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21 Cards in this Set

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1. What is a market?

Where buyers and sellers come together to trade (not necessarily physical)

2. How is the price of a good determined in a market economy?

By the interaction of demand and suppply

3. What are product markets?

Goods and services are bought and sold

4. What are factor markets?

Where factors of production are bought and sold (e.g. labour market, commodities market etc)

5. What is demand?

The quantity of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a given price in a given time period

6. What is the gradient of a demand curve?

It is negative

7. What is the law of demand?

As the price of a product decreases, the quantity demanded of the product will usually increase, ceteris paribus

8. What will cause an increase in demand?

- The income effect - a decrease in price increases real income (e.g. sale inn fashion stores)

- substitution effect - when the price of a product is decreased it will be relatively more attractive to people (e.g. flying when compared to taking a bus)

9. What are non-price determinants of demand?

Factors that lead to a shift of the demand curve to the right or left

10. List three non-price determinants of demand

1. Income

2. Price of other products

3. Tastes/preferences

11. What is a normal good?

Goods that you buy more of when you have more money (e.g. clothes, technology)

12. What are inferior goods?

Goods that you will avoid when you have more money (demand disappears) e.g. going by bus

13. How does increased income affect normal and inferior goods?

Increased income increases demand of normal goods and decreases demand for inferior goods

14. What are substitute goods?

An increase in the price of one good will result in an increase in the demand for the other

15. What are complementary goods?

An increase in the price of one goods results in a decrease in the demand for the other

16. What other factors affect the demand for a good?

- size of the population

- changes in the age structure in the population

- changes in income distribution

- government policy changes

- seasonal changes

17. How does a change in the price of the good affect the demand curve?

It creates movement along the demand curve

18. How will a change in any other factor affect the demand curve?

It will create a shift of the whole curve

19. What is the function for demand?

Qd = a - bP

where b is the slope, a is the y intercept and P is price

20. What happens when a changes?

We have a shift

21. What happens when b changes?

We have a change in slope