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26 Cards in this Set

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Describe difference between a tree, shrub, and herbaceous plant

Tree- often single stem, mature trees 13 feet or greater

Shrub- often have multiple stems, mature shrub 13 feet or less

Herbaceous plant- lacks woody cells found in trees and shrubs and are much shorter

Difference between a species and sub species

Species- largest group within which interbreeding produces viable offspring

Subspecies- a group which can interbreed successfully with other subspecies, but do not do so in practice

Describe the process of photosynthesis. What is needed and what results from this process. Where do the items needed in this process come from

Photosynthesis- process of using light collected by leaves to create energy/food for plant

Materials needed- carbon dioxide, water, and light are taken in by leaves through respiration and other processes. chlorophyll used inside of plant to create energy

plant leaves absorb co2 and sunlight through leaves, turned into oxygen and energy in the form of sugars. Co2 comes from the air absorbed by plant leaves.

Describe 4 functions cell wall provides plants

Structural support- rigid cell wall allows plant to keep shape

Protects against herbivory-

Limits water loss-

Protects against temp extremes-

Describe primary pit field and plasma membrane, describe difference between the two

Primary pit field- an area connecting one cell to another which allows the transfer of chemicals between the two

Plasma membrane- seperates interior of cell from outside

-Basic function of cell membrane is to protect cell from surroundings, primary pit field transports nutrients and waste between cells

Describe wilting and plasmolysis, including difference between the two

Wilting- the loss of rigidity in a plant due to water shortages

-cell and cell wall collapse

-non reversible

-death of cell

Plasmolysis- extra solution moves through cell wall into middle lamella as plant cell shrinks due to water shortages


Describe transpiration, include two mechanisms or processes involved

Transpiration- water loss through leaves

2 processes

-evaporation- changing water into water vapor

-diffusion- movement from high to low concentration to teach equilibrium

Diagram and describe internal structure of leaf

Cuticle- waxy surface that reduces water loss

Pallisade parenchyma- middle cells, includes chloroplasts

Describe how leaves lose water to surrounding atmosphere, include where water originates in leaf and processes involved


Describe three features of leaf that result in reduced water loss

-cuticle- waxy surface on leaf that reduces water loss

-guard cells close at night to prevent air from entering

-stomates underneath leaf

Describe three different sections of a tree and two functions performed by each

Canopy- creates sugar/food/energy

Trunk- connects roots to leaves, gets leaves to light

Roots- brings in water and nutrients, anchors tree

Describe respiration, list materials needed for respiration and byproducts

Plant uses glucose and oxygen to create carbon dioxide, water, and energy used in photosynthesis

Materials needed- glucose, carbon dioxide

Byproducts- carbon dioxide, water, atp

Describe how each section of tree uses one or more of these processes (photosynthesis, respiration, synthesis) to sustain life of tree


Describe difference in roots between monocots and dicots

Monocots- primary tap root hours deep with smaller offshoots

Dicots- fibrous roots that stay near surface

Diagram and describe different types of cells in roots

Epidermis- protective cells on outside of root

Endodermis- protective layer of cells on inside of root

Cortex- unappreciated cells found inside of root

Parenchyma cells- cells composing the cortex

Diagram and describe different types of cells and their functions in mature trunks

Pericycle- unspecialized parenchyma cells

Primary xylem- transports water upwards to leaves

Primary phloem- transports nutrients down to roots

Vascular cambium- allows root to grow

Describe how tree rings arise and cell responsible

Meristematic tissue- tissue that allows growth

Describe meristem, how do primary and secondary meristem differ

Meristem- regions of undifferentiated cells

Describe three different types of meristem based on their location in tree

Apical meristem- found at root and shoot tips, increases root and canopy depth/height and spread

Intercalary meristem- found between mature tissue

Lateral meristem- parallel to trunk, responsible for increased diameter

Describe process of how shoot tips continue to elongate while producing new materials

- apical meristems divide through mitosis with lower cells beginning to differentiate info new woody cells while upper cells remain undifferentiated

Diagram and describe cells and their function in apical meristems

Cells go through mitosis,lower cells start to become differentiated, upper cells remain undifferentiated

Describe three differences between gymnosperms and angiosperms

Angiosperms- rely on pollinators, have seeds that are enclosed in an ovary,

Gymnosperms- rely on wind for pollinations, have unenclosed seeds on surface of scales or leaves,

Diagram and describe relationship between temperature and photosynthetic activity for coniferous and deciduous trees

Conifers are more photosynthetic active in colder temps, while deciduous trees are more active in warmer

Describe three differences between coniferous trees and deciduous trees that allow deciduous to dominate in high northern latitudes

-Keep needles all year, allows for jump start in photosynthetic activity earlier in year

-heavy waxy deposits on needles to reduce water loss

-longer narrower tracheids causes fewer bubbles in water transportation

Describe how conifers and deciduous trees modify soil nutrient availability to benefit them

Deciduous- drop leaves annually, pouring nutrients back into soil, leaves break down quickly


3 ways conifers modify their environment to increase possibility of return of fire/are adapted to periodic fire

-needles have heavy waxy deposits, making them flammable

-thick bark helps with fire resistance

-few branches between roots and crown