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162 Cards in this Set

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Hard protective layer of tooth
Interlocking rods that resist masticatory forces
Enamel rods
Deposited perpherally from DEJ in key-hole shape by ameloblast & grows 4 micrometers a day
Enamel rods
Dark lines showing age of enamel rods
Straie of Retzius
Rods are clinically evident as
enamel has _______, dentin has _________
- rods
- tubules
The enamel rod configuration viewed in incidental light appears as light and dark bands of rod groups termed
Hunter-Schreger bands
hypocalcified zones caused by bending of adjacent groups of rods
The termination of the dentinal tubules in enemal are
When rods bend in an exaggerated, twisted manner at the cusp tips, they are called
gnarled enamel
Enamel contains
96% hydroxyapatite
4% water & organic matter
The organic component of enamel is the protein
enamelin is similar to the protein _______, which is found in the skin
Enamel is ___________ in color and dentin is ___________
- grayish-white
- yellowish
Enamel is thickest on the _____
tip (occlusal & incisal surface)
Enamel is composed of rods that extend from _______ to enamel outer surface
_____ ameloblast forms enamel rod
4 : 1 forms head
part of 2 forms neck
1 forms tail
enamel rods are ________ shaped
Enamel rods curve slightly to
cusp tip
______ are the result of the rhythmic recurrent deposition of the enamel
Incremental lines
"growth lines"
striae of Retzius
(lines of Retzius)
Environment and nutrition changes that occur abruptly at time of birth cause a noticeable line of Retzius known as
neonatal line
Enamel defect filled with organic material located at a right angle to DEJ is
Enamel Tuft
Ridges on enamel are a result of termination of ____________ on enamel surface
Straie of Retzius
Perikymata is also known as
imbrication lines
protects Dentin from trauma
Imbrication lines are more prominent on the ________ surface
Enamel is impermeable but can be permeable if:
- faulty restorations
- tooth decomposition by dental caries
- pathways such as lamellae, cracks, tufts, spindles
The minute spaces between or around enamel rods and through crystal spaces within rods are called
etching is done with ______ acids
- dilute
such as 35-40% phosphoric acid
True or False:
Dentin is a living tissue.
Root dentin is covered by
Crown Dentin is covered by
what are the different kinds of dentin
- Primary
- Secondary
- Tertiary (AKA reparative)
Dentin that is laid down first
Primary Dentin
Also known as reparative dentin
Tertiary dentin
this dentin is the major component of crown & root
Primary Dentin
Primary dentin is composed of
- Mantle Dentin
- Circumpulpal dentin
_______ dentin is closest to pulp
___________ dentin underlies _________ dentin
- circumpulpal
- Mantle
Primary Dentins tubules are _____ shaped to withstand force
Mantle dentin has ___________ with enamel at DEJ
Dentin that is nearly free of developmental defects
Mantle Dentin
Mantle dentin is seperated from circumpulpal dentin by _________ dentin
A zone of disturbed dentin formation
globular dentin
globular dentin is noted by the hypomineralized spaces between the globules termed
interglobular spaces
_________ are not true spaces but are less mineralized areas between the calcified globules.
interglobular spaces
Interglobular dentin is especially noticeable with a
Vitamin D defciency, which affects mineralization of teeth and bones
forms internally and occurs as a reaction to a lot of pressure (chewing & other habits)
Secondary dentin
Secondary dentin is deposited more ________ than primary dentin
results from pulpal stimulation and forms only at the site of odontoblastic activation
Tertiary or reparative dentin
Deposited to to protect pulp near caries or trauma
Tertiary Dentin (reparative dentin)(response dentin)
Reparative dentin at times resembles bone more than dentin and is termed
newly formed dentin before calcification and maturation at pulpal border
Predentin is composed of ________ fibers that calcify in 24 hours
Predentin is evidence that Dentin forms in two stages:
- first the organic matrix is deposited
- second an inorganic mineral substance is added
Incremental lines are due to
Appositional growth
The odontoblasts may die because of trauma or old age, and ________ then develop in dentin
dead tracks
as minerals fills the tubules and later calcify, _________ is formed, closing the end of the tubule
Sclerotic dentin
Dentin appears _________ after endontic therapy (RCT - root canal therapy)
Dentin is made up of
- 70% hydroxyapatite crystals
- 20% organic collagen fibers, other proteins
- 10% water
Dentin is _______ than enamel. slightly _______ than bone or cementum.
