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50 Cards in this Set

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Direct Democracy

Decisions made by the people rather than on their behalf.

Representative Democracy

A form of electoral democracy in which the people are given the power to vote for someone to represent their views in Parliament.

Liberal Democracy

Democracy based on the individual rights and freedoms, in which decisions from direct or representative processes prevail in many policy areas.

Positives of direct democracy

Continues participation of citizens

Keeps citizens informed

People make decisions on policies on their own.

Negatives of direct democracy

The people are the government

Hard to coordinate

Based on popular participation

Only works on small scale decision making

Positives of representative democracy

Only politicians who serve the people are elected

Practical over a large scale

Negatives of representative democracy

Operates on popular control

Not everyone's views can be represented

Positives of liberal democracy

Elected representatives

Limits government power

Separates powers into different branches of government

Lots of variations, governments can easily change it to suit them

Negatives of liberal democracy

Some don't use secret ballots

Lots of variations, governments can easily change it to suit them

Power isn't concentrated

Functions of Democracy

Universal Suffrage

Electoral choice


Free and fair elections


The European Parliament

Pressure groups








Universal Suffrage

Gives all adults the right to vote no matter what race or religion they are. However this excludes the homeless

Positives of universal suffrage

More people are informed about the parties

Any adult over 18 can vote -increases participation

Negatives of universal suffrage

You must be amongst a certain category to vote

Not yet across all countries

Parties only focus on groups that can vote

Participation crisis

Electoral choice

Allows citizens to vote for the policies or party they prefer

Positives of electoral choice

Let's citizens vote for who they prefer

Has lead to smaller parties emerging

Negatives of electoral choice

Very little choice between the main parties


In 1998 the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Assembly and the Northern Ireland Assembly was created.

Positives of devolution

Gives other nations within the UK a political voice

More opportunities for political participation

Strengthens political education

Negatives of devolution

Expensive to run

Creates a slow decision making process

Free and fair elections

Elements of a democracy that make it as fair as possible for citizens.

Free and fair elections

Elements of a democracy that make it as fair as possible for citizens.

Positives of free and fair elections

Secret ballot-1872

Fixed Term Parliaments

Electoral commission prevents electoral malpractice

Negatives of free and fair elections

Whipped majority

Non elected bodies

FPTP is unfair to smaller parties


When the citizens vote on a constitutional or national issue and are held accountabke for it.

Positives of referendums

Increases participation

Focuses on a specific issue

Allows the public to make political decisions

Negatives of referendums

Undermines Parliamentary Sovereignty

Political education

Question can be biased depending on how it's phrased

Government can avoid being accountable

The European Parliament

UK citizens have the opportunity to elect representatives to be in the European Parliament

Positives of the European Parliament

Party List gives smaller parties a better chance of being elected

Keeps the public informed on what each party stands for when it comes to the EU

UK citizens can influence the EU

Negatives of the European Parliament

EU have power over all UK policies

Therefore the EU has been interpreted as a threat

Pressure Groups

Small groups of people who try and influence Parliament based on political or moral views.

Positives of Pressure Groups

A political voice for minorities

Provide political participation

Citizens can influence Parliament between elections

Negatives of Pressure Groups

May 'buy' influence by funding parties

Don't distribute political power


They can appeal directly to parliament with undermines the government

The participation crisis

The UK has had a decline in participation by the public

Voter Turnout

The Turnout rate has been gradually declining in the UK, but rose slightly in the 2015 election.

Arguments for a participation crisis

Some people can't vote

Turnout was 65% in 2010 compared to 71% in 1997

Some people have lost faith in the responsiveness of the government

Arguments against a participation crisis

More people are being encouraged to participate between elections

Due to this people are becoming more informed and involved in politics

Goods have been boycotted due to political/ ethical reasons

Arguments for party membership crisis

Fewer people show loyalty to a party

Lack of electoral choice

Some parties are only interested in getting elected

Arguments against a party membership crisis

Some parties offer to take people to the polling station, because they'll vote for them - bribery

Arguments for a pressure group crisis

Can act illegally to get attention

Some minorities are over represented

Not all pressure groups have the same level of influence and resources

Arguments against a pressure group crisis

The number of people joining pressure groups is increasing

Easy to access and join

A large variety to choose from

The government can't continue without them

Blame the public

ATOMISATION - the public have broken off into singular parts

Too lazy to vote

Think that they're vote won't count

Some people don't care

Blame the media

The papers are biased

They don't take politics seriously

Publish scandals which take away from actual politics

Blame the politicians

Can go back on their policies

Public can't identify with the policies

Diagreements between politicians

Lack of vision-they talk about the same things

The media criticise them whatever they do

For referendums

Representation of the public

Political education

Responsive government

Reduced government power

Against referendums

Unreliable short term views

Poor political education


Strengthens government -they decide when it takes place and what the question is

Weakens Parliament - the decision isn't made over careful deliberation and debate

Focus groups

Small group of people's opinions that represent society - used frequently by labour 1997 - 2010.

Recall election

A petition demands that an official should seek re election

The petition must be signed by 10% of constituents

The recall of MPs bill was introduced on the 11/09/2014

Citizens juries

Non specialists randomly chosen to express views about issues of public policy.

Used in the USA, Denmark and Germany

Primary election

And election held to select a candidate for a general election.

Labour leadership

For reducing the voting age

Responsibilities without rights

Youth interests ignored

Stronger political engagement

Irrational cut off age