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21 Cards in this Set

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What is information-level design?
independent of dbms implementation
Whats a physical lvl design?
information lvl design adapted for specific dbms
Whats a user view?
Set of requirements to support a particular user
Whats a cumulative design
collection of all the user views
Steps for information lvl design?
represent user view as a collection of tables, normalize these tables. identify primary keys, merge these tables w/ the cumulative design
How do you make a one to many relationship. (and one to one)
put the primary key of the one entity into the other table as the foreign key.
How do you make a many to many relationship?
create a new table whose primary key is the combination of keys of the original tables
Alternate key
key that could have been chosen as primary key
secondary key
columns of interest strictly for retrieval
foreign key
key that must match the primary key values of the corresponding row in a specified table
natural key
column that uniquely identifies entity
artificial key
column that is created to serve as primary key
database design language
ER Diagrams
represent the structure of the db visually
bottom up design
start with user requirements and work your way up.
top down design
start with general db design and refine until all requirements are met
absence of a value in a field. Null fields can be avoided by splitting tables
composite entity
exists to implement a many to many relationship
existence dependency
existence of one entity depends on the existence of another
weak entity
depends on another entity for its existence.
number of items that must be included in a relationship