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169 Cards in this Set

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flat discoloration-small
flat discoloration-large >1cm
raised bump- small
raised bump- big
pus filled papule (small riased bump
discrete palpable elevation, depression, or textural abnormality
psoriasis is what kind of morphology?
small blister
large blister
blanchable pink discoloration (dilated capillaries)
non- blanchable red/ purple discoloration (extravasated rbc)
ring like
coin/circular shape
close grouping of lesions
male-pattern hypertrichosis
excessive hair anywhere
hair loss
pruritic, annular, pink scaly plaque?
tinea corporis
full thickness through epidermis into dermis
partial thickness through epidermis
circumscribed/difuse hardening of skin
shape of eczema
zosteriform, on erythematous base?
shingles (Herpes zoster)
herpetiform near lips?
herpes simplex
increased risk of acne?
elevated androgen states- Xyy, polycystic ovaries, hyperandrogenism, hypercortisolism, precosious puberty
what do you get w/ shave biopsy? Punch?
epidermis + a little dermis; punch- epdiermis, dermis, fat
biopsy for melanoma?
complete removal via excision
how to diagnose superficial fungal infections?
potassium hydroxide preperation
how to diagnose herpes simples or varicella zoaster infection?
tzanck preparation- multinucleated giant cells
how to examine for mites?
use mineral oil
drug induced acne?
ides- iodides, bromides; lithium, steroids
what is a comedone? How is it treated?
black head/white head- dead skin pulgging follicules; Rx: Retin-A (retinoids)/benzyyl peroxides
when is acne rx mandatory?
developing scars from the lesions
which acne is most likely to scar
large inflammed cystic nodules
inflammatory acne papules require what rx?
cystic scarring acne rx?
isotretinoin 9accutane)
red plaques w/ silvery scale?
where is psoriasis most common?
elbows, knees, scalp
other common presentations w/ psoriasis?
thick discolored crumbling nails; psoriasis; pruritis
topical psoriasis rx?
corticosteroid, retinoid, calcipotriene, antralin, tar, uv light
systemic psoriasis rx?
methotrexate, acitretin (syemic retinoid), cyclosporine, ati-TNF antibody, anti0IL antibody
importance of cyclosprine as psoriasis rx?
if you stop it, psoriasis will come back
uv light rx for psoriasis?
UVB or uva + psoralen
drugs that exacerbate sporiasis?
antimalaria, betablockers, Ca channel blocers, captorpil, Glyburide, lithium (stress, alcohol, strep)
steroids and psoriasis?
when tapered too quickky= pustular falre= fevere, malaise, pulmonary edema, heart failure
red itcy rash w/ elevated IgE
define eczema?
eczemaand infection? Psoriasis and infection?
eczema= suspetible to staph infection b/c of broeken barriers; psoriasis= no infection
major differences between eczema and psoriasis?
not associated w/ arthritis, no nail involvement, no scalp involvement, more prone to infection
typical locations for eczema?
popliteal and anterior cubital fossa
dry skin is a type of…
onset of atopic dermatitis
before 5
what is seborrheic dermatitis?
benign flaky condition in skin folds/eyebrows
disease w/ high prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis?
HIV, neurologic disorders
common causes of contact dermatitis
poison ivy, nickel, neomycin, fragrance, thiomersal, perservatives
what is asteotic dermatitis?
excessive dryness of scin= eczema craquele
rxn of asteotitic dermatitis?
mositurizer, mild sopas, TMC ointment (not cream)
t/f skin biopsy is sometimes used to differentiated dermatitis from psoriasis?
venous stasis dermatitis?
from lower leg varicosities and venous htn--> redness, pruritis, induration, ulceration
common causes of impetigo?
staph aureus> strep pyogenous
most common bacterial infection in children?
define impetigo?
infection in uncontrolled dermatitis
dermatitis progressing to yellow crusted plaques that are hot, red, oozing, and painful
pustules on erythematous base are indicative of…
t/f impetigo is contagious?
systemic rx for impetigo?
penicillin, cephalosporin (1st generation), mupirocin ointment
rash that gets worse w/ steroid?
tenia corpis
what type of tissue does tinea invade?
fully keratinized tissue (skin, hair, nails)
what is tinea on the face? Groin? Feet? Scalp?nailus?
facie, cruris, pedis, captis, un unguium
rxn of tinea?
topical antifungals or systemic antifungals
complication of tinea?
secondary bacterial infection, esp on feet and in diabetics/inc infection risk
lab for fungal infection? Results in tinea?
