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147 Cards in this Set

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characteristics of a person "with spirit"
complexion: lustrous
eyes have lustre and brightness
state of mind is alert and clear
even breathing
characteristics of a person "without spirit"
Complextion has no lustre, and dull
Eyes are dull and cloudy
state of mind is dull and depressed
breathing is laboured or shallow
characteristics of a person with "false spirit"
Suddenness to be vigorous, clear look in eyes, talk incessantly and want to meet family members, appetite improvement, bright red complexion
Excess body movement usually indicates:
A Yang/Full/Heat condition
Lack of body movement usually indicates:
A Yin/Empty/Cold condition
An overweight body size usually indicates:
Qi deficiency (mostly SP Qi def) if they eat a lot with strong muscle and are forceful: excess condition, if they are eating less, flabby muscle and skin, fatigue and lacking strength: Qi deficiency
An emaciate persons body size usually indicates:
Blood deficiency.
If they eat a lot, there is excessive fire in the middle jiao or stomach. If they eat less, with loose stool, and pale tongue it is (Zhong Qi deficiency)
How does blood deficiency show in the face?
Sallow white color
How does qi deficiency show in the face?
Pale white color
How does yang deficiency show in the face?
Bright white color
How does cold show in the face?
Bluish white color
What does the color white usually indicate?
How does stomach and spleen qi deficiency show in the face?
Sallow yellow color
How does spleen deficiency with dampness show in the face?
Swelling yellow color
How does Damp-Heat (Yang huang) show in the face?
Bright orange yellow color
How does Damp-Cold (Yin huang) show in the face?
Dull smoky yellow color
What does the color yellow usually indicate?
Spleen deficiency and dampness
How does full heat show in the face?
Whole face is red.
How does Empty-Heat (Yin def) show in the face?
Lightly red cheekbones in the afternoon.
How does Dai-Yang syndrome show?
Pale complexion with red, to look like makeup.
What does the color red usually indicate?
How does cold in the liver channel present in the face?
Dark bluish under the eyes
How does cold and chronic pain show in the face?
A white-bluish complexion
How does Heart-Yang def with blood stasis show in the face?
Dull bluish complexion
What does a bluish complexion in children usually mean?
Which facial area represents the heart?
Birdge of nose
Which facial area represents the spleen?
Tip of the nose
What facial area represents the Lung?
Left cheek
What facial area represents the Liver?
Right cheek
What facial area represents the Kidney?
What part of the eye represents the Kidney?
What part of the eye represents the Liver?
What part of the eye represents the Heart?
What part of the eye represents the Lung?
What part of the eye represents the Spleen?
Upper eyelid
What part of the eye represents the Stomach?
Lower eyelid
What does a red and swollen upper lid represent?
A red and swollen lower lid represents:
If both lids are red, this indicates:
Damp-Heat in Spleen
If there are red lids with acute onset, this indicates:
If there is redness inside the lower lids, this indicates:
Full heat
If there is a thin red line inside the lower lids, this indicates:
If the lids are cinnabar red with a small water blister, this indicates;
If the lids are Dark red with swollen lids this indicates:
If the lids are itchy and hot, with watery eyes, this can indicate;
Wind, Heat, Dampness, or Heat-Fire
If the lids are dark, this indicates:
Kidney deficiency
If the lids are dark, with a dull-yellow complexion, this indicates:
If the lids are pale with swollen lids, this indicates:
Cold-Dampness in Spleen
If there is paleness inside the lids, this indicates:
Blood, or Yang deficiency
If the lids are pale surrounded by yellow inside the lids, this indicates:
Food retention
Green lids indicate:
Greyish, dull, or sooty lids indicate:
The tip of the nose represents:
The spleen and stomach
The bridge of the nose represents:
the Liver
The root of the nose represents:
the Heart
Red and swollen lips indicate:
Red and dry lips indicate:
Bright red lips indicate:
Wind-Heat, Qi level
Bright, cracked and dry lips indicate:
What do yellow lips indicate?
Dampness with heat or cold (stomach, spleen) or Full-Heat with Blood stasis
Pale, slightly dry lips indicate:
Blood def of Spleen or liver
Pale, moist lips indicate:
Yang deficiency
Pale, greyish lips indicate:
severe blood deficiency
Reddish purple lips indicate:
Blood stasis at the nutritive qi and blood level.
bluish purple lips indicate:
Full or empty cold, phlegm retention in lung
Bluish lips indicate:
Full or empty cold
Greenish lips indicate:
Blood stasis
Dry and slightly red lips indicate:
Empty-Heat of the Spleen, or Stomach-Yin deficiency
Dry and pale lips indicate:
Liver-blood deficiency
Cracked and red lips indicate:
Full-Heat in Stomach and Spleen
Dry and purple lips indicate
Blood stasis
Dry lips with acute onset indicate:
Peeled lips indicate:
Spleen-Heat, Empty-Heat (Spleen-Yin deficiency)
Swollen lips indicate:
Damp-Heat, Toxic-Heat, or acute allergic reaction
What causes goiter?
