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25 Cards in this Set

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The study of populations and their characteristics

Factors determining Birth Rate:

-the proportion of women who are of childbearing age

-how fertile a women is

Reasons for decline in Birth Rate: Change in women’s positions

-legal equality with men, the right to vote

-increased educational opportunities, girls now do better in school than boys

-more women in paid employment

Harper- Changes in women position

Education of women is why there’s a long term fall in birth and fertility rates this is because

-there’s a change in mindset among women, resulting in lesser kids

-other possibilities in life apart from being a housewife or a mum

-to peruse their careers

Harper: Decline in infant mortality rate

-argues that the fall in IMR leads to fall in BR. Because if many infants die the parents will have more children to replace them with. So if infants survive the BR will decrease

Reasons for IMR falling in the UK

-improves housing and sanitation

-better nutrition

-better knowledge of hygiene

Children are now an economic liability:

Laws banning child labour have prevented children from working for their families. So they now they have to depend on their parents for longer and longer.

The cost of bringing up children have risen

Child centred-ness

More about ‘quality’ not ‘quantity’. Parents now have fewer children and lavish more attention and resources on the few they have

Future trend of Birth rates

One reason for the increase in birth rates is because of immigration. Mothers outside the UK have a higher fertility rate than mothers in the UK

Effects of changes in fertility: Family, dependency ratio

-family: smaller families equal more women free to work

-DR: this is the ratio between the working and non-working population. Children make up a large part of the dependent population, so the fall in the number of children reduces the ‘burden of dependency’ on the working population

Reasons for declines in death: Improved nutrition, medical improvement, smoking and diet

-Improved nutrition: Mckeown: argues that improved nutrition accounted for half the reduction in death rates

-medical improvement: anti-biotic, immunisation, blood transfusion, improved maternity services

-smoking and diet: Harper: a reduction of the people smoking has decreased the death rate. However, obesity has replaced the new lifestyle epidemic

-public health laws: improved housing, pure drinking waters and improved sewage systems were all steps the government took in order to change the quality of the environment

The factors caused by ageing of the population:

Increasing life expectancy

Declining infant mortality

Declining fertility

Effects of ageing population: public services, one person pensioner household & the dependence ratio

-public services: older people consume a bigger proportion of health and social care

-one pensioner households: the number of pensioners living alone has increased. Most of these are female

-dependency ratio: non-working old people are economically dependent on the working. As the number of retired people rises the dependency ratio and the burden on the working population rises too


Ageism: the unequal treatment of people based on their age. This can happen through discrimination in employment & unequal treatment in healthcare

Modern society and old age:

Ageism is the result of a structured dependency. Those who are excluded from working by compulsory retirement have a dependent status and a stigmatised identity

Philipson: (Marxist) says that the old are of no use to capitalism since they are no longer productive

Postmodern society and old age:

They argue that the fixed stages of the life course have broken down. They believe that we can define ourselves by what we consume.

Hunt: argues that we can choose our lifestyles and identity regardless of age

Because of this - the media now presents a positive aspects of the lifestyle of the old people live & the emphasis on the surface (face) features allows the body to write its own identity through ageing products


Migrants started flowing in from everywhere. Especially ethnically diverse migrants. They made up 14% of the UK population


Main reasons for emigration:

‘Push factors’: economic recession and unemployment at home (UK)

‘Pull factors’: higher wages and better opportunities abroad

Impact of migration on UK population structure:

POPULATION SIZE: the uk population is growing

-Net migration is high with more immigrants than emigrants

-Natural increase: births are exceeding deaths

AGE STRUCTURE: migration slower the average age of the population

- immigrants are generally younger

-being younger immigrants are more fertile, so they reproduce more babies


-immigrants are more likely to be off working age, this leered the DR

-however, they’re younger so more fertile leading to DR increasing again

-the longer a family stays the longer their fertility rate matches the national average reducing their overall impact on the DR

Trends in Global migration: Acceleration

-acceleration: there has been a speeding up off the rate of migration

Trends in Global migration: Differentiation

-Vertovec: came up with super diversity were migrants now come from a wider range of ethnic countries rather than just British colonised countries

COHEN: 3 types of Migrants:

-citizens with full citizenship rights

-denizens are privileged foreigners welcomed by the state e.g: billionaires

-helots- literal slaves, the most exploited group. Seen as disposable units of labour power

Feminisation of migration:

Arlie and Hochschild: find that care work and sex work is done mainly by migrant women from poor countries. This is because

- the expansion of service occupations has led to an increase demand in female labour

-western women& men have joined the labour force and don’t want to perform domestic labour

-the failure of the state to provide adequate child care

Migrant identities: Hybrid & Transnational identities:

- hypbrid: made up of two different sources Bangladeshi Muslim British’s saw themselves as Muslim, Bangali then British

-transnational- when you develop ‘neither/nor’ identities and loyalties. Chinese people who lived in Italy found mandarin (their language) more useful so they used that instead of Italian as it connected them back to China

The politicisation of migration:

Assimilationism: the first state policy to approach immigration. Aimed to encourage immigrants to follow norms and values of whatever country they’re in. However, transitional migrants with hybrid identities don’t want to abandon their culture.

Multiculturalism: accepts migrants may wish to keep their own cultural identity separate . However, because of the two different diversities it is difficult. Since, shallow diversity would be accepted e.g chicken masala as a British food whilst deep diversity e.g arranged marriage and the veiling of women wouldn’t be accepted

Factors determining Birth Rate:

-the proportion of women who are of childbearing age

-how fertile a women is