KOH prep; branching petae hyphae
red moist eroded skin under body folds?
check for cutaneous yeast infection
beefy eroded oozing plaque?
what is kerion?
special plaque of tinea capitis- big, yellow, eroded, can cause scars
verruca vulgaris?
common warts
common causes of warts?
HPV 1-4 (epithelial hyperplasia)
condyloma acuminata?
benign genital and anal warts from HPV 6 & 11
wart Rx?
nitrogen cryotherapy
how to tell a seed wart?
skin lines are gone (dots are new formed blood vessels)
pink papules w/ whitish umbiulicated centers?
causes of mulluscum
poxvirus- MC virus
transmission of molluscum
skin-skin contact; fomites
Rx for molluscum
liquid nitrogen, curettage, blistering agent
most common human tumor?
seborrheic keratoses
what is a seborrheic keratosis?
benign epidermal tumor w/ a rough surface and a stuck on appearance
who is most likelyt o have seborrheic keratoses?
elderly white pts
dermatosis papulosa nigra?
seborrheic keratosis on face of black people
sign of leser-trelat?
concomitant malignancy of a seborrheic keratoses (usuallu) gastric- sudden pruritic seborrheic keratoses
what are malanocytic nevi?
moles- benign neoplasmas of melanocyte
junctional nevi?
dark, flat
intradermal nevi
skin colored, dome
compound nevi
dark, dome
difference between intrademal nevi and BCC?
BCC is translucent, telangiectatic, and dynamic
feature of keratinous cyst?
central punctum w/ foul smelling stuff coming out
histology of keratinous cyst?
granulomatous inflammation
when is a keratinous (infundibular) cyst inflammated?
redness extends beyond border)
what are milia?
tiny, white keratinous cyst
t/f lipomas can get inflammed?
even if a lipoma is benign, when can it signify a problem?
if midline, could be underlying spinal defects!
who often has angiomas?
newborns/premies (benign tumors of vessels)
what can happen when an angioma gets really big?
kasaback-merritt syndrome: traps platelets causing a coagulopathy
t/f cherry angiomas go away over time?
pyogenic granulation tissue? Rx?
acquired, reactive hemangioma w/ excessive granulation tissue; has to be surgically removed
t/f hemangiomas go away over time?
most common complication of angioma?
what are dermatofibromas?
dermal aggregates of fibroblast hitocytes, and collagen
how to tell if it is a dermatofibbroma?
dimple sign
multiple eruptive dermatofibromas seen in
what are acrochordons?
skin tag
most common type of cancer in the US?
non-melanoma skin cancer
uva vs. uvb penetrates deeper? Immediate change? Cause of cancer?
uva= deeper, uva= immediate tan (changes melanin, while uvb induces melanin production), uva= melanomas, uvb= BCC and SCC
what is the most common precancerous lesion?
actinic keratosis
most common cancer in US?
importance of Moh's surgery?
100% margin control
when is moh's done?
high risk tumors; conservation of tissue is important(Hzone faces, nose, ears, yeyes, genitals, lips, shins); recurrent
second most common form of skin cancer?
what % of malignant melanomas come from pre-existing nevi?
most frequent cuase of death from skin cancer?
malignant melanoma
t/f black and white people have the same # of melanocytes?
t/f blacka nd white people have the same amounts of pigment?
if you have ever used a tanning bed, risk for melanoma increases by?
when to do a shave biopsy?