- softer
- harder
Dentin is more __________ than enamel, and more ___________ than pulp.
- radiolucent
- radioopaque
Dentin is _______ likely to fracture
Primary dentinal is the ______ tube, and the secondary dentinal ___________ the primary tube
- main
- branches off
Intratubular dentin are _________ tubes and peritubular dentin _______ the tubes
- in between
- circles
Sclerotic dentin is also called
transparent dentin
Imbrication lines are also called
Lines of Von Ebner
Neonatal line reflects the
abrupt nutritional change that occurs at birth
Juntion between dentin & enamel
Loss of odontoblastic process reveals ___________ in dentin
dead tracks
the spindles that are extensions of the odontoblastic process extend a short distance into the
Once the spindles of the odontoblastic process extend to the enamel, the odontoblastic process then forms an _____ which extends to the ______
- S curve
- pulp
cytoplasmic extensions of cell body that are postitioned at pulp/dentin border
odontoblastic process
Odontoblastic process is largest in diameter near ______ and taper toward _____
- pulp
________ are found near odontoblastic cell body
nerve endings
______ surface of dentin is about 5 times in surface area than ________ surface
- outer
- inner
Tubules are farthest apart at
Tubules are closest together at
Peritubular dentin is ________ calcified than intertubular dentin
fine particles of cut dentinal debris that are produced by cavity preperation
smear layer
Dentin is laid down ___________ life
Patholgic effects cause
- Odontoblastic degeneration
- dead tract formation
- calcification of tubules leading to sclerosis
- tertiary formation
soft CT located in central portion of each tooth
dental pulp
two parts of pulp
- coronal portion (crown)
- radicular portion (root)
pulp space contains
blood vessels, nerves, & nerve endings enclosed in dentin
Pulp enters periodontium through
apical foramen
within coronal or radicular portion of pulp, there are two parts: the
- central zone
- peripheral zone
the central zone is
the center
the peripheral zone is
around the central zone
central zone contains
-arteries, veins, nerve trunks from apical foramen
- fibroblasts (most common) & odontoblasts (2nd most common)
most popular theory of dental pain perception
hydrodynamic theory
pulp functions
- initiative
- formative
- protective
- nutritive
- reparative
stones can be ______, _______, or ________ in pulp tissue
- attached
- embedded
- free
humans have ____ dental pulps: ____ primary dentition & _____ permanent dentition
- 52
- 20
- 32
all dental pulps have similar characteristics:
- soft, gelatinous
- surrounded by dentin
coronal pulp is ______ than radicular pulp
_______ in age = ________ coronal pulp size
- older
- smaller
______ in age = ________ radicular pulp size
- older
- smaller
smaller apical canals are referred to as
accessory canals
_____ the pulp is composed of large veins, arteries, nerve trunks surrounded by fibroblasts & collagen fibers
________ along the dentin in both coronal and radicular pulp are formative cells of dentin, odontoblasts.
includes the odontoblasts, the cell-free zone, & the cell rich zone
odontogenic zone
the cell free zone is also known as
zone of Weil or Weil's basal layer
adjacent to the cell free zone is a zone of high cell density called the
cell rich zone
pulpal to the cell rich zone is the
parietal layer of nerves
_______ line the perimeter of the pulp
most numerous cells in pulp because they are located throughout pulp
Odontoblast are small and ________ shaped when they first differentiate but soon become _________ shaped.
