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25 Cards in this Set

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Cogwheel rigidity

An abnormal rigidity in muscles characterised by jerky movements when passively stretched

Causes: Parkinson's

Persistent hiccough

The most common cause of long term hiccups is damage to or irratation of the vagal or phrenic nerves

Causes: chronic renal failure, metabolic uraemia

Charcot joints

AKA neuropathic arthropathy

Pain (present in 75%), swelling, distortion and effusion due to peripheral neuropathy

Causes: originally described in syphilis patient, now most commonly seen in diabetics. Lower limb - tabes dorsalis, in upper limb - sygringomyelia

Horner Syndrome

Presents with ptosis, miosis, anhydrosis and enopthalmos

Cause: interruption of sympathetic supply to face

Plantar fasceitis

Painful inflammatory process of the plantar fascia. Longstanding fasceitis can cause more degenerative than inflammatory changes.

Presents with difficulty bending the foot

Causes: high BMI, long weight bearing


Arching of body with neck in hyperextension

Causes: tetanus


Any condition affecting bones and joints

Secondary hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy - clubbing of digits, periostitis of long bones, ossifying periostitis and arthritis.

AKA Bamburger-Marie syndrome

Causes: many pulmonary and cardiac causes

Lupus Vulgaris

AKA Tuberculosis luposa

TB of the skin presenting with painful nodules most common on the face, around the ears and nose. May ultimately cause ulcerative lesions if left untreated. Characteristic apple jelly nodules

Pancoast syndrome

Apical lung cancer with ipsilateral Horner syndrome due to invasion of sympathetic trunk. Presents with hoarse voice or bovine cough, severe pain in shoulder radiating towards axilla and scapula and along ulnar aspect to muscles of the hand, atrophy of hand and arm muscle and compression of blood vessels causing oedema. Mostly sqamous cell carcinomas or adenocarcinomas


Complete or non-complete paralysis of the legs and possibly trunk, but not the arms. The extent to which the trunk is affected depends on the level of the injury.

Cause: LMN injury below level of T1

Microaneurysm of the eye

Background retinopathy seen as dots

Causes: commonly DM, hypertension

de Musset sign

Rhythmic nodding or bobbing of the head in synchrony to the heartbeat. Presents with a wide pulse pressure

Causes: aortic insufficiency/regurgitation


Broad, bifid (notched) P waves on several of the leads on an ECG

Causes: mitral valve disease

Corrigan Sign

Full, hard pulse followed by sudden collapse, easily palpable

Causes: aortic regurgitation

Queckenstedt test

Test for spinal blockage of the subarachnoid space.

To preform: Apply manual pressure to jugular vein (to increase venous pressure)

Positive for blockage - CSF pressure does not change

Negative for block - CSF pressure rises with venous pressure

Magenta tongue

Purplish red tongue with oedema and flattened papillae

Cause: Riboflavin deficiency (Vit B2)

Rice water stools

Clear, watery stool with a vaguely fishy odour, containing flecks of mucus, likened to water from boiled rice

Causes: cholera

Central scotoma

An isolated area of varying shape and size within the visual field where vision is absent or depressed, involving the fixation point

Causes: lesion between optic nerve head and optic chiasm. Mutiple sclerosis, methyl alcohol, nutritional causes, vascular causes, glioma, simple glaucoma

Duroziez sign (murmur)

A two-phase murmur over peripheral arteries, especially over femoral artery due to eb and flow of blood

Cause: aortic insufficiency

Target cells

An erythrocyte with a dark center surrounded by a light band that again is encircled by a darker ring; it thus resembles a shooting target

Causes: target-cell anemias, after splenectomy, Thalassemia


Seperation of the nail from the nail bed

Causes: psoriasis, fungal infection, trauma, thyrotoxicosis, tetracyclines


Involuntary sustained muscle contractions

Causes: irritability of peripheral or central nervous system, low Ca, low Mg, hyperventilation, hypoparathyroidism, rickets, uremia

Pel-Ebstein fever

AKA Ebstein-Cardarelli fever

Condition associated with Hodgkins Lymphoma where the patient suffers from cyclic increase and decrease of fevers over one to two weeks

Parastesia and absent reflexes

Lower motor neuron injury

Distended chest veins and oedema at arms and face

SVC obstuction