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35 Cards in this Set

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Factors allowing the knee joint stablity
Quadriceps femoris, Lateral and medial ligaments, Cruciate ligaments, Capsule, Menisci
Signs and symptoms of median nerve lesion at the wrist
Sensory loss (thumb and first 2 fingers and distal dorsal aspect of same fingers), Motor loss (2LOAF), Wasting of the thenar eminence
Spinal roots, peripheral nerves and muscles involved in the knee jerk reflex
L3,4, Femoral nerve, Quadricpes
What nerve innervates biceps brachii?
Name the muscles involved in dorsifelxion of the foot and teh nerve that supplies them
Tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus, Deep fibular nerve
Which spinal roots supply the dorsiflexors of the foot?

L4, L5 and S1

Which spinal roots are tested in the ankle jerk?

L5, S1

Name 2 features of the spine and its associated tissues that contribute to lateral stability
Shape of intervertebral articulations, Paravertebral musculature
Name 2 features that contribute to the ability of the spine to absorb shock on locomotion
Elasticity of the intervertebral discs, Shape of the column
Weakness of plantarflexion of the foot and paraesthesia of teh sole of the foot are associated with damage to which peripheral nerve?
Tibial nerve
Indicate one movement that would be affected by a lesion of the ulnar nerve at teh elbow
Flexion at the wrist with adduction of the hand
Indicate one movement that would be affected by a lesion of the axillary nerve in the axilla
abduction of the arm at the shoulder
Indicate one movement that would be affected by a lesion of the radial nerve at the radial groove of the humerus
Extension of the wrist and fingers
Indicate one movement that would be affected by a lesion of the common fibular nerve at the head of the fibula
Dorsiflexion of the ankle
Indicate one movement that would be affected by a lesion of the sciativ nerve in the buttock
extension of the thigh at the hip, Flexion fo the leg at the knee
Name 4 stuctures that contribute to stability of teh shoulder joint
Rotator cuff, Glenoid labrum, Joint capsule, Ligaments - namely coracoacromial ligament
What is the commonest direction fo shoulder dislocation?
Anterior or anteroinferior
Name 2 strucutres that are commonly damaged with shoulder dislocation?
Glenoid labrum, Axillary nerve
Name 3 ligaments that contribute to teh stability of teh ankle joint
Calcaneofibular (or alteral), Deltoid (medial collateral), Anterior inferior tibiofubular, Anterior and posterior talofibular
Which ligament is most likely injured during a fall on an inverted foot?
Anterior talofibular (lateral) ligament
Name one muscle that contributes to eversion ofthe foot
Peroneus longus, Peroneus brevis, Digitroum longus,
Name the muscle chiefly responsible for dorsiflexion of the foot
Tibialis anterior
Name the peripheral nerve and its spinal root that innervates the muscel responsible for dorisflexion of the ankle
Fibular nerve - L5, S1
Suggest 2 sites of lesion that would result in a loss of sensation over the palmar surface of the little finger and lateral half of the ring finger
C8 root compression, Ulnar nerve lesion
Suggest 2 diagnoses that could account for persistent flexion of the little finger
Ulnar nerve lesion, Dupuytren’s contracture
What muscels are involved in flexion of the knee against resistance?

Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Biceps femoris

Damage to which spinal root may lead to abnormal responses on examination of the patellar reflex?


Wasting of the thenar eminence is due to damage to which nerve?


Which muscle provides the greatest contribution to external rotation of the arm at the shoulder joint?
What nerve is responsible for the pronation of the forearm?
Median nerve
Which nerve supplies the lateral comparment of the lower leg?
Superficial fibular nerve
Name the most common cause of a navicular fracture?
Extreme eversion of the foot - runnign over irregular ground
Why is the navicular bone particularly at risk of avascular necrosis?
The artery enters centrally and goes retrogradely.
Obstruction of which major vein would lead to spenomegaly?
Mitochondria are found in the highest number in which type of muscle?
Type I, slow, skeletal muscle