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42 Cards in this Set

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IAP (used in Wada Test)
Intracarotid amobarbitol procedure. Some use Brevitol
Iatrogenic Effect
unintended and unfavorable response to treatment resulting from treatment. Think cancer and bad drug interactions. Iatrogenesis literally means "brought forth by a healer"
internal carotid artery
Iconic Memory or Echoic Storage
sensory memory for visual material -large capacity - short duration
sudden event - usually refers to seizures (interictal is the time between siezures)
Ideational Apraxia
the one where you cannot effectively plan out a series of gestures to complete a motor task - often comorbid with ideomotor
Ideomotor Apraxia
the one where you have trouble performing motor tasks upon request - classic body part for tool errors
orthography - figure represents object as in Chinese - no phonology required
unintelligible speech
disease of unknown cause
Imaginal Code
memory code derived from processing an image
independent medical examination
WHO definition - loss or abnormality of structure or function that leads to a disability
impairments in visual spatial perception - as in neglect
Implicit Memory
Nondeclarative type of memory - typically occurs without conscious mediation
number of new cases occurring within a specific time period
Incidental Learning
learning that occurs without volitional effort
Inconsistent words
words whose pronunciation follows grapheme to phoneme conversion rules but have visual "neighbors" that dont follow the rules (hint, pint)
Independent Variable
variable that is experimentally manipulated to determine effect on dep var
Infarction Cerebral
area of necrosis/tissue death as as result of vascular insufficiency
change in pitch or tone of voice or suffix added to morpheme to change grammatical status
Initiation Deficit
failure to act or need for cueing despite ability to perform behavior. mesial frontal cortex
Inner Speech
experience of hearing one's own words without speaking
Innervation Apraxia or Limb Kinetic Apraxia
hand clumsiness that exceeds weakness or tone impairment. more of a pyramidal system disorder than a true apraxia
cerebral cortex concealed from surface and lying at the bottom of the Sylvian/lateral fissure
ability to understand complex ideas, adapt to environment, learn from experience, reason, problem solve
summary score reflecting performance on measure of intelligence
ICU psychosis
confusion following surgery - considered result of surgical environment not surgery - clears rapidly
Intention Tremor
dysmetria that intensifies when a voluntary movement is attempted- sign of cerebellar dysfunction
naturally occuring protein that suppresses immune system. Interferon therapy used in MS
The interhemispheric fissure is also known as the
longitudinal fissure
Internal Consistency
estimate of the reliability of a measure based on correlation of items within a test. Coefficient Alpha
international classification of diseases published by WHO
Intracranial Pressure (ICP)
pressure within cranial vault results from increased CSF, blood or brain volume - tumors, edema.
Inversion Error
reading error due to letter inversion (but for put)
Involuntary Movement
movements associated with disorders of the extrapyramidal system (chorea, athetosis, dystonia, tics, tremor) usually not present during sleep
occurring on the same side
lack of adequate blood flow
Ischemic Penumbra
portion of ischemic region surrounding the dead tissue - may recover if re-perfusion occurs quickly
Ishihara Test of Color Blindness
pseudoisochromatic test plates used to assess color vision
Isocortex is also known as the
record obtained from a pair of equipotential electrodes - often associated with assessment of brain death