- oval
- columnar
Once the odontoblast become column shaped, they develop ______ or extensions around which dentin form
The active cell has a large ______ in its basal part and a _________ in its apical part
- nucleus
- golgi apparatus
There is abundant __________ and numerous ________ scattered through the cell body
- rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
- mitochondria
Three types of junctional complexes ar found between adjacent ondontoblasts:
- tight (zonula occludens)
- gap
- intermediate
openings bewtween odontoblasts for communication of cell electrical impulses and passage of small molecules
Gap juntions
with age, ___________ appear smaller and shaped like a spindle with few organelles
In young pulp, fibroblasts produce _________ fibers and ______________
- collagen
- ground substance
collagen type I is from _______ and collagen type III is from __________
- odontoblasts (because found in dentin as well)
- fibroblasts
nerve cells in the pulp include
Schwann's cells
Schwann cells form the
myelin sheath of nerves and are associated with all pulp nerves
endothelial cells line the
- capillaries, veins and arteries of the pulp
Accompanying most vessels are ______ and numerous _________ cells found in normal pulp
- pericytes
- undifferentiated
________ are also found in pulp free spaces and probably function in an immune system of pulp
Erythrocytes, lymphocytes, leukocytes, eosinphils and basophils are als found in the pulp ____________
blood vessels
Collagen fibers exist in the __________ matrix which surrounds the cells.
the pulp organ is highly vascularized, with vessels arising from the ___________ to the _________ and __________ alveolar arteries
- carotid arteries
- superior
- inferior
The vessel lining consist of Three layers:
- Intima (inner)
- Media (middle)
- Adventitia (outer)
the initma layer consists of
oval or squamous shaped enothelial cells surrounded by a closely associated fibrillar basal lamina
the middle layer of the vessel linning consists of
muscle cells from one to three cell layers thick
the outer layer or adventitia of the vessel linning consitst of
a sparse layer of collagen fibers forming a loose network around the larger arteries
Blood pressure and blood flow is _________ in dental pulp compared to the rest of the body
Several large nerves enter the ______ end of each molar and premolar, and single nerves enter the anterior teeth
Nonmyelinated axons also enter with ____________ axons, but they are smaller
the large nerve trunks are invested with
Schwann's cells
This network, comprising both myelinated and nonmyelinated axons, is known as the
parietal layer of nerves or nerve Plexus of Raschkow
parietal layer of nerves is also known as
Plexus of Raschkow
Most pulpal nerve endings are in the _____________ region of the pulp horn
other nerve endings found in the predentinal tubules, usually in the region of pulp horns or
roof of the coronal area
the nerve endings are presumed to function in
pain reception
pulp is highly sensitive to
- temperature changes
- electrical and chemical stimuli
- pressure as applied to the inner enamel, dentin or pulp
Theories of pain perception are
- Direct innervation Theory
- Transduction Theory
- Hydrodynamic Theory
Direct Innervation theory is the _______ accepted theory
Direct Innervation theory is based on
the belief that the nerves extend to the DEJ.
The transduction theory is based on the belief
that the odontoblastic process is the receptor and that it conducts the pain to nerve endings in the peripheral pulp and in the dentinal tubules
The hydrodynamic theory was developed to explain the
transmission of pain throught the thickness of dentin
The hydrodynamic theory is based on the premise
that when dentin is stimulated, fluid and the odontoblastic process move within the tubules, making contact with the nerve endings in the inner dentin and adjacent pulp. When these nerve endings are contacted, they deform and act as mechanoreceptors to produce an impulse.
Inductive function of pulp
in early development the pulp interacts with the oral epithelium and initiates tooth formation
Formative function of pulp
odontoblasts of the pulp form the dentin that surrounds and protects pulp
Protective funtion of pulp
responds to stimuli, such as heat, cold, pressure, and ooperative cutting procedures. the formation of sclerotic dentin
nutritive function of pulp
it carries oxygen and nutrition to the developing and functioning tooth
reparative function of pulp
response to operative cutting or dental caries by the formation of reparative dentin
regressive changes in the pulp and surrounding dentin are related to
environmental stimuli and aging
fibrous changes in the pulp is believed to be caused more by
injury than aging
pulp stone are also known as
pulp stones (denticles) are
round to oval calcified masses appearing in either the canal or coronal portions of the pulp organ
pulp stones appear in teeth that have
suffered injury such as microtrauma as well as in otherwise normal pulps
true denticles have
dental tubles like dentin
false denticles are
concentric layers of calcified tissue
most denticles are
false stones that are free in the pulp
free denticles are
attached denticles are
touching dentin
embedded denticles are
half in dentin and half in pulp space
majority of primary dentin is
circumpulpal dentin