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23 Cards in this Set

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Understand Erikson’s stage of intimacy versus isolation.
Psychological conflict of early adulthood, reflected in the young persons thoughts and feelings about making a permanent commitment to an intimate partner. Most young adults are still grappling with identity issues. Yet intimacy requires that they give up some of the independant self and redefine their identity to include both partners values and interests. Maturity involves balancing the desire for self determination with the desire for intimacy. Erikson believed that successful resolution of intimacy vs. isolation prepares the individual for the middle adulthood stage, which focuses on generativity.
What is Levinson’s life structure?
A key concept in Levinson's theory, is the underlying design of a person's life, consisting of relationships with significant others - individual groups, and institutions. Of its many components, usually only a few, relating to marriage/family and occupation, are central.
What 4 major conflicts must males come to terms with according to his theory?
1. being young vs. old. 2. being destructive vs. being constructive 3. being masculine vs. being feminine 4. being attached to others vs. being attached to no one.
What are some gender differences in dreams of young people, according to Levinson?
For men, the the dream usually emphasizes an independent achiever in an occupational role. Most career-oriented women experience split dreams involving both marriage and career. Also women's dreams tend to define the self in terms of relationship with husband, women and colleagues. Mens dreams are usually more realistic.
What is the social clock? Is it important to be “on time” in terms of development?
age-grades expectations for major life events, such as beginning a first job, getting married, birth of the first child, buying a home, and retiring. Being on time can affect self esteem because adults make social comparisons, measuring their progress against that of agemates. Adults face psychological distress when they are substantially behind in life events.
What are the phases of vocational development? Understand and be able to identify.
1. The fantasy period - in early and middle childhood, children gain insight into career options by fantasizing about them. Their preferences, guided largely by familiarity, glamour, and excitement, bear little relation the the decisions they will eventually make. 2. The Tentative period- between ages 11 and 16, adolescents think about careers in more complex ways, at first in terms of their interests, and soon-as they become more aware of personal and educational requirements for diff. vocations - in terms of abilities and values. 3. The realistic period - by the late teens and early twenties, with the economic and practical realities of adulthood just around the corner, young people start to narrow their options. A first step is often further exploration - gathering more information about possibilities that blend with their personal characteristics. In the final phase, crystallization, they focus on a general vocational category and experiment for a time before settling on a single occupation.
What are some of the gender differences in mate selection found by researchers?
women assign greater value to intelligence, ambition, financial status, and moral character, whereas men place more emphasis on physical attractiveness and domestic skills. In addition, women prefer a same-age or slightly older partner.
how well does the opposites attract theory hold up?
Little support exists for the opposites attract theory. Many studies confirm that the more similar partners are, the more satisfied they are to stay together.
What is the ethological perspective in terms of why women seek financially successful, intelligent men?
since womens capacity to reproduce is limited, women seek a mate with traits such as earning power and emotional commitment, that help ensure children's survival and well-being.
What are the characteristics of high quality relationship?
they communicate commitment - through warmth, attentiveness, empathy, caring, acceptance, and respect. Have constructive conflict resolution.They also experience passionate love, companionate love.
Understand Sternberg’s triangular theory of love and his 3 components. Does he indicate that these shift and change as relationships develop or that they remain consistent across time?
The triangular theory of love identifies 3 components intimacy, passion, and commitment, which shift in emphasis as romantic relationship develops. Intimacy - the emotional component, involves warm tender communication, expression of concern about others well-being. Passion, the desire for sexual activity and romance is the physical and psychologica-arousal component. Commitment is the cognitive component, leading partners to decide that they are in love and to maintain that love. At first passionate love is strony and it gradually declines in favor of intimacy and commitment.
How is passionate love different than companionate love? What shifts and changes?
Passionate love is an intense sexual attraction, the desire for sexual activity and romance, is the physical and psychological arousal component. Gradually passion declines in favor of intimacy and commitment, which form the basis of companionate love - warm, trusting affection and caregiving.
What aspect of love determines whether a relationship will survive the test of time?
Commitment is the aspect of love that determines whether a relationship survives.
An important feature of good communication is relationships is ________?
constructive conflict resolution - directly expressing wishes and needs, listening patiently, asking for clarification, compromising, accepting responsibility, forgiving their partner, and avoiding the escalation of negative interaction sparked by criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling.
What differences are observed in the friendships of men and women?
Women prefer to just talk while men prefer to do things. Barriers to intimacy between male friends include competitiveness, which make men unwilling to disclose weaknesses. Women have balance of power and give and take, so they view their same sex friendships more positively than men. The longer-lasting men's friendships are, the closer they become and the more they involve disclosure of personal information. After marriage same sex friendships decline for men but increase for women, who tend to form them in the workplace. Men gain from female friendships because it allows them to broaden their expressive capacity. Women gain from male friendships because males give them an objective viewpoint on problems and situations.
What is loneliness? When does it peak and WHY? Who is most lonely?
Loneliness is unhappiness resulting from a gap between the social relationships we currently have and those we desire - when they either do not have an intimate partner or lack of gratifying friendships. Loneliness peaks in the late teens and early twenties, then declines steadily into the seventies. As young people move through school and employment settings, they must constantly develop new relationships. Also, young adults may expect more from their intimate ties than older adults, who have learned to live with imperfections. With age people become better at accepting loneliness and using it for positive ends. Those who are separated, divorce or widowed are lonelier than married adults. Men who are not in a romantic relationship are lonelier than women, perhaps because they have few alternatives for satisfying intimacy needs. Immigrants from collectivist cultures experience more loneliness than those born in us or canada because leaving a large, close-knit family system for an individualistic society seems to prompt intense feelings of isolation.
What is the sequence of stages in the family life cycle?
1. Leaving Home 2. Joining families in marriage 3. Parenthood
The family cycle - Leaving Home
Departure from parental home. Residential independence rises steadily with age. Departures for education tend to start at an earlier age and those for full time work and marriage later. More young people leave home to be independent, not to marry. Nearly half of young adults return home for a brief time after initial leaving. Role transitions such as the end of college or military service also bring people back home. The extent to which yound people live on their own before marriage varies with SES and ethnicity. Among african american, hispanics and native-americans, poverty and cultural tradition of extended family living
The family life cycle - Joining of families in marriage
Marriage requires that two systems - the spouses families- adapt and overlap to create a new subsystem. Marriage presents complex problems and more so today because husband-wife roles have only recently moved into the direction of true partnership. Couples whose backgrounds differ greatly face extra challenges in making the transition to married life. Since many couples live together before marriage, it is less of a turning point in the family life cycle. Age of marriage is most consistent predictor of marital stability. Those who marry in teens or early twenties are more likely to divorce. Men are typically more happier with their marriage than women.
The family cycle - Parenting
" A major reason that couples have fewer children today than in the past is women's increased career orientation.
- Needs and expectations of parent shave stimulated some myths about parenting ( birth of child will save marriage, moms naturally better parents than fathers etc.
In regards to marriage, what is a consistent predictor of marital stability?
The age of marriage is the most consistent predictor of marital stability. Young people who marry in their teens and early twenties are far more likely to divorce than those who marry later.
Why are women delaying or deciding against parenthood more frequently today?
women are more career oriented
What factors predict partner abuse?
pesonality and developmental history, family circumstances, and cultural factors combine to make partner abuse more likely. Abusers are overly dependant on their spouses as well as jealous, possessive and controlling. Many spouse abusers grew up in homes where parents engaged in hostile interactions, used coercive discipline, and were abusive towards their children. Social norms that endorse male dominance and female submissiveness promote partner abuse.