Qi stagnation, Phlegm retention, and blood stasis
the back of the tongue represents:
Kidney, Bladder, and Intestines
the middle of the tongue represents:
Stomach and Spleen
the front of the tongue represents:
The tip of the tongue represents:
The Left side of the tongue represents:
The Right side of the tongue represents:
A pale tongue can indicate either:
Yang deficiency (slightly wet) or blood deficiency (Slightly dry)
Red tongue indicates Heat. However, what does the added coating represent?
w/ coating is full-heat
w/o coating is empty-heat
What do red spots on the tongue indicate?
heat with some blood stasis
a purple tongue indicates blood stasis, but what are the variations?
Reddish purple indicates heat and blood stasis, and bluish purple indicates cold with blood stasis.
A sublingual tongue that is distended and w/o color indicates:
Qi deficiency
A thin tongue indicates:
Yin deficiency
a purple sublingual tongue indicates:
A thin tongue can indicate:
blood deficiency if pale, yin deficiency if red w/o coating
when the whole tongue is swollen, this constitutes:
Dampness or Phlegm
If the tongue is only partially swollen, this constitutes:
Qi deficiency, Qi stagnation, Heat
If the tongue is swollen with red sides:
If the tongue is swollen in the chest/ breast area:
Phlegm retention in the chest or breast, Lung-Qi deficiency
If the tongue has a swollen tip:
Heart-Heat or Heart-Fire and severe emotional problems.
If the tongue is swollen in the front third:
Phlegm retention in Lung
If the tongue is stiff:
Internal wind, Blood stasis, severe Yin def with a speech problem.
If the tongue is flaccid:
lack of body fluids or blood. the tongue will look "crumpled"
a Long tongue indicates:
a short tongue can indicate:
severe internal cold with yang deficiency (pale)
severe Yin deficiency (red without coating)
a horizontal crack in the tongue indicates:
Yin def of stomach and kidney
a irregular or central short crack in the tongue indicates:
Stomach-Yin deficiency
short, transverse cracks on sides of tongue indicate
Spleen-Yin deficiency
Short, transverse cracks behind the tip indicate
past Lung pathology
If there is very deep, midline cracks with small cracks, usually with a Red tongue w/o coating, this indicates:
severe Kidney-Yin deficiency with empty-heat in the kidney and heart
a heart crack can come in two forms. what are those?
shallow and normal body color shows a constitutional tendency to a Heart pattern, a deep heart crack shows a heart pattern due to emotional stress
a quivering tongue indicates:
spleen-qi, or spleen yang deficiency
a moving tongue indicates:
Internal wind (elder)
a deviated tongue indicates:
Internal wind (elder), or heart deficiency (young person)
a toothmarked tongue indicates
spleen-qi deficiency
thin coating with root
healthy stomach-qi
thick coating with root
strong pathogenic factor with intact stomach qi
thin coating without root
Stomach-qi weakened
thick coating without root
strong, pathogenic factor, stomach-qi weakened
thin coating becomes thick
pathogenic factor getting stronger or penetrating deeper into the interior
thick coating in center
pathogenic factor in stomach
thick coating on root
pathogenic factor in the bladder or intestine
White coating on tongue
cold pattern, external, dampness
yellow coating on tongue
grey and black coating on tongue
extreme cold, wet or extreme heat, dry
if the tongue coating is too dry
Full/empty heat, yin deficiency
if the tongue coating is too wet
severe yang deficiency, dampness
if the tongue coating is sticky
dampness or phlegm
If the tongue coating is slippery
dampness and phlegm, oily, can't see papillae
if the tongue coating is mouldy
dampness or phlegm with stomach-yin deficiency, mostly only in elderly.
if the tongue coating is normal
white and thin enough to see the body color, naturally thicker at the root and thinnest towards the tip, does not extend to the edges of the tongue
presence or absence of coating
state of stomach qi
excessive thickness coating with root
full condition
sudden total or partial disappear
poor prognosis
partial without coating
severe stomach qi deficiency (geographic)
total absence of coating
stomach, kidney, yin deficiency
coating return gradually and slowly
positive sign
coating return suddenly
bad sign
distention more than pain or distending pain, not fixed
stagnation of qi
severe boring or stabbing pain
blood stasis
distending, throbbing pain of the head
liver-yang rising
cramping spastic pain, aggravated by cold, alleviated by heat
accompanied by dampness, burning pain with fullness and heaviness, better with cold
Intense and full
retention of food
heaviness, sticky tongue, softer than blood stasis
stiff neck, occipital h/a and stiffness
external windq
vomit indicates
rebellious stomach qi
sour vomit
liver invading stomach
bitter vomit
liver and/or gallbladder heat
clear and watery vomit
cold in stomach with retention of fluids
vomit soon after eating
heat in stomach
vomit sudden with food noise
full pattern
vomit slow with weak noise
empty pattern