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13 Cards in this Set

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a government of the "people" usually elected through representatives and usually with a respect for individual rights in society; they share values and interests
Democratic Peace
Proposition strongly supported by emperical evidence that democracies almost never fight wars against each other ( although they do against authoritarian states) They are not more peaceful tnan other states but they generally will not fight each other
Reasons For Democatic Peace
1. capitalist states trade realtions create strong interdependence through trade relations ( would hurt trade to fight)
2. Citizens of democratic societies may not see the citizens of other democracies as enemies ( not on realist inter-state level)
- transition democries tend to still fight w/ all types of governments
Human Rights
the universal right of human beings against certain abuses of their own government. Abuses can inflame ethnic conflicts,underlie moral norms and decency
Universal Decleration of Human Rights
Set international norms reguarding behavior by governments towards their own citizens and foreigners alike
Amnesty International
NGO that opperates globally to monitor and try to rectify glaring abuses of human rights
publisity and pressure to help human rights
Publicity involves someone digging up inappropriate human rights abuses; pressure of other governments threaten the punish the offender in a non-violent way- because if trade relations this punishment is rare and hardly successful ( US, CHINA)
International Law and Realism
International law and norms create principals for governing international relations that compete with realist principals of soverignty and anarchy; derives action from tradition and agreements signed by states depends not on power and authority but international norms, collective action and reciprocity
Sources of international law (4)
treaties, custom, general principals of law and legal scholarship
A respince in kind to another's action; a strategy using positive forms of leverage to promise reqards negitive leverage to threaten punishment; works only if the aggrieved state has the power to inflict costs on the violator
actions that would have been illegal under international law may sometimes be legal if taken in responce to the illegal actions of another state
Collective Responce: sanctions
agreements amoung other states to stop trading with the violator or stop some particular commodity trade (military goods)as punishment for violation
Uncertainties of Power
without common expectations reguarding the rules of the game and adherrence to those rules, power along would create great instability in the anartic international system; creates expectations for behavior by states