pregnancy
nursing interventions direct pt to
follow proper hygiene measures
discontinue home and over the counter remedies
perineal/anal area should be rinsed with lukewarm water and blotted dry with cotton balss
premoistened tissue used after defecation
cornstarch applied in skinfold to absorp perspiration
Baths (pruritis) DO NOT USE
hot water, bubble baths, sodium bicarbonate and detergent soaps....aggravate dryness....no synthetic underwear no alcohol caffeine or wool clothing....EAT ADEQUATE FIBER TO SOFTEN STOOLS
Main secretory functions of skin are performed by
sweat glands to help regulate body temperature...excrete perspiration that evaporates, thereby cooling
Trunk sweat glands respond to
thermal stimulation
palm soles sweat glands
nervous stimulation
axillae and forehead sweat glands
respond to thermal and nervous
Normal perspiration
Body odor is produced by
increase in bacteria on skin and interaction of bacterial waste products with chemicals of perspiration
Moist skin
dry skin
cool, but not always true...not unusal to observe warm dry in dehydrated and hot dry in febrile
antiperspirants are
aluminum salts that block the opening to the sweat duct
pure deodorants
inhibit bacterial growth and block metabolism of sweat...they have no antiperspirant effect
Hidradenitis suppurative is a
chronic suppurative folliculitis of the perianal, axillary and genital areas or under the breasts....develops after puberty....can produce abscesses or sinuses with scarring....cause unknown may be GENETIC
Abnormal blocking of sweat glands causes (Hidradenitis suppurative)
recurring inflammation, nodules, and draining sinus tracts. Hypertorphic bands of scar tissue form in area of sweat glands
Clinical manifestations (Hidradenitis Suppurative) condition occurs most frequents
in inguinal folds on mons pubis and around the bottom....extremely uncomfortable with multiple lesions in small area
Management (Hidradenitis Suppurative)
Hot compresses and oral antibiotics Accutane/Sotret or Soriatane....careful monitor S/E....incision and draining of large suppurating areas with gauze packs to facilitate drainage....rarely entire area ecised.....removing scar tissue and any infection (THIS SURGERY IS DRASTIC AND PERFORMED ONLY AS LAST RESORT)
Seborrheic Dermatoses is
excessive production of sebum (secretion of sebaceous glands)....large numbers face scalp eyebrows eyelids sides of nose and upper lip, malar regions (cheeks) ears, axillae, under breasts, groin, gluteal crease.....CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE OF TH ESKIN WITH PREDILECTION FOR AREAS WELL SUPPLIED WITH SEBACEOUS GLANDS OR LIE BETWEEN SKIN FOLDS WHERE BACTERIA COUND IS HIGH
Two forms of seborrheic dermatoses
oily and dry....may start in childhood and continue through life
oily form seborrheic
moist/greasy...patches of sallow, greasy skin, with or without scaling, slight erythema, mostly on forehead, nasolabial fold, bear area, scalp, and between adjacent skin surfaces in axillae, groin and breasts....small pustules or papulopustules resembling acne may appear on trunk
dry form seborrheic
flaky desquamation of the scalp with a profuse amount of fine powdery scales is commonly called DANDRUFF........GENETIC PREDISPOSITION (SEBORRHEIC)....Hormones, nutritional status, infections and emotional stress influence course....remissions and exacerbations should be explained.....no previous history...severe outbreak....complete history and phy exam should be conducted
Seborrhea NO CURE management of symptoms so
skin can repair
seborrheic dermatitis of body and face may respond to
topical applied corticosteroid cream which allays secondary inflammatory response...use caution near EYES....due to possible glaucoma/cataracts.....may develop secondary....CANDIDAL (YEAST) INFECTIONS
Persistent candidiasis should be evaluated for
Dandruff treatment
proper, frequent shampooing (three times weekly) with medicated shampoos....use 2 to 3 different types of shampoo to prevent resistance...leave on 5 - 10 minutes....as condition improves, treatment can be less frequent...
