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57 Cards in this Set

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largest demographic group in US
older than 65
When will >65 pop double?
How many ppl need dentures
40 million
how many edentulous ppl in US?
32 million - 75% of them have messed up dentures
How many new sets of dentures are made annually?
12 million per year
Baby boomers (56-66) represent what % of the pop?
how much of disposable income (incl dental care) spent annually in US does the >65yo group control?
How much % dental care goes to >65 yo
70% of all dental care
What is an opposing cast?
opposing a restoration you're going to do - may eventually become part of the treatment cast
t/f Preliminary impressions are positive likeness of the surface of an object.
False - negative
Sodium alginate is a reactant, retarder, or filler?
Calcium sulfate dihydrate is a reactant, retarder, or filler?
Sodium phosphate or sodium carbonate is a reactant, retarder, or filler?
How high should the tray land above the ridge?
4-6 mm
A1 Preliminary Impressions
p 282
T/F preliminary mandibular impressions must always capture the retromolar pad
Whic muscle often exhibits a fatty pad that partially covers the retromolar pad?
TF if the masseter roll of tissue partially covers the retromolar pad area in a prelim. impression, then you'll have to retake the impression.
false - diganostic cast will be fine even if fatty roll is captured in the impression
When is periphery wax indicated?
Tray must have 6mm space from tissues. If a larger space exists or an extension must be increased, wax is indicated
T/F Adding wax adhesive may not be necessary if the tray has retention holes or rim locks.
TF the impression tray should be fully loaded with alginate.
False - 3/4 fill
T/F the hamular notch area must be completely captured in both the prelim and final impression.
TF Since the vibrating line extends far posteriorly, it is impossible to accurately capture in a prelim and final impression
false - must be captured
Which part of the maxillary prelim impression tray should you seat first - posterior, lateral, or anterior?
4 nonanatomic parts of cast
base, heel, land area, thinnest portion
minimum height of the thinnest areas
18 mm
where are the thinnest areas
heel L/center/R
formal name of the midline frenulum
upper medial labial frenum
center frenulum name
labial frenulum
lateral frenum name
buccal frenulum
what 2 locations does the pterygomandibular raphe attach to?
hamulus of medial pt plate AND posterior end of mylohyoid line
what lies just buccal to the crest of the mandibular ridge/retromolar pad in DB corner of mandible?
masseteric notch (45 degree area)
anatomic area in the alveolingual sulcus just lingual to retromolar pad, bunded by mylohyoid ridge and retromylohyoid curtain, and anteiror tonsillary pillar
retromylohyoid fossa/space/area
tendon of which muscle runs through the hamular notch
tensor veli palatini - overextension can cause denture destab.
how far and in what direction are the fovea palatini in relation to the vibrating line?' function?
2mm anterior; minor salivary gland ducts
primary stress bearing area max
crest of residual ridges
primary stress bearing area mand
buccal shelf
secondary stress bearing area max
labial and palatal slopes of the ridges [LP max]
secondary stress bearing area mand
facial and lingual slopes of the ridges [FL man]
thinnest area on base dimension
18 mm
thinnest area on max
labial slopes, center of palate
thinnest area on mand
facial and lingual slopes
center line on palate
midpalatine raphe
vibrating line runs bilaterally through....
hamular notches
submandibular glands open up as
sublingual caruncles
CH 3 p43
Q1 What is the name of the site where the mucous membrane lining of the lips and cheeks reflects and joins the unattached ginigva or alveolar mucosa?
fornix of the vestibule - where lips/cheecks mucous membrane joins alveolar mucosa
Q2 Besides location, waht is the one major difference b/w the upper medial labial frenum (the frenulum) and the buccal frenula?
upper medial labial frenulum DOES NOT contain muscle; the buccal frenum DOES contain muscle
Q3 Which resorps more - the maxilla or the mandible?
mandibular ridge resorps 4x > max
Q4 Why is the incisal papilla a good landmark to note when contouring occlusion rims and positioning the denture teeth?
facial surfaces of central incisors are 8-10mm anterior to middle of incisal papilla; canine tips are in line with middle of incisal papilla
Q5 Why is the location of the fovea palatini important to note in the edentulous pt?
2 mm from vibrating line
T/F Max complete denture should NOT cover the hamulus.
Q6 Why is the hamular notch an important landmark in denture fabrication?
b/w hamulus and max. tuberosity, the hamular notch marks the vibrating line (maximum posterior extent of the denture) runs bilaterally THRU the hamular NOTCHES
Q7 What structure is located distal to the last mandibular molar and why is it important in making compl. dentures?
retromolar pad - should be covered by denture & occlusal plane is located at the level of the middle-upper 1/3 of the pad
Q8 Just buccal to the crest of the manibular ridge in the DB corner of the arch is the massteric notch/groove area. Why is this imp. when making/wearing mand compl. dentures?
this fatty cheek area must often be lifted to eliminate the fatty roll from a final impression - if not, dentures will be overextended and cause irritation/instability
Q9 What/where is the buccal shelf, why imp?
buccal shelf is the PRIMARY stress-bearing area of the mandiibular arch. Medially bounded by the crest of the residual ridge, laterally bounded by the external oblique ridge, in the mesial area by the buccal frenulum and on the distal side by the masseter. Just anterior to the masseter notch.
Q10 What is the area that determines the most D-L extent of a mand. complete denture and what difficulites may the clinician have with this area?
retromylohyoid area/fossa. This is the most distal extension of the mandibular denture . The opposing retromylohyoid areas are usually undercut in relation to each other. These undercuts complicate impressions