NMSC is suscpected
when to do a punch biopsy?
small pigmented lesions
when to do excisional biopsy?
Melanoma,evaluated borders of pigment lesion
when to do an incisional biopsy?
large lesion, excision not needed for diagnosis
barlow's ris?
low< 1cm, intermediate 1-4 cm, high >4 cm
What disease affect the epidermis?
tanning, vitiligo
what diseases affect the basement membrane zone?
blistering disease
1 melanocyte/ ? Keratinocytes?
melanocytes are derived from?
neural crest cells
why is dark skin darker?
eumelanin instead of pehomelanin; more stage 4 melanosomes
Uva energy? Wavelength? Penetration?
low energy, long wavelength, deep penetration
most abundant form of UV exposure from sun?
uva= deeper, uva= immediate tan (changes melanin, while uvb induces melanin production), uva= melanomas, uvb= BCC and SCC
what cells does tanning affect?
melanocytes and keratinocyte (making keratinocytes stimulate melanocytes)
single UV exposure does what?
redistributes melanosomes to protect keratinocytes
repeated UV exposure does what?
causes melanocytes to increase in size, number, and activity + increased transfer to keratinocytes
what makes up the basement membrane?
lamina lucida/lamina densa
where is collagen? How is it attached?
below lamina densa; attached via anchoring fibers
lossin epidermal layer causes…
superficial erosion
loss @ basement membrane cuases…
tense blister
what are desmoglans?
keratinocyte adhesions in intracellular space
what is pemphigus?
intraepidermal blisters and acantholysis
which pemphigus disease is more superficial?
foliacious (@ epidermal granular layer)
which pemphigus disease is deeper?
vulgaris (@ epidermal suprabasalar layer)
t/f basal cell are intact w/ pemphigus vulgaris?
blistering dieases from superficical to deep?
phemphigus (epidermal dysadhesion), bullous pemphigoid (basal-BM separation); Epidermolysis Bullosa Acquisita (BM-dermal separation)
pemphigus etiology/pathogenesis?
retraction of tonofilaments; sissolution of desmosomes (nikolskys's sign); IF-IgG auto abs +/- C3 at cell surface of keratinocytes
what is nikolsky's sign? In what disease is it seen?
lateral retraction extends blistering area. Seen in pemphigus
BP antigens attack where?
hemidesomsomes- basal keratinocytes to BM
upper antigen on salt split skin?
lower antigen on salt split skin?
Collagen VII- EBA
erythema nodosum?
reactive inflammation of deep subcutaneous fat
etiologies of erythema nodosum?
infection (tb, strep); Meds- OC; pregnancy; Sarcoidosis-loggren syndrome
t/f you can get sarcoidosis on skin w/ out internal disease?
Lofgren's syndrome?
fever+ pulmonary sarcoidosis + erythema nodosum
most common mucocutaneous findings w/ graves?
eye disease: protrusion, exophthalmos, eyelid swelling, limited extraoccular movements
who gets acute cutaneous lupus eruthematous? What does it look like?
ONLY seen in SLE;non-scarring malar rash
how many pts w/ SCLE have SLE?
most chronic form of cutaneous lupus eruthematous?
discoid lupus
unique feature of chronic cutaneous lupus eruthematous?
results in scarring (discoid lupus)
% of people who have systemic disease w/ chronic cutaneous lupus erythematous?
rare: 5-10%
pathognomonic signs of dermatomyositis?
heliotrope rash; gottron papules
localized scleroderma?
aka morphea, self-limiting linear skin colored plaques w/ out systmeic disease
en coup de sabre?
linear scleroderma on the forehead
2 main forms of systemic scleroderma?
CREST (limited) and progressive
halmmark findings of systemic slceroderma?
sclerodactaly, digital piting scars, clacinous cutis, nail fold capillary changes, telangiectasis, raynaud's, salt and pepr
constant pressure over how long leads to tissue death
2 hours