Antiseborrheic shampoos include
those containing selenium sulfide suspension, zinc pyrithione, salicyclic acid or sulfur compounds and tar shampoo that contains sulfur or salicyclic acid
Nurse management seborrheic dermattitis instructs pt to
avoid external irritants, excessive heat, perspiration, rubbing, scratching....avoid secondary air the skin and keep folds clean/dry
Frequent shampooing may be contrary to
some cultural practices....pt cautioned that seborrheic dermatitis is chronic condition that tends to reappear.....those who become discouraged....encourage them to express their feelings
Acne vulgaris is a
common disorder of hair follicles most common on face, neck and upper truck
(primary acne lesions) both closed and open and by papules, pustules, nodules and cysts
Acne is the most common
encountered skin condition in adolescents and young adults between 12 and 35. accounts for 15% of all dermatologic visits
Onset of acne earlier
in females because they reach puberty at a younger age...more marked during adolescence because the endocrine glands that influence the secretions of sebaceous glands are function at PEAK activity.
Acne appears to stem from
interplay of genetic, hormonal and bacterial factors....most cases family history
During puperty (acne)
adrogens stimulate the sebacous glands, causing them to enlarge, secrete a natural oil, sebum, which rises to the top of the follicle and flows out onto skin surface
In adolescents who develop acne
androgenic stimulation produces a heightened response in the sebaceous glands so acne occurs wehn accumulated sebum plus the pilosebaceous ducts
primary lesions of acne
closed comedones
white heads from from impacted lipids or oils and keratin that plug the dilated follicle....closed may evolve to open
open comedones
black heads result from accumulation of lipid, bacterial and epithelial debris....some may rupture resulting in inflammatory reaction cause dby leakage of follicular contents (sebum, keratin, bacteria) into the dermis
Resultant inflammation of open comedones is seen clinically as
erythematous papules, inflammatory pustules, and inflammatory cysts
mild papules and cysts
drain and heal without treatment
deeper paules and cysts cause
scarring of the skin....acnes is usally graded as mild, moderate or severed based on number and type of lesions
Diagnosis of acne based on
history and phy exam, evidence of lesions and age...women may have flare up a few days before menses
presence of comedones with
oil skin is characterisitic. oil is more prominent in mid facial, other parts of face may be dry.....multipe lesions some open pt may exude a distinct sebaceous odor...biopsy seldom necessary
Goals of management acne
reduce bacterial colonies, decrease sebaceous gland activity, reduce inflammation, combat secondary infection, minimize scarring and eliminate factors that predispose the person to acne
Therapeutic regime acne depens on
type of lesion (comedones, papule, pustule, cyst)...the duration of treatment depends on the extent and severity
Acne (DIET is NOT believed to play major role....
