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97 Cards in this Set

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Tzanck Smear
use to detect HSV, VZV, but cannot distinguish between the two
lesions look powdery/crusty, especially on the hands. get bite-like marks; burrows interdigital tunels
pemphigus vulgaris
positive nicolsky sign, chicken wire/fishnet pattern on IF, ruptured blister that was intraepidermal
allergic contact dermatitis
occurs in areas of contact with allergen, and not on first exposure; type IV hypersensitivity
patch testing
use to confirm contact dermatitis
Side effects of topical steriods
stretch marks (striae), telangiectasias, skin atrophy, ulcers are possible
treatment of psoriasis
can include phototherapy, TNF-alpha inhibitors; DO NOT USE SYSTEMIC STERIODS
bullous pemphigoid
intact subepidermal blisters with a negative nicolski sign and linear C3 and IgG on IF
Indications for MOHS surgery
on face or acral surfaces, in areas of radiation, if px is a trasnplant px, if >2cm, if infiltrative
Causes of Stephens Johnson Syndrome
SULFA DRUGS - Bacteram... secondarily mycoplasm/herpes/pneumonia
vesicle with pus...indicates presence of neutrophils
granules in stratum granulosum
contain keratohyaline
erosion vs. ulcer
an erosion has epidermis left, and ulcer doesnt
causes of diabetic ulcers
neuropathy and microvascular disease both contribute
means blood cells are in the vessels
grouped verrucous papules
wart associated with HPV
clinical presentation of leukocytoclastic vasculitis
palpable purpura, one example is henoch schonlein
symmetric vs. assymetric
internal vs. external problem
Ps of Lichen planus
purple, pruritic, palpable, papule, polygonal
overlying wickham striae
AND can have koebner phenom with scratching
Extensor vs. flexor rash
psoriasis vs atopic dermatitis
color of lesion affected by
Mainly LOCATION of pigment in skin, bluer as deeper

Also, hydration, color of skin, type of pigment
association with Lichen planus (probs other than skin)
Hep C, nail involvement
guttate psoriasis
rain drop lesions that are associated with a strep infection
nail changes in Psoriasis?
yes... pitting and oil spots
spongiatic psoriasis
lots of edema
irritant contact dermatitis
cuased by direct exposure
cause of Seb dermatitis
yeast overgrouwth...pityrosporum
peaks of Seb derm
infantile: cradle cap
adult: ears, scalp, nasolabial folds
findings in langerhans cell histiocytosis
seb derm from hell in an infant, with failure to thrive, and lytic bone lesions
problem in acne
pustule of pilosebacious glands
easy tx for roseacea (or to keep it from getting wrose)
use sunscreen!!
follicular involvement in roseacea?
NO...so NO commodones
UNIQUE findings in atopic dermatits
hertoghes sign - loss of lateral third of eyebrow
denny morgan fold - infraorbital folds
auspitz sign
removal of scab results in pinpoint bleeding in psoriasis
Associations with atopic dermatitis and at risk for what?
assoc - allergic rhinitis and asthma
at risk for viruses, bacteria, and fungi infections
presentation of psoriatic arthritis
oligoarthritis that is asymmetric (possibility)
what drug should not be given to psoriasis px?
spaghetti and meatballs
tenia versicolor - KOH stain
reaction in Rhus derm
Type IV delayed... distinguish b/w this and bullous pemphigoid b/c of linear arrangment of vesicles

also this is not the koebner phenom
rash in lupus... how diff than DM and psoriasis
Lupus - rash between joint
DM - rash over joints
psoriatic rash can be over joints too
Ab with crest...what phenom?
anti-centromere ab...can have raynauds
subacute lupus probs
Ro and LA can cause CHB in babby
heliotrope rash
associated with DM

is a rash on eyelids, these px can aslo have joint rash
tests in DRESS
CBC with eosinophils and LFTs for possible hepatic invovlement
DRESS presentation
facial edema
Major cuase of DRESS, which drugg???
Skin probs with Hep C
other than lichen planus.... cryoglobulinemia, telangiectasias
lyme disease
borellia burgdorferi, target lesion, deer tick
RMSF presentation
acral rash, acral palpable purpura
syphillis presentation
ham-colored lesoins on palms and soles (as opposed to erythema multiforme target lesions on palms)

allopecia where it looks like a moth ate the hair

painless chancre
strawberry gums and leukocytoclastic vasculitis
wengener's granulomatosis, so it will have palpable purpura
churg struass
asthma and vasculitis
janeway lesions
nonpainful, on palms or soles, endocarditis
osler nodes
painful, "ouch" endocarditis on hands and feet
Kawasaki disease
mobilliform rash in children, assoc with coronary artery aneurysm
erythema nodosum
macules on anterior shins, painful
Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum (NLD)
window pane into skin???
Diabetic dermopathy
rash that physical guy had, scaly, yellowish
acanthosis nigricans
insulin resistance, armpits, back of neck, under breasts

rarely assoc iwth cnacer
leser trelat syndrome
explosion, lots of seb ks with in a few days related to stomach cancer
presentation of hyperthyroidism
hyperhidrosis (not hypertrichosis!!!...actually have thin hair!), edema (nonpitting) on front of shins, weight loss
skin tags
location of good melanocytes
basal cell layer
innner root sheath
is continuous with stratum granulosum
nevi description and locations
hamartomas, junctional (at jxn of epidermis and de3rmis), compound (in e and d), interdermal (all in dermis)

should move down into dermis with age
white dots on dermascope with seb ks
pseudo horn cyst
epidermal and trichilemmal
pisitive dimple sign, overgrowth of epidermis makes it look brown
actinic keratosis
precancerous lesion, SCCA risk
overgrown area of trauma
basal cell CA color on histology
blue... Blue Basal
location of basal cell cancers
head, not lips or ears though
swuamous cell cancer (which risks) risks increased by what?
immunosupressed, increased risk of mets or reoccurance
location of SCCA
hands, lips, ears
what to tell px with basal cell ca?
counsel px that there is a risk of getting a similar lesion with same histology
melanoma prognosis basis?
depth of invasion
nevi in ppl over 35
should not get new ones, they shouldnt change
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
honeycombing, is bad, rare mets to lungs
kaposis sarcoma
HHV8 required, HIV is a copromoter but is not required
erythema multiforme presentation
looks like target lesion, lesions may slough, but not all the skin will... looks at how many mucus surfaces are invovled to determine extent
Stephnes johnson syndrome /TEN major complaint
tender skin
SJS/TEN cause
DRUGSS!!! sulfa

somtimes mycoplsm and HSV
what does skin do in SJS and TEN
falls off in sheets
What does rash look like in SJS and TEN
What (other than skin) should you check in SJS/TEN
optic check! (also mucosal surface in mouth)
What drug can cause DRESS?
What presentation with DRESS?
facial edema
What do you do with px who presents with DRESS?
take them off of the medication
What do you culture when suspect SSSS
What is complain in SSSS
tender skin (like SJS/TEN...neither are itchy)
What happens with skin in Toxic shock syndrome
desquamation of acral surfaces, facial swelling
What causes TSS?
tampon, surgical packing, leaving stuff in during surgery,

diabetic nephropathy?!?!?!?!? i dont know
What is first step in tx TSS?
remove the infection
What is pian like in necrotizing fasciitis?
How tx necrotizing fasciitis
generous debridement ( SURGICAL...whirpool therapy is not enough!!!)
hyperbaric O2
broad spectrum ABX
what is worst thing with meningococcemia
rash in RMSF
acral palpable purpura