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9 Cards in this Set

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How much direct aid does the bill have in it for individuals and families

The plan would provide $1,400 direct payments to individuals earning up to $75,000 a year and to couples earning up to $150,000.

What’s the fix on Unemployment insurance in the house bill

It would also expand a weekly federal unemployment benefit that is set to lapse in mid-March, increasing the payments to $400 a week from $300 and extending them through the end of August.

What are some of the other fixes Democrats couldn’t get through under trump that are in this bill

It would increase the child tax credit; provide more than $50 billion for vaccine distribution, testing and tracing; and allocate nearly $200 billion to primary and secondary schools and $350 billion to state, local and tribal governments.

What’s the political significance of the bill

The aid package, which is Mr. Biden’s first significant legislative initiative, passed over widespread opposition from Republicans, who argued that the measure was too costly and too broad in scope. Democrats, with slim margins of control in both chambers, were pushing the legislation through Congress using a fast-track budget process, known as reconciliation, that shields it from a Senate filibuster — which requires 60 votes to overcome — and allows it to pass on a simple majority vote, bypassing Republican opposition.

Is it certain that the minimum wage proposal will not be in the final bill

The bill could change substantially during Senate consideration. While it included a marquee progressive proposal to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025, that measure has been ruled out of order by a top Senate official who said that it did not qualify under the strict budgetary rules governing reconciliation bills. Senate Democrats were exploring alternatives that would allow them to maintain a version of the wage increase in the stimulus package without imperiling the broader plan.

What’s Nancy Pelosi’s position on the minimum wage bill

PELOSI SAID The minimum wage increase “is a value, this is a priority, and we will get it done, but let’s not be distracted from what is happening in this legislation,” Ms. Pelosi said. “This is a spectacular piece of legislation. While the Senate has prevented us temporarily from passing one aspect of it, let us not be distracted from what is in here, because it is a great bill.”

Biden goal

July 4 as a date to be on the way to independence from the virus

What did Biden say he needed from the American people

National unity, get the vaccination , keep wearing the masks

What did Biden say about the Covid bill

Will be traveling around the country to sell the American Rescue plan