howevr elimination of food associated with flare up chocolate cola fried or mild should be promoted.....good nutrition equips immune system for effective action against bacteria
Mild cases acne
wash twice each day with cleansing soap....oil free cosmetics/creams should be chosen
over the counter acne meds
contain either salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide....effective at removing sebaceous follicular plugs
Benzoyl peroxide is
widely used produce a rapid and sustained reducion of inflammatory lesions....they depress sebum production and promote breakdown of comedo polugs and have antibacterial effect
Initially benzoyl peroxide causes
redness and scaling but skin adjusts quickly.....benzoyl applied ONCE daily.....Benzamycin and Sulfoxyl availble OTC
Vitamin A (tretinoin)
applied topically clears keratin plugs from pilosebaceous ducts....symptoms may worsen during early wks of therapy because inflammation, erythema and peeling may occur....no sun exposure...may cause exaggerated sunburn...improvement 8 - 12 wk
Topical antiboiotic treatment
for acne common....topical suppresses bacterail growth, reduce superficial free fatty acid levels, decrease comedones, papules and pustules.....NO SYSTEMIC SIDE EFFECTS
Oral antibiotics in small doses over long period are effective (acne)
in treating moderate to severe....especially when inflammatory and results in pustules, abscesses and scarring...therapy months to years
Admin of tetracycline for pregnant women can
affect the development of teeth, enamel hypoplasia and permanent discolor in infants
S/E tetracycline
photosensitivity, nausea, diarrhea, cutaneous infection in either gender, and vaginitis in women
Some women, broad-spectrum antibiotic may suppress
normal vaginal bacteria and cause candidiasis, a fungal infection
Synthetic Vitamin A (retinoids)
dramatic results pt with nodular cystic acne...one compound is isotretinoin....used for active inflammatory popular pustular acne that has tendency to scar....isotretinoin reduces sebaceous gland size and inhiits sebum production....causes epidermis to shed (epidermal desquamation)...unseating and expelling existing comedones
Most common S/E of almost all patients is
cheilitis (inflammation of the lips)....dry, chafed skin and mucous membranes are frequent s/e...reversible with withdrawal of med.....ISOTRETINOIN (TERATOGENIC) ADVERSE EFFECT FETUS.....contraception during therapy and 4-8 weeks after therapy. DO NOT TAKE VITAMIN A SUPPLEMENTS while taking isotretinoin
Estrogen therapy
progesterone-estrogen preps....suppress sebum production and reduces skin oiliness....usually reserved for young women when acne begins somwhat later than usual and tens to falre up at certain times menstrual cycle.
Estrogen- dominant oral contraceptive compounds may be administered
on a prescribed cyclic regimen
Estrogen for men
NOOOOOOO.....enlargement of breasts and decrease in body hair
Comedo extraction, injections of corticosteroids into inflamed lesions, and incision and drainage of large, fluctuant (moving in palpable waves) nodular cystic lesions
Cyrosurgery acne
freezing with liquid nitrogen may be used for nodular and cystic forms of acne
patients with deep acne scars may be treated with
deep abrasive therapy (dermabrasion) in which epi and some superficial dermis are removed down to the level of the scars
Comedones may be removed with
comedo extractor. site first cleaned with alcohol...opening of extractor placed over lesion, and idrect pressure is applied to cause extrusion of the plug through the extractor.
removal of comedones leads to erythema
which may take several wks to subside
recurrence of comedones after extraction
is common
Nursing care pts with acne consists largely of
monitoring and managing potential complications of treatments....nursing activities include pt. ed., proper skin care, managing potential problems or therapy...provide positive reassurance, listen attentively and be sensitive
Ultimate goal acne
prevention of scarring.....
Severe acne
25=50 comedones, papules or pustules....long term therapy with systemic antibiotic or isotretinoin....manipulation of comedones, papules increases potential for scarring
Acne surgery may cause
further scarring (hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation may affect tissue involved)
Home care
wash face and other affected areas with mild soap and water twic each day to remove oil and prevent obstruction of oil glands
Mild abrasive soaps and drying agents are
prescribed to eliminate the oil feeling
Instructions acne
do not prop hands agains face, rub face , wear tight collar or helmet...avoid manipulation, squeezing worsens the problem, because portion of black head pushed down into skin which may cause follicle to rupture....shaving cream, lotion and cosmetics should be avoided
Infectious dermatoses (Pyodermas)
pus-forming bacterial infections of the skin....primary originate normal appearing skin and are usually caused by single organism....secondary arise from previous skin disorder or from disruption of skin integrity from injury or surgery....staphylococcus aureus, group A streptococci. MOST COMMON BACTERIAL SKIN INFECTIONS ARE IMPETIGO AND FOLLICULITIS....folliculitis may lead to furuncles or carbuncles
impetigo is a superficial infection of the skin caused by
staphylococci, streptococci or multiple bacteria
bullous impetigo
more deep seated infection of skin caused by S. aureus (characterized by formation of bullae (large, fluid filled bliesters)...Bullae rupture leaving raw, red areas
bullous impetigo usually appears on
body face hands neck and extremities that exposed
MAY SPREAD to other parts of the patient's skin or to other family members who touch or use towel or combs soiled with exudate from the lesions
Impetigo is seen in people of all ages
it is particularly common in children living in poor conditions....often follows PEDICULOSIS CAPITIS (HEAD LICE) SCABIES (ITCH MITES) HERPES, INSECT BITES, POISON IVY OR ECZEMA.....antibacterial soap may create resistant bacteria and contribute to problem
Impetigo lesions begain as
small red macules that become discrete thin walled vesicles that rupture and become covered with loosely adherent honey-yellow crust...removed easily to reveal smooth red moist sufrace where new crusts soon develop....if SCALP involved....hair is MATTED....DISTINQUISHINGFROM RINGWORK
Systemic antibiotic therapy....reduces contagious spread, treats deep infections and prevents glomerulonephritis (kidney disease)....may occurs due to streptococcal skin disease.
