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46 Cards in this Set

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What is major depression?

recurring episodes of dysphoria and negative thinking

What is bipoalr disorder?

Moods swing from depression to mania over time

T or F: There are subtypes of major depression and bipolar disorder


What does pathological depression resemble?

An emotional state we have all experienced but differs significantly in intensity and duration (most important)

What does pathological depression cause?

loss of interest in almost everything and inability to experience pleasure

What is the loss of interest in almost everything and the inability to experience pleasure called?


What do most patients with anhedonia mean?

Hopelessness, sadness, worthlessness, guilt and desperation

T or F: Mania often occurs alone

F, rarely occurs alone

What most often accompanies mania?

It alternates with periods of depression to form bipolar disorder

How often does mania often last?

Days not hours

What is the primary symptom of mania?


What are some of the other symptoms besides elation of mania?

1. little sleep need

2. unlimited confidence in themselves

3. impulsive decisions

What is the overall prevalence of major depressive episode among US adults?

6.7 (about 7/100)

What age group has the highest prevalence of 12-month major depressive disorder?

18-25 (10.3%)

What age group has the second highest prevalence of 12-month major depressive disorder?

26-49 (7.5%)

What age group has the lowest prevalence of 12-month major depressive disorder?

50+ (4.8%)

What race has the highest prevalence of 12-month major depressive episode?

Mixed race (12.2%)

What race has the lowest prevalence of 12-month major depressive episode?


What is the prevalence of 12-month major depressive episode in females?


What is the percentage of males that have had a major depressive disorder of 12-month prevalence?


Which gender gets more episodes of major depressive disorder?


Why is it thought that females have a higher prevalence of depressive disorder?

1. guys dont talk about it

2. guys more likely to commit suicide

3. guys drink more because it is more acceptable for them to deal negative behavior

What is the lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder?

17% major depression for a long time

What percent of the US population has a lifetime prevalence of depression?


What percent of the US population has a 12-month prevalence of depression?


What percent of US population has a 12-month prevalence classified as severe?


Severity: 82.9% of these cases (2.2% of US adult population are classified as what?


What is the average age of onset for major depressive episode?

25 year old

T or F: thoughts of suicide are uncommon with affective disorders

False, very common

What percentage of depressed individuals attempt suicide?


What percent of the overall population attempts suicide?


What percent of people with bipolar disorder have attempted suicide?

25-50% (most studies 40-50%)

Describe bipolar disorder #1

1. manic depression

2. periods of fluctuating mania and a swing to depression

3. Primary driver of effective drug treatment is different than bipolar 2

Describe bipolar disorder #2

Characterized by predominantly depressive that fluctuates with a milder form of mania called hypomania

In bipolar two, which symptom do you treat and how?

depression; respond better to anti-depressants

What are the monoamines?

Dopamine, catecholamine, serotonin

How did the monoamine hypothesis originate?

With the observation that reserpine induces depression as a side effect

What is reserpine primarily used for?

The treatment of high blood pressure

How does reserpine cause depression?

Prevents packaging or neurotransmitters into vesicles, leaving them in the cytoplasm where monoamine oxidases degrades them

What does reserpine do?

inhibits vesicular uptake and storage, cannot be released, MAO degrades them

What is the fate of monoamines when it comes to reserpine like meds?

stay in the cytosol resulting in less in the cells

Bottom line: why is reserpine making people derpessed?

Took away amines

What is the normal function of MAO inhibitors?

Function of MAO is to metabolize monoamine transmitter available for release.

What does MAO inhibition do?

Increases the amount of neurotransmitter available for release

What is a big problem with MAO?

Significant risk of liver toxci

Are MAOs widely prescribed for for depression?

No, used infrequently, only when someone doesn't response to other classes