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6 Cards in this Set

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what dates was the administration of John Adams?
How did federalist power decline in the election of 1800?
Republicans won presidency (Jefferson) and both houses of congress
Why was the republican victory referred to as the revolution of 1800?
It meant repudiation by a majority of the voters of the aristocratic theory of government by "the rich, the well-born and the able." Republicans brought into the gov the theory that it was the common people who should rule through their chosen representatives
Why was the election sent into the House of Representatives?
Jefferson and Aron Burr tied, even though Burr had been running for vice pres
What did congress do to prevent a recurrence of a similar situationi?
12th amendemnt- provides for the casting of separate ballots for pres and vice pres
What were the reasons for the defeat of the federalists?
1) reupublican criticism of the gov for using force in the Whiskey rebellion 2) bitter resentment over the alien and sedition acts on the part of foreign born citizens and recent immigrants 3) effective org of republicans 4) party rivalries within the federatlist party 5) resentment over jays treaty 6) growing democratic sentiment throughout country