Med Non-Bullous impetigo
Benzathine penicilling or oral penicillin Cloxapen....penicillin allergic ERYTHROMYCIN
Topical therapy impetigo
lesions are soaked or washed with soap solution to removeal central site bacterial growth...giving topical therapy an opportunity to reach infected site. After crust removed, topical antibiotic cream applied....gloves are worn....Betadine may be used to clean the skin
Impetigo - Nurse
Instructs pt and family members to bathe at least 1 time daily with bactericidal soap...separate towel and washcloth
Folliculutis is an infections
of bacterial or fungal origin in hair follicules....may be superficial or deep. single or multiple papules or pustules appear close to hair follicle.
Folliculitis commonly affects
beard area of men, women's legs, axillae, trunk and buttocks....usually caused by staphylococci,,,,immune system impaired caused organism may be gram-negative bacilli
Pseudofolliculitis barbae (shaving bumps)
occur predominantly on faces of african american and other curly haired men due to shaving. sharp ingrowing hairs have curved root grows at acute angle and pierces the skin.....TREATMENT....AVOID SHAVING...other treatments....special lotions or antibiotics or using hand brush to dislodge the hairs mechanically....use depilatory cream or electric razor
Furuncle (boil) is an acute inflammation
arising deep in 1 or more hair follicles and spreading into the surrounding dermis....DEEP FORM OF FOLLICULITIS
Furunculosis refers to
multiple or recurrent lesions.....occur anywhere but usually in areas subjected to irritation, pressure, friction, perspiration, neck axillae and bottom.
Furuncle may start as a
small red raised painful pimple....infection progresses and involves the skin and sub fatty tissue, causing tenderness, pain and surrounding cellulitis....area of redness and inflammation is an effort of the body to keep the infection local
Furuncle (staphylococci)
produce necrosis of the invaded tissue....pointing of boil follows in a few days...center becomes yellow or black....boil came to head
Carbuncle is an
abscess of the skin and sub tissue representing an extension of a furuncles that has invaded sever follicles and is large and deep seated....caused by staphylococcal infections
Carbuncles appears
where skin is thick and inelastic (neck and bottom) extensive inflammation prevents a complete walling off of infection, purulent material may be absorbed resulting in high fever, pain, leukocytosis, and extension of infection to bloodstream
In treating staphylococcoal infections
DO NOT RUPTURE OR DESTROY protective wall of induration....NEVER SQUEEZE. ANTIBIOTIC THERABY ....culture and sensitivity study
Oral cloxacillin and dicloxacillin for carbuncles
first line meds
Carbuncles meds
cephalosporins and erythromycin are also effective.....comfort....BED REST FOR BOIL ON PERINEUM OR ANAL....COURSE OF SYSTEMIC ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY
Carbuncle pus has localized and is fluctuant
small incision with scalpel speeds resolution by relieving tension and esnuring direct evacuation of pus and debris.....COVER DRAINING LESION WITH DRESSING
IV fluids, fever reduction for patients acutely ill from infection, apply warm moist compress....skin may be cleanses with antibacterail soap and antibacterial ointment may be applied.
