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30 Cards in this Set

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What document told Britain and the world that the world that the 13 American colonies declared themselves 13 free and independent states?

declaration of independence

Where did Washington's army first fight the British after the signing of the Declaration of Independence?

Brooklyn, New York

Why did Washington need a victory before January 1st of 1777?

The soldiers would leave the army because that was when they're required time in the army was done; Washington would have no army.

In December of 1776, what inspired Washington's troops to keep fighting even though they had lost four battles in a row?

They attacked the German and the British troops at night, real sneaky like, and won.

Where did Washington's army get its first victory in the Revolutionary War?

Trenton and Princeton.

Ben Franklin asked the french to help us after our first victory in 1776. Why did the french say no to Franklin?

The battles the Americans won were not big enough, or important, to convince the french to help.

What strategy did the British try against the colonies in 1777?

In 1777 the British tried to cut off the communication between America and the rest of the world.

Where did the the Patriots win the Battle(s) that are the answer to the question before this one?

They hid in trees waiting for Burgoyne and his army, then attacked them.

What role did geography play in the defeat of the British General Burgoyne?

The forrest biome they went through slowed them down loads and made them extremely exhausted.

Where did Washington's troops spend a horrible Winter?

Delaware River, as they were going to New Jersey.

In the winter of 1777-1778 how did Washington save his army again?

He finds a very successful way to overcome small pox?

What is General Nathaniel Greene's contribution to our final ultimate victory over the British in 1781?

He leads the British away from their supplies forcing them to practically steal from the town people; the colonists began to hate them.

What is a siege?(a military tactic where one army...)

Surrounds the other, violently.

What do the french do that keeps the British from bringing help to General Cornwallis?

The french block off the passage to get to the General, cutting off all the supplies they need.

Where did the Washington's army defeat the British for the last time?


Who wrote the first draft of the Declaration of the Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

On what day was the Declaration of Independence signed?

July 4, 1776

What does Declaration of Independence mean when he says "these truths" are "self evident"? It means that..

These truths are so obvious they don't explaining.

What are the six self evident truths?

one) everyone is equal

two) god gives people rights that cannot be taken away

three) they include the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

four) to protect these rights, people need a government made by them

five) governments get their right to rule from the approval of the people being governed

six) when the government doesn't protect or goes against these rights the people have the right to change it.

What are unalienable rights?

Rights that can't be taken away

According to the Declaration where did these unalienable rights come from?


What specific unalienable rights did the Declaration of Independence mention?

Liberty, life and the pursuit of happiness.

According to the "Declaration of Independence" what is the job of the government?

The governments job is to protect the colonists unalienable rights.

According to the "Dec. of Independence" from where do governments get their authority to rule?

The people.

What does the Dec. of Independence say a country should do if its government becomes destructive of individual's rights?

vote it out/change it/throw it out of power.

In the 1700's what other word meant country?


What did the Land Ordinance of 1785 do for public schools?

It promoted public education.

In its first sentence, what does the Declaration of Independence say its two purposes are?

To be equal and free to the rest of the countries.

What document united the 13 new states, named them USA and was their first set of governing rules?

Articles of Confederation

What did the Land Ordinance of 1785 do for public schools?

It promoted education.