Staphy infection (home care) carbuncles, furuncles and folliculitis
actively draining lesions - the mattress and pillow should be covered with plastic and wiped with disinfectant daily....linens laundered after each use.....antibacterail soap and shampoo for indefinite period.....recurrent infection is stopped with long term antibiotic therapy (3 months).....Purulent exudate source of reinfection or transmission to caregivers.....RECURRENT PT TREAT WITH BACTROBAN
Herpes Zoster (shingles) is an infection
caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZVs) members of a group of DNA viruses....viruses that cause CHICKEN POX and HERPES are indistinguishable...henze the 2 part name
Herpes is characterized by a
painful vesicular eruption along the area of distribution of the sensory nerves from 1 or more posterior ganglia.
After chickenpox runs its course
the VZV responsible for outbreak lies dormant inside nerve cells near the brain and spinal cord
When latent viruses reactivated (chicken pox)
due to declining cellular immunity they travel by way of the peripheral nerves to the skin where virus multiplies and create a red rash of small fluid filled blisters
Elderly (natural immunity to varicella wanes)
allowing virus to reactive and maintaining it in the population.
Herpes Zoster develops in about
10% of adults usually after 50 years of age
50% of peoply by 85 years of age
Local and have few complications
African Americans are effected
much less frequently, if developed usually at younger age.
Increased frequency of Herpes with weakened immune systems such as
HIV and cancer causing widespread significant complications
Herpes (chickenpox) usually accompanied or preceded by
pain, radiate over entire region by affected nerves....burning,lancinating (tearing or sharply cutting) stabbing or aching....some have no pain, but ithcing and tenderness
herpex chickenpox
malaise and GI disturbances may precede eruption....patches of grouped vesicles appear on red sowllen skin....early vesicles containing serum may later become purulent, rupture and form cursts.
herpex chicken inflammation
usually unilateral, involving the thoracic, cervical or cranial nerves in a bandlike configuration....blisters usually confined to narrow region of face/trunk....course varies from 1-3 wks....opthalmic nerve - eye pain....inflammation and rash TRUNK - PAIN WITH SLIGHTEST TOUCH....healing 7 - 26 days
Complication herpes
postherpetic neuraglia - 20% of cases, more common elderly. 50% older than 60 have persisten pain lasting longer than 6 months
Herpes zoster infection can be stopped
if oral antiviral agents (Zovirax, Valtrex, Famvir) are administered within 24 hours of initial eruption....IV acycloiver (Zovirax) is effective in significantly reducing pain and stopping progression of disease
Goal herpes zoster management are to
relieve pain and reduce or avoid complication including infection, scarring and postherpatic neuralgia and eye complications. pain controlled with analgesics....to prevent persistent pain patterns.
Herpes (Elderly) meds
Systemic corticosteroids for pts older than 50 to reduce incidence and duration of postherpetic neuralgia.....Aristocort, Kenacort, Kenalog injected subcut under painful areas is effective as anti-inflammatory agent
Opthalmic herpes zoster
EMERGENCY ...referred to opthalmologist immediately to prevent keratitis, uveitis, ulceration and blindness.
developed in 1970 for children...more potent formulation of vaccine developed to boost VZV cellular immunity in people over 55
Nurse management
pt and family instructed to take antiviral agents and keep follow-up.....assess pt discomfort and response to med and collaborates with phy to make adjustments....pt taught how to apply wed dressings or med to lesions and hand hygiene, diversionary and relaxation tech are encourages to ensure restful sleep and alleviate discomfort.
herpes Simplex
common skin infetion: 2 types of causative virus, identified by viral typing....type 1 occurs on the mouth and type 2 in the genital area....bot both viral types can be found in both locations
85% adults herpes simplex
are seropositive for type 1...type 2 is lower....type 2 usually appears at onset of sex.
Herpes simplex is classified as a
true primary infections, non-primary or recurrent
True herpes simplex
initial exposure to virus
non-primary herpes simplex
initial episode type 1 or 2 in a person previously infected with the other type
Orolabial herpes also called
fever blisters or cold sores consists of erythematous based clusters of grouped vesicles on the lips....prodrome of tingling/burning with pain may precede by up to 24 hrs. Triggers such as sunlight increased stress may cause recurrent.
Fewer than 1% of people with primary orolabial herpes develop
herpetic gingivostomatitis....most common in children/young adults...onset high fever, regional lymphadenopathy and malaise.
Another complication of orolabial herpes is the development
of erythema multiforme...acute inflammation of skin, mucous membranes which appear as targets (concentric red rings with white bands between the red rings)
Genital type 2 herpes manifests with broad spectrum of signs
Minor - may have no symptoms...severe type 1 can cause flulike....lesions appear as grouped vesicles on an erythematous base initially involving the vagina, rectum or penis....new lesions can appera for 7 to 14 days. Lesions symmetric and cause regional lymphadenopathy...fever and flulike symptoms common....recurrence begins with prodrome of burn, tingle, itch about 24 hours before vesicles....as vesciles rupture, erosions and ulcerations begin to appears....severe infections can cause extensive erosions of the vaginal or anal canal
Confirmation of herpes simplex
appearance of skin eruption, viral cultures and rapid assays, type of test depends on lesion morphology...Acute lesions react more positively to rapid where older cursted patches are better with viral cultures....need enough viral cells for testing, careful collections.....all crusts gently removed or vesicle unroofed....sterile cotton swab premoistened in viral culture preservative is used to swab the base of the vesicle.
Eczema herpeticum is a condition
which pt with eczema contract herpes that spreads throught the eczematous areas
Excema herpeticum is managed with
oral or IV acyclovir
Herpetic whitlow is an infection
of the pulp of a finger tip with hepres type 1 or 2....tenderness and erythema of cuticle...deep seated vesicles within 24 hours.
Genital herpes - MOMS -
Fetal anomalies include skin lesions, microcephaly, encephalitis and intracerebral calcifications
Oralabial herpes
avoid the sun....topical treatment with drying agents may accelerate healing....intermittent treatment with 200 mg acyclovir five times each day for 5 days as soon as earliest symptoms
Mild rare outbreakes genital herpes
no treatment may be required
More severe genital herpes but infrequent
intermittent treatment....reduces the duration by only 24 to 36 hrs.....initiate treatment within 24 hours of appearance
Genital - more than 6 per year may benefit from
suppressive therapy.....ACYCLOVIR, VALACYCLOVIR OR FAMCICLOVIR suppresses 85% of recurrences and 20% are free of recurrences....suppressant therapy reduces viral shedding by almost 95&....prevents recurrent erythema multiforme (acute eruption of macules, papules and vesicles with a multiform appearance.
management genital herpes PREGNANT....ROUTINE CULTURE
DO NOT PREDICT SHEDDING AT DELIVERY. do not use scalp electrodes during delivery due to risk of infection.....risk greater in women with initial episode during prenancy,,,,SUPPRESSION THERAPY SHOULD BE STARTED to reduce outbreak during 3rd trimester.....all women with active outbreak undergo....C-SECTION
Fungi (fungal mycotic skin infections)
tiny members of a subdivision of the plant kingdom that thrive in organic matter....affect skin and hair and nails....sometimes internal organs are involved....may be life threatening......Secondary infections with Candida may occur
most common skin infection is
tinea....ringworm ring or rounded tunnel under skin....affect head, body, groin, feet and nails
obtain specimen for ringworm
lesion is cleaned and a scalpel or glass slide is used to remove scales form the margin of the lesion. scales dropped onto slide to which potassium hydroxide has been added.....looking for spores or hyphae or by isolating organisms....WOOD'S LIGHT spec of infected hair is fluorescent.....